• 水电站库区地质条件复杂可溶岩广布,存在水库渗漏的不利条件。

    Reservoir region of Suofengtying Hydropower Station has complicated geologic conditions, karst distributes widely, there are unfavorable conditions of seepage on it.


  • 一般来讲,斜拉桥诸多构件当中,斜拉荷载引起桥梁特殊位置弯矩响应不小比重

    In general, to the components in the cable-stayed bridge, the load moment of key position caused by the wind load on the cable take a large proportion of total.


  • 式管桥长输管道跨越常用形式,其结构主要塔基锚固系统式管桥等部分组成。

    Suspension pipe bridge is a kind of common structural form consisted mainly of main cable wind cable tower foundation anchor system and girder form pipe bridge.


  • 本文采用离散理论求得桁架振动方程,进一步可求得在随机荷载作用下桁架结构振动频率及其位移响应

    This paper has worked out the vibration equation of cable truss by treating it as a discrete system and solved the vibration frequency and the displacement responses under stochastic wind loading.


  • 考虑结构耦合作用研究膜结构垂直向作用振响应规律及特性。

    Considering wind-structure interaction, cable-membrane structure buffeting analysis under horizontal and vertical wind has been carried out in this study.


  • 由于拉具有极大的柔性,相对较小质量以及非常阻尼荷载交通荷载引起振动十分敏感。

    Stay cables are susceptible to vibration under wind and traffic loading due to their large flexibility, relatively small mass and very low inherent damping.


  • 抗扭跨度单斜拉桥结构分析中的关键问题

    Win and torsion resistances are two key points in the structural analysis of large -span monocable stayed Bridges.


  • 非线性分析表明通过设置可以有效提高结构性能

    Nonlinear computational analysis showed that the wind resistance cable can effectively improve the wind resistance performance of the membrane structure.


  • 把帆挂平,我们需要它吃满

    Sheet the sail home; we need all the wind we can get!


  • 结构广泛应用工程实际结构的系数结构抗设计重要参数。

    The long-span cable nets structures are being widely used in practical engineering, and the wind-induced coefficient is important for the design of the structures.


  • 最后体系特性进行了分析幕墙荷载规范对几种支承体系形式进行荷载计算。

    In the end, the wind characteristics of system were analyzed and wind load of several kinds of cable-truss Supporting system were calculated using wind load norm of the glass curtain.


  • 分析表明,对于大跨径斜拉桥斜拉荷载计算方法关键截面响应影响较大

    The results show that the calculation methods of wind loading on cables have great influences on the response of the key sections of the large-span cable-stayed bridge.


  • 介绍了塔架系统设施及工程方面要求

    Introduced here are the engineering requirements in the main cable, the tower frame and the storm-proof system.


  • 吹出粗野

    The wind shrieked a wild song through the rigging .


  • 吹出粗野

    The wind shrieked a wild song through the rigging.


  • 意味着进行静力计算时,如果忽略不同形式荷载差异对计算结果带来较大偏差,存在着结构应力超限可能

    This means that if the different forms of cable is ignored, it would bring a large deviation during the static calculation and result in the possibility that the structural stress run over the limit.


  • 在不明确斜拉不同气动措施荷载差异的前提下,盲目变更斜拉气动措施,可能导致桥梁荷载响应超限

    Without a clear differences between aerodynamic measures subject to wind load, it may lead to wind load response of bridge overrun if change the aerodynamic measures blindly.


  • 奥氏体等温淬火球产品包括ADI造纸美国英格公司生产ADI稿缸体机头以及国内负稿缸体系列产品。

    Products: austemper ductile iron products, including of milling plate for paper making , ADI cylinder body and machine head supplied to one of USA company and the user in domestic customer.


  • 三角帆结构相比方形结构带来了很多优势最为重要一个就是可以方形结构在近得多的地方行使。

    The lateen rig offered many advantages over the square rig, the most significant of which was the ability to pinch far closer to the wind than square sails could.


  • 研究分析考虑不同膜材料弹性模量、不同膜的初始预应力、不同的初始预应力以及不同结构高跨比对膜结构自振频率的影响,获得膜结构遮阳篷的振有益的结论。

    The results of the computation show us some variation regularity about the cable-membrane structure. It will be available for the further study about the response of the structure under the wind.


  • 点支式玻璃幕墙单层平面网结构一种较典型的敏感结构,目前荷载作用下,网结构主体结构的相互作用问题的研究甚

    As the plane cable-net with small rigidity large deformation is subject to side wind load, it is necessary to consider the large deformation effects.


  • 荷载作用下、斜拉和管道上关键点应力低于屈服强度表明结构具有很强抵抗荷载作用的能力

    The key points stress of the main cable, suspended cable far below its yield strength show that this structure has very strong wind-resistance ability;


  • 是斜拉桥关键构件,承受桥梁的全部荷载,在(雨)等作用下容易产生大幅振动

    Research into measures for wind-rain induced vibration resistance of cables of Guanyinyan Changjiang Bridge;


  • 是斜拉桥关键构件,承受桥梁的全部荷载,在(雨)等作用下容易产生大幅振动

    Research into measures for wind-rain induced vibration resistance of cables of Guanyinyan Changjiang Bridge;


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