• 可以选择省略特定软件决定文件系统布局选择用户ID身份验证方法甚至设置用户密码

    You can select or omit specific software, determine the file system layout, choose user ID authentication methods, and even set the root user's password.


  • 这一组合测试方法四个步骤:测试选择系统资源利用率评价内核代码覆盖分析以及最终压力测试评价。

    The four steps to this combination test method are: test selection, system resource utilization evaluation, kernel code coverage analysis, and final stress test evaluation.


  • 设置引导设备选择启动时引导设备方法特定系统及其BIOS

    The method for setting up boot devices and selecting a boot device at startup is specific to your system and its BIOS.


  • 方法提供用于逐步淘汰遗留系统可行选择

    Such an approach provides a viable option for a phased sunsetting of the legacy system.


  • 请考虑一个手动的“打印选择方法更改自动无线频率识别(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)无线条形码系统仓库

    Consider a warehouse that's changing from a manual "print and select" method to an automated Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) or wireless barcode system.


  • 文中介绍了生成用于标准VoiceXML浏览器选择系统VXML标准化方法

    You 'also looked at a standardized method to generate the VXML that might be used in a standard VoiceXML browser selection system.


  • 1972年:Ray Tomlinson网络带来电子邮件选择@标志作为指明属于其他系统电子邮件地址的方法

    Ray Tomlinson brings e-mail to the network, choosing "at" symbol as way to specify e-mail addresses belonging to other systems.


  • 天真方法日子——我们相信如果一个系统面向对象的(选择技术),那么好的——结束了

    The days of the naive approach — where we believe that if a system is object-oriented (or pick your technology), then it's good — are over.


  • 本文我们已经给出如何选择应用不同模式产品建立适合于otmps系统体系结构方法

    In this article, we've shown a recipe for how to choose and apply different patterns and products to create the system architecture for an OTMPS.


  • 例如对于一个系统项目而言,GDD环境中所选择管理需求变更方法,与关联于第三遗留维护合同的管理需求变更方的法很大的不同。

    For example, the way you choose to manage change to requirements in a GDD environment could differ greatly for a new system project compared to a legacy maintenance contract involving a third party.


  • 黑客可以根据所收集信息推断出可能弱点选择选定目标系统最佳攻击方法

    Based on the information gathered, hackers can deduce possible vulnerabilities and choose the best method of attack for the selected target system.


  • UNIX复制文件目录时,无论是相同系统还是在通过各种类型网络连接的不同系统之间,都可以选择使用各种各样工具方法

    There are a wide range of different tools and choices available to you when copy files and directory trees in UNIX, whether on the same system or between systems over any kind of network.


  • 选择系统建模完全有效方法但是到底选择个,取决于那一种交互作用重要的。

    Each is a completely valid way of modeling the system, but which we choose depends on which interactions are important.


  • 克雷可供选择方法是,创建一个人民银行系统”,股份分给全体人民,不知是不是可以算作传统私有化模式升级版。

    Nick Clegg's alternative, creating a "people's banking system" by giving away shares to all, may or may not be an improvement on the traditional privatisation model.


  • 如果组织发现将采取迭代化开发系统直接产品化风险太高,就可以找到选择这种方法原因了。

    The reason to choose this approach can be found if the organization finds that the risks in taking the iteratively developed system directly into production are too high.


  • 简单方法就是创建个双启动设置,即将多个操作系统同一台计算机上,启动可以选择加载系统

    One of the most straightforward ways is to create dual-boot setups, where multiple OSes are installed on a single machine, with a choice being made at startup as to which one to load.


  • 如此重大资产选择可能开发系统采取方法重大影响。

    The selection of such significant assets may also have a bearing on the approach taken to developing the system under consideration.


  • 采用某个基于面向服务体系结构原则渐进式遗留系统转换过程选择替换公司应用程序组合更加经济合算风险更低方法

    A gradual legacy transformation process based on Service-Oriented Architecture principles is a more cost-effective and less risky way of selectively replacing the application portfolio of the company.


  • 运行情况表明,混合推理方法增加挤压工步初始方案选择可靠性能有效地提高系统推理效率。

    The results show that the hybrid inference method can increase the reliability of the initial forming plan selection and improve the system's inference efficiency.


  • 维基各种论坛里,很多帖子给出了方法,号称能够条理清晰手动更改GRUN启动文件从而达到选择默认操作系统的目的——Google一下遍地都是

    There are a lot of guides around on wikis and forum posts that coherently walk you through manually editing your GRUB boot file to select the OSjust try Google.


  • 一矛盾情结一定程度上左右了近代思想家批判方法价值系统进而影响了中国近代化道路的选择

    This complex, to a certain extent, affects their method of criticism as well as their value system, which in turn influences China's modernization.


  • 文章提出了一种选择系统参数方法

    Finally, the method for selecting the optimal parameters in the system is proposed.


  • 应用单株选择方法称为系统育种

    Application of individual plant selection method known as the system breeding.


  • 模糊数学神经网络方法灰色系统理论有机地结合起来,应用于金山金矿采矿方法选择一次新的尝试

    The combined use of fuzzy mathematics, neural net method and gray system theory in the selection of mining method for Jinshan gold mine was a new trial.


  • 给出一种交互式模型结构选择方法开发的模型系统得到有效应用

    An interactive method of model structure selection is proposed, which has been applied efficiently in the developed model base system.


  • 系统总体框架中,分别采用成型工艺方法选择成型工艺过程模拟方法实现评价内容

    In the general framework of system, this paper USES forming process choosing and process simulation to make out the evaluation content.


  • 系统总体框架中,分别采用成型工艺方法选择成型工艺过程模拟方法实现评价内容

    In the general framework of system, this paper USES forming process choosing and process simulation to make out the evaluation content.


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