• 越来越传统印刷公司正日益成为设备供应商产品包括手持式装置能联线检验印刷品检验系统

    Formerly traditional printers, these companies are increasingly evolving into equipment suppliers. The devices offered include hand-held devices or checkout systems that verify the printing inline.


  • 理想无线充电系统应该脱离装置束缚,就像无线保真蓝牙技术,只要是对应的设备需要专用适配器

    In an ideal world, the wireless recharging system would work, out of the box, like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices-with any approved gadget and requiring no special adaptors.


  • 全球定位系统几个电力转换器一系列对大量设备发布指令装置都被关闭了。

    The Global Positioning System circuit, several power converters and a set of devices that route commands to various pieces of equipment were switched off.


  • 多数任务都会控制适应性中间寻找一个平衡点因此有利于工作设备分钟控装置部分系统组成生控体系统混血儿

    Most tasks will balance some control for some adaptability, and so the apparatus that best does the job will be some cyborgian hybrid of part clock, part swarm.


  • 现在许多家里设备办公室也有设备,但前者的功能却后者更为强大更为灵活;同时,消费者的一些小装置以及网络服务绝大多数公司系统智能简易得多

    Many people's homes now have more powerful, and more flexible devices than their offices do; consumer gizmos and online services are smarter and easier to use than most companies' systems.


  • 超过90%手持电子设备,如媒体播放机电话数码相机全球定位系统装置可用设备可互换适配器充电

    Interchangeable adapters are available for charging over 90% of handheld electronic devicesmedia players, phones, digital cameras and GPS units.


  • 苹果公司发言人诺维丽重申,安装苹果公司iOS系统的移动设备从来没有追踪记录个人隐私,苹果不会收集连接个人他们电子装置任何信息

    Novelli reiterated the company line that iOS devices have never tracked individuals, and that Apple does not collect any information that can be connected to an individual or their device.


  • 托尔伯特优先尝试海湾交通管理局的铁路交通设计一种新的无障碍标准意味着这个系统告诉制造商车上应该增设些什么装置不是“另外去购买这些设备。”

    Talbot also spearheaded a new accessibility design standard for future MBTA rail vehicles, meaning the system will tell manufacturers what to put in the car, rather than "buying them off the rack."


  • 现场运行证明装置运行可靠配合自动化系统完成测量控制设备管理维护功能

    The site operation proves that the equipment is reliable and capable of carrying out the measuring, control and device management and maintenance functions together with automation system.


  • 机械系统用来工作系统装置汽车手持式凿岩机,包括动力源辅助设备

    A system or device for doing work, as an automobile or a jackhammer, together with its power source and auxiliary equipment.


  • 但是由于蓄冷空调系统加入了关键设备——蓄冰装置系统流程复杂程度增大运行控制方案控制系统提出了更高要求

    But owing to addition of ice storage device to air conditioning system, the system flow intricacy degree is increased and put higher claim to operating project and control system.


  • 数据称为硬件的专门设备来处理这些设备包括输入装置系统单位装置以及二级存储装置

    Data is processed by specific equipment that is often called computer hardware. This equipment consists of input devices, a system unit devices, and secondary storage devices.


  • 公司提供老式商业设备改造,增加自动穿扣整套装置电脑自动控制系统

    Note: Our company provides the upgrade of old-styled business file folder machine, increase the auto metal clip device and computer auto control system.


  • 数字控制器数字主控制器用于控制设备电力系统装置康明斯开关柜中数字主控制器配件。

    Digital Master control (DMC) This device is designed to control the power systems in a facility. It is offered as an option on Cummins switchgear.


  • 现代电力系统一个巨大统一整体系统中的装置以及用电设备开放性设备受到周围环境影响

    Modern power system is a great unity of the whole system, device and electric equipment are connected are open equipment, under the influence of the surrounding environment.


  • 本文讨论动力装置控制系统动态试验设备重要性进行了物理模拟试验设备的方案论证。

    In this paper a discussion is made of the importance of the dynamic experimental stand of a power device control system, and of the semi-physical simulating test.


  • 苯乙烯脱气丁苯橡胶装置苯乙烯单体回收系统主要设备

    Styrene degassing tower is one of chief equipments of styrene monomer recover system of StyreneButadiene Rubber device.


  • 垂直循环停车设备中,动力装置带动链传动系统运行,再经链条外伸件牵引存车托架循环运动,完成存、取车辆作业。

    In the vertical circulating parking equipment, the power device drives the chain transmission system , and the latter pulls the cages to circulate through the chain extension components.


  • 典型喷漆工艺系统包括喷漆通风装置气体净化设备

    The typical spray paint technology system should include spray chamber, ventilation installation and gas-cleaning facility.


  • 作为形容词用来修饰系统装置文件设备,表示发生故障数据丢失时替代使用

    Pertaining to a system, device, file, or facility that can be used in the event of a malfunction or LOSS of data.


  • 石灰硝化装置石灰乳制备系统核心设备之一

    The lime nitrification device is one set of core equipment in the lime-milk preparation system.


  • 我公司生产的热气发生装置空气加热装置、供气净化装置废气除尘系统等均被实践证明可靠的供气、供热设备

    Proven hot gas generating, air heating, supply air cleaning and exhaust air dedusting systems are available for gas, air and heat supply.


  • 安装电缆管道、电线固定装置马达查找故障修理以及维护厂房设备电路系统

    Installs electrical conduits, wires, fixtures and motors. Troubleshoots, repairs and maintains plant and equipment electrical systems.


  • 高温冷凝水回收装置密封式冷凝水回收系统关键设备

    High temperature condensate return facility is the key equipment in a closed condensate return system.


  • 发电机飞机关键动力设备飞机精密电子装置主要供电系统

    Generator is key power device of airplane. It supply power to the precise electronic equipment fixed on board.


  • 无烟煤过滤器苯乙烯装置系统主要设备之一,它有A/B主要用来过滤处理汽提后的工艺液。

    As one of the key equipment of EBSM condensate stripping system, the anthracite filter is composed of two sets A/B, mainly to filter the stripped process condensate.


  • 介绍了多缠绕式斜坡提升技术系统特点设备装置,及其采用安全措施

    This article introduces the features, equipment and safety measures of multi-rope winding inclined shaft of hoisting system.


  • 介绍了多缠绕式斜坡提升技术系统特点设备装置,及其采用安全措施

    This article introduces the features, equipment and safety measures of multi-rope winding inclined shaft of hoisting system.


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