• 由于模型参数选取有很强灵活性系列基金根据中国市场的特点作了相应的调整。

    Due to the strong flexibility in the selection of model variables, this series of funds has been adjusted in response to the characteristics of the Chinese market.


  • 这项基金逝世以后创立,它众多组织提供资助支持系列能够非洲病患提供治疗帮助难民以及阻止过度开采矿产的措施。

    Established after her death, the fund provides grants to numerous organizations and supports initiatives to provide care to the sick in Africa, help refugees, and stop the use of land mines.


  • 各共同基金各自情况说明书上公布包括贝塔系数在内的一系列有关风险信息

    Mutual funds publish information about risk, including the beta, on their fund fact sheets.


  • 美国精神疾病基金2002年发起了“会谈系列为的是精神病专家能够知道人们日常生活精神疾病影响的感受。

    The American Psychiatric Foundation launched the "Conversations" series in 2002 so that psychiatrists could hear from people whose daily lives have been affected by mental illness.


  • 英特尔总部随后星期二宣布最新系列研发基金计划用于促进开发新技术扩展英特尔芯片市场

    The announcement by Intel Capital late Wednesday is the latest in a series of funds that it has dedicated to spur technologies that could help broaden the market for Intel chips.


  • 为此世卫组织联合国儿童基金一起设计了系列婴幼儿母乳喂养咨询课程工作指导卫生保健工作者咨询员使用

    To this end, WHO has developed, together with UNICEF, a range of infant and young child feeding counselling courses and job AIDS for use by health care workers and lay counsellors.


  • 对乳腺癌酗酒缺乏锻炼超重之间相关性的一项全球性研究进行了系列最新回顾后,世界癌症研究基金WCRF)得出了评估结论。

    The estimate, by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), is based on its latest review of global research linking the disease to excessive alcohol intake, lack of exercise and being overweight.


  • 美国国家科学基金资助阿诺德电池研发需要解决系列基础科学和深入研发的问题

    In creating the new solar cells, Arnold, who is funded by the National science Foundation, is attempting to answer a variety of fundamental science and research questions.


  • 美国联邦存款保险公司提出了一个新的方案重建系列银行倒闭而几近枯竭的存款保险基金

    America's Federal deposit insurance Corporation proposed a novel solution for rebuilding its deposit insurance fund, depleted after a spate of seizures.


  • 基金组织传统贷款带有系列的附加条款。

    The fund's traditional lending also comes with fewer strings attached.


  • 系列客观属性主观性格结合,最终才能大学基金找到合适合伙人

    It's a combination of looking at kind of objective attributes and subjective characteristics and finding people who ultimately will be good partners for the University.


  • 系列伙伴包括联合国儿童基金欧洲疾病预防控制中心支持一事件

    A range of partners, including the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), supports this event.


  • 联合国儿童基金电台教育紧急情况中”项目未来数月其他国家和地区也推出系列类似工作坊

    UNICEF Radio and the education in emergencies programme will be conducting a series of similar workshops in other countries in the coming months.


  • 美国美联储降低联邦基金利率-利息银行收取对方-系列到0 . 25个百分点。

    In the US, the federal Reserve has cut the federal funds ratethe interest that Banks charge each other — to a range of zero to 0.25 percent.


  • 单子里包含了系列范围非常广泛的基金

    His list contains a wide range of funds.


  • Hadoop一个Apache软件基金项目包含系列用于存储处理大量结构化数据工具集。

    Hadoop is an Apache Software Foundation project that consists of a set of tools for storing and processing large amounts of unstructured data.


  • OpenID允许任何网站Web服务提供商得到一个用户的社交网络风格的描述。Mozilla基金试图创建系列公开可以任何网站浏览器实现标准

    The goal of the Mozilla Foundation's efforts is to establish a set of open standards and protocols that could be implemented in any browser or website.


  • 两支基金崩盘引发了系列连锁反应,最终导致这家有85历史华尔街老牌机构08年年初倒闭。

    The meltdown of these funds sparked a chain of events that contributed to the demise of Bear Stearns, an 85-year-old Wall Street institution, in early 2008.


  • 结构伦敦建筑基金组织系列活动提供场地,探索如何失去复原主题解决建筑问题。

    The structure will provide the setting for a series of events organised by London's architecture Foundation to look at how themes of loss and resurrection are addressed in architecture.


  • 家公司支持系列标准总线技术拥有数个董事会级别地位包括HART通讯基金、现场总线基金会、FDT集团ODVA

    The two companies also support a range of standard bus technologies and have several board level positions, including the HART Communication Foundation, Fieldbus Foundation, FDT Group and ODVA.


  • 全莉瓦提兄弟还将基金中的另外几百万兰特用于其它系列开支

    Quan said there was a series of other expenses worth millions of rands, which the brothers incurred out of the project funds.


  • 盖茨基金运作定下了系列规章制度明确要求基金会不得傲慢的“施舍者心理”,确保运作透明高效

    Gates is run for foundation placed a series of regulations system, specific requirement foundation must not have proud "almsgiver psychology", ensure run transparent and efficient.


  • 始于今年夏天系列降息,已经联邦基金利率到了2%。而对比4.2%的通货膨胀率,这样的利率有些让人感到不安。

    After a series of cuts since the summer, the fed-funds rate, at 2%, looks uncomfortably low when set against headline inflation at 4.2%.


  • 比尔梅琳达·盖茨基金为这项研究提供部分资金研究发表柳叶刀医学期刊上,是系列关于消灭疟疾报告的一部分。

    The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation partly financed the research. The study appears in the Lancet medical journal in a series of reports on eliminating malaria.


  • 文章回顾清华大学通过科学基金取得系列结果

    The results of science funding in Tsinghua University are reviewed in this paper.


  • 我们提供系列共同基金产品以及资金管理资产分配计划

    We also offer a full line of mutual fund products as well as money management and asset allocations programs.


  • 同样一年,在面对俄罗斯拖欠债务对冲基金倒闭而短暂惊慌,美联储系列减息动作背后市场暴涨

    And in 1998, after briefly panicking in the face of Russian debt defaults and hedge-fund collapses, the markets surged on the back of the Fed's actions.


  • 同样一年,在面对俄罗斯拖欠债务对冲基金倒闭而短暂惊慌,美联储系列减息动作背后市场暴涨

    And in 1998, after briefly panicking in the face of Russian debt defaults and hedge-fund collapses, the markets surged on the back of the Fed's actions.


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