• 素食天使之素食食谱类别页面升级

    Vege Angel Vegetarian Recipe Category Pages Have Been Upgraded!


  • 随着素食食谱渐近成为食物宠儿感恩节可是试验配方的良机!

    Thanksgiving is an ideal time to test out new vegetarian recipes that could quickly become everyday favorites.


  • 建议一周尝试两次素食食谱或者慢慢猪肉牛肉

    I recommend trying a vegetarian recipe twice a week to begin. Or try to gradually stop eating pork or beef.


  • 这些网页上发现简单素食食谱特殊味道演示

    Inside these pages, you'll find simple vegan recipes with exceptional taste and presentation.


  • 素食食谱中的脂肪的含量都较低有利于降低血压,加速血液循环。

    Vegan and vegetarian diets can be naturally low in fat and sodium, helping reduce blood pressure and improve circulation instead.


  • 降低血压素食食谱中的脂肪的含量都较低有利于降低血压,加速血液循环。

    Lower blood pressure. Vegan and vegetarian diets can be naturally low in fat and sodium, helping reduce blood pressure and improve circulation instead.


  • 获取一些素食烹饪书从中找到兴趣素食食谱素食主义尝试各种各样肉类好吃的食物办法

    Get some vegetarian cookbooks and find some vegetarian recipes that interest you.vegetarianism is a great way to try tons of new foods that you may even like better than meat!


  • 个爱管闲事人和小心留在书桌上的一本素食食谱促成了事情的崩溃既是可怕的,也是一种解脱

    When it all crashed down around me, precipitated by a busybody and a vegan cookbook I'd carelessly left out on my desk, it was horrifying but it was also a relief.


  • 总的素食食谱150多个美味容易取得的成分制成健康食谱发现无故障吃饭,用自己方式更好的健康

    With The Total Vegetarian Cookbook's more than 150 delicious healthy recipes made from easy-to-obtain ingredients, you'll find it is trouble-free to dine your way to better health.


  • 没有成为素食主义者不是完全素食主义者--来说不大可能,正在找寻制作更多素食食谱。我男朋友都喜欢素食素食比如鹰嘴豆和土豆饼)

    Not going vegan or vegetarian completely – Also not in the cards for me, but I am finding and making more vegan/vegetarian recipes BF & I enjoy making and eating (like chickpea and potato cakes!)


  • 第一天开始可以吃蔬菜了,这份食谱素食者甚至是严格素食者都可以用。

    Vegetables are allowed from day one - so much so that even vegetarians and vegans can follow this version of the diet.


  • 作为个新年决心我们应该考虑照着做,发现一个极好的网站 —— 充满生命力的纯素食者 —— 这里食谱许多其它有用资料

    For a New Year’s resolution, we should all consider following suit. I found a great website at [LiveVegan.org] that has recipes and tons of other useful information.


  • 如果一个素食者,在食谱中吃到的时候,你都可以豆腐蚕豆豌豆坚果代替

    If you are a vegetarian, wherever it says animal flesh, you can replace it with tofu, beans, peas, and nuts.


  • 韩国素食宣布他们饮食食谱时,别人的反映通常是大吃一惊,做痛苦状问到“不会很难吗?”

    Vegetarians who declare their dietary eccentricities in Korea usually meet with a gasp, a grimace, and an “isn\'t it difficult?


  • 报道用了很大篇幅讨论两种饮食方式,一个是跟阿金博士食谱蛋白质饮食法相似的高蛋白质摄入计划,另一个跟欧宁胥节食法理念一致的脂肪素食计划。

    Most of the reporting discussed Atkins-style high protein diets as similar to the diet's high protein plan and Ornish-style low fat vegetarian diets as similar to the study's low fat plan.


  • 建议是每星期至少尝试个新的素食菜肴.如果钟意 可以把它加入你的主要菜谱收藏列表.很快 你的列表里就会5-10很棒食谱了 你会爱上烹饪品尝这些美食的!

    If therecipe isn’t that great, try another next week. Soon, you’ll have agood list of 5-10 great recipes that you love to cook and eat.


  • 请让再一次申明 不是每个人都适合做素食者.如果肉类狂热(曾经这样的 所以我能体会你的心情) 你可能不会对转变成素食兴趣.如果你的食谱很健康 或者你对你的健康毫不在意 你也不用阅读此文.

    Again, let me state that vegetarianism isn’t for everyone. If you are fanatically devoted to meat (and I was at one time, so I understand),you might not be interested.


  • 可能需要他们时间接受饮食习惯,你的父母一些素食食谱之类的书籍或者营养信息主动帮助他们买东西做饭

    You still might need to give them time to accept your new diet. Read vegetarian cookbooks or nutritional information with your parents and offer to help with the shopping and cooking.


  • 而且不论素食还是肉食者你会发现它们渐渐成为了你日常饮食(至少正餐)的标准。大部分7 - 10条常用菜谱如果你有很多美味的食谱你会乐于继续素食

    And really, whether you're vegetarian or meat eater, that's probably all you really eat on a regular basis any way (for dinner, at least). Most people only have 7-10 recipes that they cook regularly.


  • 可以试一下这些书如《如何所有食物做成素食》、《5中原料素食佳肴》、《健康亚洲素食菜肴》、《穆斯·伍德食谱》、《神奇的椰森林》、《素食食品其他

    Try the titles How to Cook Everything Vegetarian, 5 ingredient Vegetarian Gourmet, Healthy Asian Vegetarian Dishes, the New Moosewood Cookbook, the Enchanted Brocoli Forest, Veggie Food and others.


  • 听取我们单上建议,找出使饮食中获取足够的蛋白质其它营养物质的方法可以参考下素食食谱或者一些网站寻找更多的方法

    Refer to our sample menu suggestions to get ideas about incorporating enough protein and other nutrients into your vegetarian diet. You can also look at vegetarian cookbooks or websites for more ideas


  • 听取我们单上建议,找出使饮食中获取足够的蛋白质其它营养物质的方法可以参考下素食食谱或者一些网站寻找更多的方法

    Refer to our sample menu suggestions to get ideas about incorporating enough protein and other nutrients into your vegetarian diet. You can also look at vegetarian cookbooks or websites for more ideas


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