• 研究结果发表小儿糖尿病杂志

    The results have been published in the journal Pediatric Diabetes.


  • 英格兰医学杂志一项研究指出患有糖尿病心脏病病人治疗如果联合抑郁情绪的调节,病情有极佳表现。

    A study in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that patients do significantly better when their depression is treated in conjunction with their diabetes or heart disease.


  • 细胞代谢杂志刊载一项研究宣称治疗糖尿病的过程中,自由基对人有益的,抗氧化物则会使病情加重。

    Because a new study in the journal Cell Metabolism suggests that, when it comes to diabetes, free radicals can be good for you-and and antioxidants might make things worse.


  • 杂志糖尿病治疗》中(PDF),研究人员研究容易被忽视的一些微粒——仅限于直径小于2.5微米的。

    Writing in the journal Diabetes Care (PDF), a team of researchers looked at the most insidious of these particles -- only those smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter.


  • 研究报告发表二月糖尿病杂志

    The findings will appear in the February issue of the journal Diabetes.


  • 这项研究发表糖尿病杂志

    The research is published in the journal Diabetes.


  • 研究结果刊登糖尿病医疗杂志上。

    The findings were published in "Diabetes Care."


  • 出意外老鼠体重脂肪含量都有所增加,并且有了胰岛素抗性和葡萄糖耐性,就是说得了二糖尿病这些科学家研究结论上个月Natral杂志上发表。

    Not surprisingly, the rats put on weight and fat, and developed insulin resistance and glucose intolerance—basically, type 2 diabetes, the scientists reported last month in Nature.


  • 英国医学杂志一项研究表明水果尤其是草莓苹果葡萄,跟降低患2型糖尿病风险有关系。

    Eating more fruit, particularly blueberries, apples and grapes, is linked to a reduced risk of developing type-2 diabetes, suggests a study in the British Medical Journal.


  • 发表于肥胖杂志一项美国研究宣称体重超重肥胖人群发生2糖尿病心脏疾病和高血压的说法是不正确的。

    A new us study published in the 'Journal of Obesity' has claimed it is' a myth 'that overweight and obese people are more susceptible to Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.


  • 另一个研究来自周四英格兰杂志认为也许有一天医生治疗妊娠糖尿病上会现在放手

    Another study in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine suggests that doctors may someday want to treat a rise in pregnancy-related blood sugar levels even more aggressively than they do now.


  • 美国临床营养杂志》上刊登文章显示,进行20年的研究中发现,患有糖尿病男性只要鸡蛋增加死亡率

    Men with diabetes who ate any eggs at all raised their risk of death during a 20-year period studied, according to the study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.


  • 研究发表本周柳叶刀杂志糖尿病特刊上。

    The study was published this week in a special issue of The Lancet devoted to diabetes.


  • 通过减少热量饮食猴子不太可能与年龄有关疾病-癌症心脏病糖尿病科学杂志中的研究报告指出

    With a reduced-calorie diet, monkeys were less likely to die of an age-related disease -- cancer, heart disease or diabetes, reports a study in the journal Science.


  • 这个课题研究超过3500名患者已经发表糖尿病杂志

    The research, published in the journal Diabetes, studied well over 3500 patients.


  • 研究发表糖尿病护理杂志(美国糖尿病协会杂志)网络版

    The study is published in online in Diabetes Care, the journal of the American Diabetes Association.


  • 美国医学会杂志这项研究表明,影响区域糖尿病趋势因素各式各样,基因构造文化差异抽烟城市化程度。

    Trends of diabetes in the region are influenced by everything from genetic makeup and cultural differences to smoking and degrees of urbanization, the JAMA study showed.


  • 《自然·医学杂志发表4研究有助于解释肥胖如何引发糖尿病的,以及两者是如何一起导致器官损害心脏病甚至死亡的。

    The four studies published in the journal Nature Medicine help explain how obesity might cause diabetes and how the two together can cause organ damage, heart disease and death.


  • 研究结果发表糖尿病学》杂志上,有助于人们更好地解释1糖尿病成因

    The results are published in the academic journal Diabetologia and should help towards understanding more about the causes of Type 1 diabetes.


  • 糖尿病护理医学杂志报道的这个研究包括652名1糖尿病女性患者。

    The study, reported in the medical journal Diabetes Care, involved 652 women with type 1 diabetes.


  • 而一发表9月卷《糖尿病杂志研究发现肥胖患者身上脂肪组织可以这么说

    A study published in the September issue of Diabetes finds that the same could be said for fat tissue found in obese patients.


  • 他们医学杂志心脏》上发表研究报告称:患有糖尿病病人心脏病发作长期短期死亡率高于患心脏病的。

    They report, in the medical journal heart, that patients with diabetes have higher short - and long-term mortality rates after heart attack than those without diabetes.


  • 美国医学协会杂志7月11日刊上报道该项研究分析发现患者服用羟基氯喹时间越长,患糖尿病风险越低

    This analysis, reported in the July 11 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, also found that the longer the patients took hydroxychloroquine, the lower their risk of diabetes.


  • 这项研究发表糖尿病护理杂志研究观察糖尿病人的长期血糖控制计算能力是否有关

    In the new study, published in the journal diabetes Care, researchers looked at whether patients' diabetes-related "numeracy" was related to their long-term blood sugar control.


  • 11研究糖尿病个月后说,在杂志上发表研究结果。

    Seven out of 11 people studied were free of diabetes three months later, .


  • 这项发表国际糖尿病杂志研究涉及163820名年纪318岁儿童研究人员查看他们服用抗生素的次数,身高以及体重医疗记录

    The study, published in the International Journal of Obesity, examined the electronic medical records of 163,820 children ages 3 to 18, counting antibiotic prescriptions, body weight and height.


  • 这项发表国际糖尿病杂志研究涉及163820名年纪318岁儿童研究人员查看他们服用抗生素的次数,身高以及体重医疗记录

    The study, published in the International Journal of Obesity, examined the electronic medical records of 163,820 children ages 3 to 18, counting antibiotic prescriptions, body weight and height.


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