• 该国血库属于美国红十字会。

    The country's blood banks are under the umbrella of the American Red Cross.


  • 他们的谈话发人深省使得在场每个人都清楚地认识红十字会所严肃有价值工作

    Their sobering conversation brought home to everyone present the serious and worthwhile work the Red Cross does.


  • 国际红十字新月博物馆于1988年日内瓦开放

    The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum was opened in Geneva in 1988.


  • 国际红十字新月博物馆存在是为了帮助冲突灾难中的受害者而不论他们国籍是什么

    The International Red Cross or Red Crescent exists to help the victims of conflicts and disasters regardless of their nationalities.


  • 1997年,威尔士王妃戴安娜访问安哥拉支持红十字会发起全面禁用杀伤性地雷活动,人们对此感到有些惊讶

    It came as something of a surprise when Diana, Princess of Wales, made a trip to Angola in 1997, to support the Red Cross's campaign for a total ban on all anti-personnel landmines.


  • 红十字灾区发送了架飞机救济物资

    The Red Cross has sent four planeloads of relief supplies to the stricken areas.


  • 红十字创立前线士兵与其家乡亲人之间提供联系

    The Red Cross was created to provide a link between soldiers in battle and their families at home.


  • 红十字已经安排了局部停火,以便让老百姓得到医疗救助

    The Red Cross has arranged two local ceasefires, allowing noncombatants to receive medical help.


  • 想为红十字会这样的国际组织工作。

    I want to work for an international organization like the Red Cross.


  • 多人积极投身于红十字会等服务组织的协助工作当中。

    Many people are active in helping service organizations (组织) like the Red Cross.


  • 的想法是:好好生活,不制造一点垃圾;采取不同的方式拯救环境,比如停止使用一次性物品;把不想要的东西给别人,或者捐给像红十字会这样的组织机构。

    Her idea is: live a life and try not to create any rubbish; use different kinds of ways to save the environment, such as stopping the use of one-off objects; giving unwanted things to others or donating these things to organizations like the Red Cross.


  • 克丽丝因英勇行为受到红十字表扬

    Kris was praised by the Red Cross for his heroics.


  • 红十字正在努力更多年轻人参与志愿者工作

    The Red Cross is trying to get more young people involved in doing volunteer work.


  • 红十字世界性组织起源于瑞士银行家亨利·杜南理想

    The worldwide Organization of the Red Cross stems from the ideal of Henri Dunant, a Swiss Banker.


  • 十多年来联邦快递一直美国红十字提供支持,协助国内外运送救灾紧急物资

    For more than a decade, FedEx has supported the American Red Cross in its effort to get emergency supplies to areas affected by disasters, both domestically and internationally.


  • 成为托基一家红十字医院护士后来又转药房工作

    She became a nurse at a Red Cross Hospital in Torquay, and eventually she took a post in the dispensary10).


  • 集束联盟、红十字国际委员会以及七个国家遣责泰国利比亚最近使用集束弹。

    The Coalition, the International Committee of the Red Cross and seven countries condemn the recent use of cluster bombs by Thailand and Libya.


  • 国家红十字应当以更加积极态度倡导公共风采的防范通过风险控制降低灾害风险。

    National Societies will be more proactive in raising public awareness of potential risks and means to mitigate or reduce disaster effects through risk management.


  • 温州地平线上点缀带有红十字标志的教堂,似乎在暗示着温州商业文化起源于新教个人主义形式理论

    Churches with red neon crosses dot the city's skyline, prompting theories that Wenzhou's business culture is rooted in a form of protestant individualism.


  • 理论上儿童青少年应该红十字运动受益者他们同时也机会作为志愿者参与志愿服务

    Traditionally, children and younger adolescents have tended to be the 'beneficiaries' of the Movement. They should also have the opportunity to serve the Movement as volunteers.


  • 红十字国际委员会相信这种情况下,以军没有履行国际道法规定的救护转移伤者的义务。

    The ICRC believes that in this instance the Israeli military failed to meet its obligation under international humanitarian law to care for and evacuate the wounded.


  • 国际红十字星期二警告说阿勒颇东部成千上万平民完全无处可”,敦促交战各方保护这些平民。

    The ICRC also warned Tuesday that thousands of civilians in eastern Aleppo 'have literally nowhere safe to run' and urged those involved in fighting there to protect them.


  • 国际红十字星期二警告说阿勒颇东部成千上万平民完全无处可”,敦促交战各方保护这些平民。

    The ICRC also warned Tuesday that thousands of civilians in eastern Aleppo "have literally nowhere safe to run" and urged those involved in fighting there to protect them.


  • 英格兰杂志编辑史蒂芬•加内特:“英格兰不敢我们国庆日悬挂红十字我们非常失望

    Stephen Garnett, editor of This England magazine, said: "We're incredibly disappointed that English people are afraid of displaying the St George's Cross on our patron saint's day。


  • 红十字,加沙死伤人数在上升这块巴勒斯坦领土基础设施受到破坏,平民百姓缺少必须的生活用品

    It said the death toll and number of injured is rising, the infrastructure of the Palestinian territory is shattered and civilians lack essential supplies.


  • 马里克红十字会成员只能着用消毒剂纱布和绷带处理十分严重伤口包括头部四肢残损的伤者。

    With only a few bottles of antiseptic, gauze and tape, Mr. Marek and several staff members attempted to treat deep wounds, including people who were missing parts of their heads or limbs.


  • 这些工作一个领域开展依赖所在国青少年重要性,这些工作也被国家红十字其他部门的业务内容。

    The work carried out in each of these areas depends on the important issues for young people in their country, and the work being carried out by the rest of the National Society.


  • 国家红十字应该鼓励社区成立紧急备灾委员会,由委员会制订计划指导协调灾害反应、进行备灾等活动

    National Societies can also encourage setting up community emergency committees in charge of planning, guiding and coordinating response and preparedness activities.


  • 国家红十字应该鼓励社区成立紧急备灾委员会,由委员会制订计划指导协调灾害反应、进行备灾等活动

    National Societies can also encourage setting up community emergency committees in charge of planning, guiding and coordinating response and preparedness activities.


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