• 我们以前也过,斯图亚特加雷斯斯盖特以及克里斯·那些曾罚点球,受到国家责备的人。

    We've seen it all before with Stuart Pearce, Gareth Southgate, and Chris Waddle, who've missed penalties and got the blame of the nation.


  • 通过短暂韦托之行沃尔威茨了解历史知道了那里生活服务供应面临的挑战。

    Wolfowitz had a brief tour of Soweto to understand its history, get an impression of life and the challenges of service delivery.


  • 我们以前也过,斯图亚特·,加雷斯·斯·盖特以及克里斯·,那么曾罚点球,受到国家责备

    We've seen it all before with Stuart Pearce, Gareth Southgate and Chris Waddle, who've missed penalties and got the blame of the nation.


  • 14美军化学武器基地包括拉纳克郡的阿伯弗伊诺丁汉郡的克·普。

    The 14 sites included two former US chemical weapons stores at Aberfoyle in South Lanarkshire and at Worksop in Nottinghamshire.


  • 例如以色列研究员·费恩鲁克·尼2008年调查了156名呼叫中心接线员,发现员工的条件越工作的不满意程度也越高。

    For example, overqualification correlated well with job dissatisfaction in a 2008 study of 156 call-center reps by Israeli researchers Saul Fine and Baruch Nevo.


  • 其他25名来自世界各地艺术界娱乐界小组成员包括有大提琴演奏家马友友慈善家特雷沙·海因茨,建筑家·以及芭蕾舞蹈家达米恩·

    The 25 panel members from the world of arts and entertainment also include the cellist Yo-yo Ma, the philanthropist Teresa Heinz, Thom Moore, the architect and Damian Woetzel, a ballet dancer.


  • 34岁的本•思豪上任做的第一件事是在澳大利亚布里斯班机场候机大厅发布了视频博客在那里了一段自己女友布丽娜•肯斯的视频。

    Ben Southall, 34, started by sending a video blog from Brisbane airport departure lounge where he filmed himself alongside his girlfriend, Breanna Watkins.


  • 技术进步我们运用光束,对单个细胞或者一类细胞活动进行操控。”克生物研究所(Salk InstituteforBiologicalStudies)的泰伦斯•谢诺·斯基(TerrenceSejnowski)写道

    "The advances allow us to manipulate the activities of individual cells and cell types using beams of light," writes Terrence Sejnowski of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies.


  • 巴西乐队指挥·巴巴多(SilvioBarbato)表姐安娜·克劳迪亚·杜特拉(AnaClaudiaDutra)告诉巴西环球没有放弃希望

    Ana Claudia Dutra, the cousin of Brazilian conductor Silvio Barbato, told the o Globo newspaper that she had not given up hope.


  • 诺贝文学奖获得者沃尔因卡(Wole Soyinka)将此称为尼日利亚式死法”。

    Wole Soyinka, winner of the Nobel prize for literature, calls it “the Nigerian way of dying”.


  • 沃尔·因卡(WoleSoyinka)赞扬这本书是“一部出自非洲特色内核英语小说非……白人角度出发。”

    Wole Soyinka acclaimed it as the "first novel in English which spoke from the interior of an African character rather than... As the white man would see him".


  • 沃尔威茨机会访问韦托在那里参观了收养被感染了艾滋病病毒母亲遗弃婴儿的“救世军”之Be thesda孤儿院

    Wolfowitz had an opportunity to visit Soweto where he visited Bethesda House, a Salvation Army home for abandoned babies of HIV-positive mothers.


  • 世界银行行长保罗.沃尔威茨参观位于波波-迪乌拉(Bobo-Dioulasso)SOFITEX公司通过本次参观访问沃尔福威茨将会获得有关该国棉花工业主导性地位第一手信息

    World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz will gain first hand knowledge of the dominance of the cotton industry when he visits the SOFITEX cotton ginning company in Bobo-Dioulasso.


  • 沃尔内的葡萄酒酒庄等级贩卖

    The white wines made in the Volnay area are sold under the Meursault appellation.


  • 工程支持贝马集团所有销售工程活动,技术销售通过项目管理充分机械和电气安装

    The Walsall Engineering Group will support Bema in all of its sales and engineering activities , from technical sales through project management , to full mechanical and electrical installation .


  • 哈里王子20格林菲小学橄榄球英格兰

    Right: Prince Harry, 20 years old, coaches rugby at Greenfield Primary School, in Walsall, England.


  • 进展朱塞佩·离开不会影响在乎大利的影响。

    It was hoped that Gez leaving would not affect Wokings Italian following.


  • 珠 穆朗玛峰表格功能瑞士艺术家迪尼工作

    The tables at Everest feature the work of Swiss artist Ivo Soldini.


  • 本季开始时,由于不想再犯法,西一度停止制毒,但他们旧业。

    Saul is trying to get Walt and Jesse - their meth-lab business in limbo at the start of the season, with neither wanting to break the law anymore - to return to their lucrative criminal ways.


  • 是从丙级联赛南方赛区沃尔队转会来阿森纳244比赛中打入137,进球高于比赛

    Bought from Walsall in the Third Division (South) he bagged an incredible 137 goals in 244 games for the Gunners, a scoring rate of more than a goal every other game.


  • 沃尔·因卡(WoleSoyinka赞扬这本书是“一部出自非洲特色内核英语小说非……白人角度出发。”

    Wole Soyinka acclaimed it as the "first novel in English which spoke from the interior of an African character rather than … as the white man would see him".


  • 甲,萨姆·约翰斯顿奥利佛·诺伍德参加了斯肯2 - 2战平沃尔·的比赛,2位首发出场

    In League one, Sam Johnstone and Oliver Norwood featured in Scunthorpe's 2-2 draw with Walsall at the Bank's stadium, with both accommodating starting berths for Alan Knill's side.


  • 股票行数保持三个子店因为交付热门线路可以加快沃尔·比较使用Purbrights自己的车队

    The number of stock lines was kept lower in the three sub-stores, because delivery of the less popular lines could be expedited from Walsall relatively quickly, using Purbrights's own fleet.


  • 股票行数保持三个子店因为交付热门线路可以加快沃尔·比较使用Purbrights自己的车队

    The number of stock lines was kept lower in the three sub-stores, because delivery of the less popular lines could be expedited from Walsall relatively quickly, using Purbrights's own fleet.


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