• 太阳行星又是由什么组成的?

    How do you make the planets in our solar system?


  • 我们的图是xy坐标,在这里我们可以。

    Well, we had here a picture in xy coordinates where we had our sides.


  • 截面最小二乘圆心绝对坐标位置影响圆柱度形状误差大小的重要因素

    The position of the least square center for a cross section in the absolute coordinate system is an important factor that affects cylindrical form errors.


  • 天文学家可能需要重新考虑外行星其星内的全部成员然后才能确定该行星是否居住。

    Astronomers may have to consider the whole family of exoplanets in a system before determining if one is habitable or not.


  • 当时就连太阳宿星人不能直接存有因为双方之间的交流受到极大限制

    Even the Pleiadians within the Solar System could not reach the Ascended beings directly as the contact was extremely limited.


  • 所以告诉我们dAuv坐标中的面积元素,将xy坐标内的,面积元素大了5

    So, that tells us that dA prime, the area element in uv coordinate is worth five times more than the area element in the xy coordinate.


  • 一方面说Mann只不过愿意点钱换取数学多维空间内的体育方面争执结果。

    In other words, Mann is more than willing to donate a few pounds to a good cause in order to pursue a sporting spat in mathematical hyperspace.


  • 虽然我们太阳内的一些卫星视为外星生命潜在庇护所,但却没有任何一颗卫星地球这么适宜居住

    Although some moons in our own solar system have been flagged as possible havens for extraterrestrial life, none is as plainly habitable as Earth.


  • 全球寒武个全球标准层型剖面点位——“芙蓉”和“排碧底界层型正式我国确立

    The first intra-Cambrian GSSP for the base of global Furongian Series and Paibian Stage has been established in South China.


  • 这次研究合作者说,火星迅速形成可以解释为什么体积那么原因,可以说我们太阳侏儒行星了。

    Mars’s rapid formation might help explain why it is so smallthe runt of the planetary litter among inner worlds in our solar systemsay the study’s co-authors.


  • 太阳行星拥有的卫星很少的,金星水星没有卫星,火星两颗卫星,但我们的比起来就像是小小的鹅卵石

    Moons are rare in the inner solar system: Venus and Mercury don't have any, and Mars's two moons are tiny pebbles in comparison with ours.


  • 这次研究合作者说,火星迅速形成可以解释为什么体积那么原因,可以说我们太阳侏儒行星了。

    Mars's rapid formation might help explain why it is so small - the runt of the planetary litter among inner worlds in our solar system - say the study's co-authors.


  • 这种不规则时期可能已经持续了几百万期间,位于热木星原有轨道以及轨道上的任何内的岩石行星都有可能毁灭

    During this period of irregularity, which may have lasted millions of years, any rocky inner world sitting in the path of the hot Jupiter and its new orbit would have been obliterated.


  • 通过观察存在极端环境下的生物,研究人员发现液态水只能有限范围温度压力下供生物使用这些发现会让科学家对外太空生命的搜寻集中到太阳来。 莱恩威弗说:“我们猜想在地球上找到的这些限制条件是限制所有以水为支撑的生命的基础。”

    After compiling observations of life in extreme environments, the researchers found that liquid water in only a limited range of temperatures and pressures can support life.


  • 一些研究人员认为拥有厚厚大气层液态甲烷泰坦太阳最有可能发现地外生命的天体。

    Some researchers think that Titan, with its thick atmosphere and lakes of liquid methane, is the likeliest spot to find extraterrestrial life in our solar system.


  • 这块塔吉什湖的陨石太阳其他陨石以及小行星形成过程完全相同,即:通过空间中的气体尘埃涡旋积累形成(同样太阳和各个行星的形成过程)。

    The Tagish meteor formed the same way all the asteroids and meteors in the solar system formed: accreting out of the primordial swirl of gas and dust that also gave rise to the sun and planets.


  • 鉴于早期胸腺细胞表现出具有生成细胞能力,小组提出是不是胸腺一些细胞通常来源于这些细胞。

    Since ETPs showed the potential to give rise to myeloid cell types, the team also asked whether some of the myeloid cells in the thymus normally arise from ETPs.


  • 太阳所有行星成员运行轨道都趋于这个平面因为它们是依据太阳轴心平面轨道运行的。

    The planetary bodies of our solar system all tend to lie near this plane, since they were formed from the sun's spinning, flattened, proto-planetary disk.


  • 几个世纪地球月球距离为人所,太阳公认我们太阳的中心,系内所有行星都围绕旋转。

    The distance to the moon was also known and a few centuries later, the sun was known to be at the center of our solar system with the planets in orbit around it.


  • 一个航天器被发射太阳最少探测到岩石行星(水星),它正在提供信息令人惊叹,其可能改写科学家行星演化的认识。

    A spacecraft sent to the least explored rocky planet in the solar system is providing surprising new information that may rewrite what scientists believe about the growth of planets.


  • 达特·博士:“太空生物学亲自出马,先行一步,搜寻探索太阳制造探测器,以便火星测试取得沙子。”

    Dr Dartnell says: "Astrobiology is going out there and being proactive, and searching and exploring the solar system - building probes to go to Mars, for example, to test the sands that we scoop up."


  • 大部分科学家认为月球块徘徊在太阳大小几近火星巨型物体撞击原始地球后产生。

    Most scientists think the moon was born when a huge object roaming the inner solar system - something about the size of Mars - smashed into the embryonic Earth.


  • 你们专家你们太阳其他行星寻找生命正因为那些生命形式不同你们地球上的,才会得出一个“假设”结论——那些行星上面没有生命存在

    Your academics look for life on other planets within your solar system, and because they are different from your Earth, assume that no life exists upon them.


  • 机遇号同胞机器人勇气自从2004年初开始探索红色星球了,找到古老证据并且穿越太阳发送除了令人窒息的图片

    Opportunity and sister robot Spirit have been probing the red planet since early 2004, finding evidence of ancient water, and sending breathtaking images across the inner Solar System.


  • 幸神星太阳奥尔颗假设气态行星昵称

    Tyche is the nickname given to a hypothesized gas giant planet located in the Solar System's Oort cloud.


  • 如果我们太阳天空中的运转轨迹描出,将是一个循环,这平面就是整个太阳黄道

    If we plot the position of the sun around the sky in a year, it will mark out a different circle in the sky which is the plane of the ecliptic of the solar system.


  • 太阳我们已知太阳最大天体,占有太阳质量的99.8%。

    The sun is by far the largest object in our solar system, containing 99.8 percent of the solar system's mass.


  • 海王星轨道以外一个被称之为太阳柯伊伯区域,接下来的几十年这个区域中靠近冥王星的位置科学家接连发现了许多和冥王星相似星体

    Over the decades scientists continued to find similarly large objects in Pluto's neighborhood, a region of the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune called the Kuiper belt.


  • 将近250,000条鳕鱼轻快地在漂浮着的周围游走,这些管用水泥船工具维持了水平面上。

    Around 250, 000 cod flit around five floating inner-tubes held to the ocean floor by cement moorings.


  • 将近250,000条鳕鱼轻快地在漂浮着的周围游走,这些管用水泥船工具维持了水平面上。

    Around 250, 000 cod flit around five floating inner-tubes held to the ocean floor by cement moorings.


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