• 实际上一个芽孢系列过程最终产物

    Actually a spore is an end product of a series of enzymatic processes.


  • 高度保守泛素多肽系列的作用产生并且和基质蛋白溶解残余物相配。

    The highly conserved ubiquitin polypeptide is processed by a cascade of enzymes and becomes ligated to lysine residues of substrate proteins.


  • 过程系列因子催化的,这些和相关的辅因子统称为凝血因子。

    This process catalysis by a series of enzymes and cofactors. These enzymes and cofactors all be called coagulation factor.


  • 秸秆降解微生物代谢过程产生系列作用下完成的,而且需要多种协同作用。

    Meanwhile the process of straws decomposition is finished due to the effect of series enzymes in the process of microbial metabolism, which needs the participation of synergism of enzymes.


  • 进一步解释道:“要问,我能看到不同人类DNA聚合(蛋白质)系列一种大肠杆菌DNA聚合序列的可能性多少吗?”

    "I asked, What's the probability that I would see a human DNA polymerase [protein] sequence and another protein with an E. coli DNA polymerase sequence?" he explained.


  • 如果反应涉及系列复杂变化,或是转化会被消耗殆尽需要再次添加,这时就要微生物帮忙了。

    But if a more complicated series of reactions is required, or the enzyme in the process is used up during conversion and needs to be regenerated, it is time to reach for a microbe.


  • 系列尤其容易被基质金属蛋白切断氨基酸(蛋白质基石)序列。

    This is a sequence of amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) that is particularly vulnerable to the cutting action of MMPs.


  • 很多科学家相信这个化合物会影响人体系列功能,包括sirtuin和年龄有关的成为SIRT1sirtuin

    Many scientists believe that the compound affects a variety of mechanisms in the body, including sirtuin enzymes such as SIRT1, which are involved in the aging process.


  • 这些反应通常包括个反应网络只是一种而是系列进行级放大大。

    They often involve networks of reactions, not just one enzyme but a series of enzymes that serve to amplify each other.


  • 这些肿瘤细胞产生一整系列蛋白能降解包围它们细胞外基质蛋白,这也是部分基底

    The tumor cells produce a whole range of proteases that degrade the proteins of the extracellular matrix that hems them in, part of which is the basement membrane.


  • 总之这些结果显示癌细胞如何通过脂肪分解转化脂肪形成一系列具有促癌信号状态

    Together, these findings reveal how cancer cells can co-opt a lipolytic enzyme to translate their lipogenic state into an array of protumorigenic signals.


  • 中药活性物质激活系列降解纤维化基质免疫复合物进行降解,阻断纤维化恶化

    The Chinese Medicine active Substance also can active series of degrading Enzymes, degrading the Fibrosis Matrix and the Immune Complex, blocking the Fibrosis Deterioration Chain.


  • 动物模型研究表明这种维持以往通过系列公认行为学习得到记忆完整性方面核心作用

    In animal models, the enzyme seems to play a central role in maintaining the integrity of long-term memories induced using a variety of well-established behavioral learning methods.


  • 系列方法用来探讨这个问题其中一个常用的方法研究女性肿瘤,她们X连锁标记合子

    A variety of approaches have been used to address this issue, the most common of which is the study of tumors in women, who are heterozygous for X-linked marker enzymes.


  • 论文主要合成系列唯铁氢化活性中心六羰基二铁二硫模型配合物考察结构特性。

    Herein, a series of diiron dithiolate complexes were synthesized as the structural and functional models of the Fe-only hydrogenase active site.


  • 结果表明,无论镉单独处理还是复合污染处理系列菠菜氧化活性

    The results showed that the various of antioxidant enzyme activities of spinach is different in all treatment series.


  • 第四部分报导我们设计合成作为人工核酸系列新的配体以及许多不同金属功能配合

    The fourth section reports a series of new ligands and their many different metal functional coordination compounds as artificial nucleases were designed and synthesized by author.


  • 根据大蒜理化性质,采用不同条件阻止活化可以得到脱臭蒜素并加工系列脱臭蒜素制品。

    The stink-free garlicin can be gained by preventing garlic enzyme activation and taking (different) processing conditions according to the physical and chemical properties of the garlicin.


  • 主要研究内容包括处理症状表达影响系列防御活性变化

    The main content of research included the effects to symptom expression and the changes of defence enzymes after chito-oligosaccharides treatment.


  • 方法对102急性白血病患者骨髓外周血直接涂片,应用13白细胞系列单克隆抗体ABC免疫进行免疫学分型。

    Methods The immunophenotyping of 102 cases with AL were detected by 13 leukon monoclonal antibodies with direct smear of peripheral blood or bone marrow and ABC-AP staining method.


  • 淀粉系列组成,占据市场的25%左右。

    Amylases are consisted of a series of enzymes, which occupy 25% of the enzyme market.


  • 近年来,系列组合蛋白质工程研究扩展了南极假丝酵母脂肪催化物理特性

    In recent years, a number of rational and combinatorial protein engineering projects have focused on extending and tailoring CAL-B′s catalytic and physical properties.


  • 真菌突破昆虫表皮障碍侵入寄主淋巴产生系列的二糖水解其中包括海藻糖水解

    Fungi can produce several extracellular disaccharide-hydrolysing enzymes including trehalose-hydrolysing enzymes once they get into the haemolymph of insects.


  • 丝状真菌绿僵菌能产生系列二糖水解其中包括海藻糖水解

    The filamentous fungus Metarhizium produces several extracellular disaccharide-degrading enzymes, including trehalose-hydrolysing enzymes.


  • 方法以L -羟氨酸为原料,合成系列神经氨酸抑制剂,并用通量活性筛选方法检测其对神经氨酸抑制活性。

    METHODS a series of pyrrolidine derivatives were synthesized from L-hydroxyproline, and the neuraminidase inhibitory activities of these compounds were tested using high throughput screening.


  • 方法SPA载体上固定系列浓度标记抗体绘制抗体浓度-吸光度曲线,寻找SPA与抗体最佳结合条件

    Methods Used SPA method to immobilize the enzyme conjugated antibody of different concentrations! and drew the antibody-OD line.


  • 重点阐述了氯代苯甲酸系列合成方法,并简要介绍金属卟啉模拟仿生催化氧气氧化氯代甲苯绿色合成氯代苯甲酸方法

    And gave a brief introduction of a novel technology for green synthesis of chlorobenzoic acids by dioxygen oxidation of chlorotoluenes using metalloporphyrins as biomimetic-catalysis.


  • 乙醛脱氢(ALDH)催化乙醛变成相应羧酸化合物系列不可逆氧化反应

    Aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) catalyze the irreversible oxidation of a wide range of reactive aldehydes to their corresponding carboxylic acids.


  • 系列化学反应中,每个样本处理Burton能够通过检查它们荧光性水平确定每个样本含有少量的肌氨酸

    From this series of chemical reactions, Burton was able to determine how much sarcosine was in each sample by examining the levels of fluorescence after the enzyme treatment.


  • 系列化学反应中,每个样本处理Burton能够通过检查它们荧光性水平确定每个样本含有少量的肌氨酸

    From this series of chemical reactions, Burton was able to determine how much sarcosine was in each sample by examining the levels of fluorescence after the enzyme treatment.


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