• 地铁系统里程数持续增长(French, 1979)。

    Its metro system continued to add on new mileage as well (French, 1979).


  • 1中的其他里程实现系统里程相关它们必须DOA之前的各自最后期限之前就绪

    The other milestones in Figure 1 relate to fulfillment systems milestones that must be ready by their corresponding deadline before DOA.


  • 目前为止,中国已经完成了北斗卫星导航系统的第三代网络系统,这是国家空间研究工作一个新的里程碑。

    So far, China has completed the third generation network of China's BDS. It was a new milestone in the nation's space research work.


  • 里程长度来看,仅次于日本系统,位居第二。

    It is second only to Japan's high-speed system in terms of scale.


  • 例如本文的Mileage示例可以一个报告添加立即内部系统发送里程报告。

    For example, in the mileage example in this article, you can send the mileage report to an internal system any time a new report is added.


  • Windows8前的里程版本已经被泄露互联网上,已经有了很多关于这个系统如何工作的研究。

    Early milestone builds of Windows 8 have leaked onto the Internet, and considerable effort has been put into figuring out how they work.


  • 总部位于约翰内斯堡Discovery集团制作一个名叫Vitality项目。它将“飞机里程积分”模式应用到了医疗保健系统

    The Discovery group, based in Johannesburg, has crafted a programme called Vitality that applies the "air miles" model to health care.


  • RGE项目的项目经理TobySchultzRGE能源车辆系统工程师轮流驾驶这辆汽车,成功刷新了M25的记录,里程230英里

    Alexander Schey, RGE project manager, and Toby Schultz, RGE energy and vehicle systems engineer, took turns driving the vehicle, which made it around the M25 twice, a total distance of 230 miles.


  • 每个阶段会得到系统关键里程版本并会对此阶段进行评估针对下一阶段进行规划。

    Each phase results in a critical milestone version of the system, as well as an evaluation of the phase and planning for the next phase.


  • 生命周期体系架构里程系统体系架构建立了一个受控基线项目团队构构建进行测量

    The Lifecycle architecture milestone establishes a managed baseline for the architecture of the system and enables the project team to scale during the Construction phase.


  • 里程测试证实了系统满足要求允许卫星进入最终发射出厂检验阶段

    Completion of this milestone confirms the system meets requirements and allows the satellite to proceed to final factory test activities prior to launch.


  • 空军采办程序中评审一个关键性里程并且系统研发演示阶段之后进行

    The review is a key milestone in the Air Force acquisition process and is followed by the full system development and demonstration phase.


  • 目前进行试验是标志混合电力驱动系统技术成熟度重要里程

    The test held today marks a significant milestone in technological maturity of the hybrid electric drive system.


  • 我们系统中,时间轴里程服务充当通知使用者因为它们接收某些通知兴趣。

    In our system, the timeline and milestone services act as notification consumers, since they're interested in receiving certain notifications.


  • 事实上,“影子”无人机系统达到个100,000飞行小时22,200,000飞行小时10个月后就实现了上述里程

    In fact, this milestone was reached only 10 months after the systems reached 200,000 total flight hours, and 22 months after the first 100,000 flight hours were accumulated.


  • 我们稍后介绍里程各种系统组件运行时交互时这个(行为)有意义

    The flow, or behavior, of the milestone will make more sense later when we describe the run-time interactions of the milestone with the various system components.


  • 协调异构系统甚至正常业务逻辑某个部分常常需要个业务对象(请参见重要里程——业务对象)映射一个业务对象。

    It is often necessary to map one business object (see Key landmarks — business objects) into another when coordinating heterogeneous systems, or even as part of normal business logic.


  • 系列教程一部分开发wiki的各个组成部分直至wiki开发完成准备好迎接黄金期,具有包括文件上传日历里程系统开放博客等功能。

    Each part of the series develops integral parts of the wiki until it is complete and ready for prime time, with features including file uploading, a calendaring "milestone" system, and an open blog.


  • 联邦铁路局说新安全系统只用在65000英里铁路(美国铁路里程140000英里),但铁路公司却预计系统覆盖里程一半

    Whereas the FRA says that the new safety system will apply to only 65,000 miles (out of a total of over 140,000), the industry reckons it will cover more than half the network.


  • 联邦铁路管理局这种新型安全控制系统应用6万5000英里铁路(铁路里程约为14万多英里),但铁路行业估计覆盖大半个铁路网络

    Whereas the FRA says that the new safety system will apply to only 65, 000 miles (out of a total of over 140, 000), the industry reckons it will cover more than half the network.


  • 一个里程碑似的系统任天堂wii游戏系统操作我们现实中的操作一致:不论是开枪,还是网球拍击球

    One landmark is Nintendo’s Wii games system, which is operated by replicating the movements we would make if playing for real: from firing a “gun, ” to whacking a “tennis ball” with a “racquet.”


  • 推荐基础附加应力系统运行测试运动可以成为里程

    Promoted builds on which additional stress and system test campaigns are run can become milestones.


  • 这个发现成为里程标志,它攻击行为生理学研究神经系统怎样引发不同行为的研究提供可能新型动物模型

    The findings mark a milestone in an unlikely new animal model for understanding the biology of aggression and how the nervous system gives rise to different behaviors.


  • 移动机器人导航系统利用卡尔曼滤波器融合视觉系统里程计获得位置估计值

    The navigation subsystem of the mobile robot fuses the position estimation obtained by a vision system with the position estimated by odometry using a Kalman filter.


  • 提出联惯导系统里程刻度因子在线辨识算法

    An online identification algorithm of odometer's scale factor in land used strapdown inertial navigation system is put forward.


  • 系统除了里程统计费用计算以外,具有万年历和语音播报功能。

    In addition to the system and the cost of mileage statistics, also has calendar functions and voice broadcast.


  • 结果表明算法解决铁路客票核查系统中的里程计算问题满足客户需求

    The results shows: the algorithm used to solve mileage calculation problems of exampling and verifying system of the railway bills shall meet customers demand.


  • 系统89C51单片机核心处理器外围电器驱动电路,实现车速里程信号采集处理转化输出显示功能

    The System takes 89C51 MCU as core processor, equipped with exterior-drivers to realize the instrument functions from signal collection to disposal, translation and output.


  • 系统89C51单片机核心处理器外围电器驱动电路,实现车速里程信号采集处理转化输出显示功能

    The System takes 89C51 MCU as core processor, equipped with exterior-drivers to realize the instrument functions from signal collection to disposal, translation and output.


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