• 结合江心洲污水处理厂污泥脱水实际通过实验得出了絮凝最佳投药量。

    This article accords to practical dewatering situations of sludge in JiangXingZhong wastewater treatment plant, optimum dosage consumption is acquired through experiments.


  • 结果表明浓缩污泥需要最少消化污泥所需要最多,并且各种絮凝存在着最佳投加量

    Results showed that thickened sludge need the least flocculant while digestive sludge need the most flocculant, with all the flocculants having optimum dosages.


  • 采用PFS - PAM复合处理餐饮废水不仅能提高效果,还大大缩短分离时间减少污泥体积

    Adopting combined PFS-PAM magnetic flocculant for treatment of restaurant wastewater can not only heighten the flocculation effect, but greatly shorten the separation time and decrease sludge volume.


  • 生成微生物絮凝(活化污泥)沉淀一个称为沉淀池压滤池的沉淀器中。

    The resulting microbial floc (activated sludge) is settled in a sedimentation vessel called a clarifier or thickener.


  • 通过对原水性质、处理效果污泥性质等方面试验化学生物絮凝工艺处理城市污水的可行性进行了研究

    Feasibility study of biochemical flocculation process to treat municipal wastewater was presented by experiments of raw water character, treatment effectiveness and sludge property.


  • 研究主要考察含油污泥过滤性能的影响以及影响污泥过滤各种因素,并通过实验确定了污泥最佳絮凝运行条件

    The investigation reviewed the influence of flocculants to sludge with oil and the factor influenced the sludge flocculation filtration. The best running condition is confirmed through experiment.


  • 介绍了卧螺离心机主要特点以及浓度市政污泥脱水中的应用,探讨了转速污泥浓度对饼含剂用量固相回收率影响

    The effects of differential speed and the concentration of sludge on the solid content of cake as well as the effect of flocculant dosage on the recovery yield of solid have been discussed.


  • 研究气生物滤池(BAF)反冲洗污泥生物组成、生物活性沉降特性絮凝性能

    Backwashing sludge of biological aerated filter (BAF) was studied with analysis of composition and activity of microbe as well as settling and bioflocculation performance.


  • 处理污泥脱水少量有机剂配合使用减少有机絮凝用量降低污泥脱水处理运行成本

    When dewatering sludge, it could cooperate with the few organic flocculants, reduce the use quantity of the organic flocculants, reduces the cost of the sludge dewatering process.


  • 排污沟的废水污泥中筛选到1株产絮凝剂的霉菌GXF9912

    A flocculant-producing mold sp. GXF9912 was isolated from activated sludge.


  • 通过不同水流剪切力下活性污泥絮凝形态微生物类型比较分析了水流剪切力活性污泥特性影响机理

    The influence mechanism of the hydrodynamic shear stress was analyzed by comparison of the morphological characteristics of activated sludge floc and the types of microorganism.


  • 絮凝微生物引入活性污泥中,研究絮凝剂微生物强化处理生活污水的效果。

    The bioaugmentation of flocculant-producing microbes to domestic sewage treatment was explored by introducing the microbes to activated sludge.


  • 污泥含水率考察指标,研究超声波-复合絮凝对石化剩余污泥脱水效果的影响。

    Sludge water content has been detected as the index to indicate the effect of ultrasonic and composite flocculants on the residual activated sludge in petrochemical water treatment plants.


  • 暴露实验结果表明,铝絮凝活性污泥影响是非急性的。

    The re exposure experiment also shows that the effect of the aluminum flocculant on the activated sludge in non acute.


  • 处理剂、污泥水剂

    Water treatment of coagulant, flocculation agent, sludge dehydrating agents. it.


  • 建议采用聚丙烯酰胺剂与铝类混联合处理的方法来降低铝的用量,提高混污泥后续处理的效率。

    The results show that combined coagulated sludge by polyaluminium chloride plus polyacrylamide has better digestibility than excess sludge or primary sludge coagulated only by polyaluminium chloride.


  • 选择不同种类污泥,采用28种有机高分子进行絮凝脱水实验

    With sludge of different species and 28 organic high molecular coagulants, a flocculant dewatering experiment was done.


  • 试验结果表明阳离子聚丙烯酰胺CPAM炼油废水生化污泥处理理想絮凝

    The results of the tests show that cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM) is an ideal flocculant for the treatment of the biochemical sludge from refinery wastewater.


  • 内蒙古科技大学校区内土壤、生活污水活性污泥中分离筛选三株高效微生物絮凝产生

    Three strains producing bio-flocculant with high flocculanting activity were screened from soil, waste water and activated sludge.


  • 相同PAFC投加下,化学生物絮凝工艺各项污染物去除效果均显著优于传统的化学强化一级工艺剩余污泥产量比后者减少10~15%。

    Under the same PAFC dosage, the chemical-biological flocculation was superior to the chemically enhanced treatment process and its surplus sludge was less than the latter by 10-15%. ?


  • 另一个不利的影响就是没有熟化的溶液没有作用,会脱水污泥一起白白浪费

    Another negative aspect is that non-matured solution which has no flocculating effect and is thrown away together with the dewater sludge.


  • 增值性选择性培养基活性污泥中分离出活性物质微生物b - 1,B - 1高岭土悬浊液进行性能实验研究

    Microbial flocculate B-1 is separated from high activated sludge by breeding and selectivity-media and is used in experimental research of microbial flocculation properties of kaolinite suspension.


  • 对生物活性污泥絮凝脱水性能的研究结果表明,LSDC提高沉降速度降低污泥含水率污泥过滤阻方面有明显效果,优于对比样CPAM

    It could be concluded that LSDC can obviously speed up the sedimentation rate of sludge, decrease moisture content and specific filtration resistance of sludge, which was superior to CPAM.


  • 该文报道了阳离子絮凝PD A城市生活污水污泥脱水处理中的过程优化研究

    It is reported in this paper that the application process of cationic flocculant PDA was optimized in the treatment of sludge dewatering in municipal sewage.


  • 研究有机合成阳离子高分子剂双氰胺-甲醛絮凝污泥处理中的应用。

    Synthesis organic cation polyelectrolyte dicyandiamide formaldehyde flocculant used in sludge treatment were studied in this paper.


  • 化学生物工艺污泥回流不仅可以提高去除效果而且进水水质波动一定稳定作用

    In addition, sludge return from chemical bio-flocculation process can not only improve the removal effect, but also has some stabilization effect on the fluctuation of inflow quality.


  • 针对季节性氨氮有机污染水源,通过回流生物预处理后沉淀池生物污泥絮凝,进行常规生物强化处理

    For seasonal ammonia and organic micro-polluted raw water, biological sludge in sedimentation tank following bio-pretreatment was returned to flocculation tank, to enhance conventional process.


  • 工艺在传统化学的基础上将沉淀池内的污泥回流化学生物,利用化学混污泥吸附的协同作用去除污水中的污染物。

    The cycle sludge was pumped to chemical biological flocculation tank and the pollutants were removed by co-operation of chemical coagulation and biological adsorption.


  • 污泥进入转鼓浓缩式脱水一体化设备之前,通过制备投加系统高分子絮凝剂打入混合反应中。

    Sludge concentration entering the drum belt dewatering equipment integration, Preparation through flocculant dosing system will be mixed into the polymer flocculant reaction vessel.


  • 污泥进入转鼓浓缩式脱水一体化设备之前,通过制备投加系统高分子絮凝剂打入混合反应中。

    Sludge concentration entering the drum belt dewatering equipment integration, Preparation through flocculant dosing system will be mixed into the polymer flocculant reaction vessel.


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