• 他们居住改建的公寓里。

    They lived in a SoHo loft.


  • 他们约定了区的一家餐馆里见面

    They agreed to meet at a restaurant in Soho.


  • 里克曼曾做过奈杰尔•服装师

    Rickman worked as a dresser to Nigel Hawthorne.


  • 他们沿普拉达店里宽阔台阶排列著,像是齐格飞尔德活报剧的场景,事故发生恰巧这里顾客说

    Ranked in rows along the broad stairs at the Prada store in SoHo, they resembled a Ziegfeld Follies tableau, said a shopper who happened to be there when the incident occurred.


  • 一个现象叫做效应”:因为意识受到关注,所以我们会不自觉改变自己行为

    There's a phenomenon called the Hawthorne effect: we change our behavior just by being aware that we're being watched.


  • 网络少数公司服务细分市场参与者

    But Sohonet is a niche player serving a relatively small number of firms.


  • 东德议会建筑取代了从前伦王朝的宫殿最终被拆除

    The East German parliament building replaced the former Hohenzollern palace but that too was eventually demolished.


  • 第二区的格林开设了一家舰旗

    The following year she opened her first flagship store on Greene Street in Soho.


  • 我们希望运营那的线路,只是光纤,”斯科梅尔,并且补充网络最初建立就是因为电信运营商不能提供这种小众服务

    We'd like to run a fibre out there, but it would only be a single pair, " says Scammel, adding that Sohonet was originally set up because the telcos couldn't offer the kind of niche service he does.


  • 子女都是她和一任丈夫托马约尔公爵工程师路易斯·马丁内斯·德·伊鲁

    All her children were born to her first husband, engineer Luis Martinez DE Irujo, son of the Duke of Sotomayor.


  • 个拉研究所小组采用了一种折衷的方法对其进行了研究小鼠人类肝脏

    A group out of la Jolla's Salk Institute has worked around that problem with a compromise-a mouse with a human liver.


  • 北爱尔兰学生阿伦·莫瓦森克拉拉·-科尔一举夺魁,他们继续参加芬兰举办得世界背老婆大赛

    Northern Irish students Aaron Moisson and Clara Hawthawn-Cole won the title and will go on to compete in the world championships in Finland.


  • 这本好看的中,斯比印象派现代艺术资深总监菲利浦·分析了这种艺术反叛在不同国家以怎样不同的形式呈现

    In this delightfully readable book, Philip Hook, Sotheby’s senior director of Impressionist and modern art, analyses how the rebellion took different forms in different countries.


  • 前者称为现代主义者”,他们为卡梅隆早年作为保守党领导人塑造环保人士形象,也由此产生之后的冰川以及惹人眼球的单车之行。

    The former camp, the so-calledSoho modernisers”, set the tone of Mr Cameron’s early years as Tory leader, hence his glacier tour and all that conspicuous cycling.


  • 克里斯汀娜·莫斯(Christina Hoff Sommers)美国企业学院学者(resident scholar),著有包括对抗男孩战争》等部书

    Christina Hoff Sommers is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. She is the author of several books, including the War Against Boys.


  • 俄罗斯出生的美国歌手塔克:“曾经有钱也曾经很贫困,请相信,有钱真好。”如果我们听见多尔科夫斯基引用这句话,不要责怪

    Mr. Khodorkovsky can't be blamed if he's caught quoting the late Russian born-American singer Sophie Tucker: "I've been rich and I've been poor," she said, "and believe me, rich is better."


  • 这些赏金猎人之一,斯考尔,就是那个战役之前几乎抓住人。

    One of these, Skorr, was the one that almost tagged Han Solo prior to the Battle of Hoth.


  • 公主朋友·卢克·天行者暴风雪外面时,德林不得不通知回波基地护盾必须在夜晚关闭

    When her friends, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, were stranded outside in a Hoth blizzard, Derlin had to inform her that the shield doors to Echo Base must be closed for the night.


  • 萨姆·样子就象具行尸走肉

    Sam Hawthorne had the appearance of a walking ghost.


  • 科文特加登地段外国餐馆娱乐场所四处可见,例如皇家剧院以及伦敦大部分主要剧院影院

    Scattered throughout the Soho and Convent Garden sections are foreign restaurants and entertainment attractions, including the Royal Opera House and most of London's major theaters and movies houses.


  • 雅文战役不久帮赫特人赏金猎人星系抓住了·卢克·天行者丘巴卡

    Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, a group of Jabba the Hutt's bounty hunters captured Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca in the Hoth system.


  • 这部电影电影院上映时,朗福德勋爵玛丽·怀特豪斯夫人等人并不热烈欢迎。

    When the film was shown in a Soho cinema to, among others, Lord Longford and Mrs. Mary Whitehouse, they did not receive it with rapture.


  • 仍然是个靠不住地方

    Soho was still a highly dubious area.


  • 是一个晴朗星期日下午罗瑞先生很早便走去。这里有习惯原因

    On this certain fine Sunday, Mr. Lorry walked towards Soho, early in the afternoon, for three reasons of habit.


  • 乘坐出租车前往区,会见一位电台谈话节目的制作人。他把引进办公室我说,一档关于超市蔬菜的节目。

    I took a taxi to Soho to meet a radio talks producer who showed me into his office and told me he wanted me to do a programme on supermarket vegetables.


  • 萨姆·本行业的大会上正面论及这种态度

    Sam Hawthorne tackled this attitude head-on in a speech to an industry convention.


  • 达尔内很快成为街区小屋,即曼奈特医生和他女儿常客

    He and Darnay soon became frequent visitors at the small house in Soho Square, the home of Doctor Manette and his daughter.


  • 达尔内很快成为街区小屋,即曼奈特医生和他女儿常客

    He and Darnay soon became frequent visitors at the small house in Soho Square, the home of Doctor Manette and his daughter.


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