• 他们审视这些精致完美画像

    They are surveying the finished picture.


  • 我们目标有机组合国内外旅游资源缔造精致完美旅游服务产品

    Our goal: the organic combination of domestic and international tourism resources, to create the perfect product of service in tourism.


  • 潍坊百盛相册凭着时尚经典领悟沿袭传统精湛工艺追求精致完美的风格

    The Weifang hundred abundant photo albums by reason to the fashion, the classics comprehension, follow the traditional exquisite craft, the pursue fine perfect style.


  • 以下短文将讨论小说酝酿过程以及作家是如何将小说雕琢一件精致完美艺术品

    The following essay discusses the process of conceiving a story and developing it into a perfect work of art.


  • 苍白脸色精致完美面孔这套装束衬托英伦低调的奢华法国高贵优雅完美融合了一起

    Slightly sallow facial statement and fine absolute face tie in this suit of set off below, England low opener of the elegant perfect fusion of sumptuous and French nobility at together.


  • 一方面,组织通常遵从罗伯特议事规则》(补充:罗伯特议事规则是在洞彻人性基础上,经过精心琢磨设计的。 正是这种对细节把握得精致完美的规则,才最大化地实现了公平与效率),并且任何人真正了解如何修改提议或者一个问题需要人数

    Large groups, on the other hand, often try to follow Robert's Rules of Order without anyone really understanding how to Amend a Motion, or the number of people needed to Move the Question.


  • 这部小说简短精致薇拉·凯瑟完美作品。

    Short, exquisite, this is Willa Cather's most perfect novel.


  • 家政课上的老师谈起的那种精致晚餐鲜花黑咖啡填补起来的菜品之间的停顿,在平稳、优雅完美的一天过去的晚餐,哼,会吃个晚饭吃得那么矫情?

    That exquisite dinner your teachers in Home Economicstalked about, the pause with fresh flowers and demitasse after a perfect day ofpoise and elegant living, well, nobody gives a rat’s ass about that.


  • 赛琳娜·戈麦斯非常爱这只极具女性化的MCM复古圆筒只包完美搭配她精致,完整(依然年轻)的风格

    Selena Gomez loves her ultra-ladylike MCM Heritage bowler bag, which perfectly complements her polished, pulled-together (yet still-youthful) style.


  • 正在寻找完美礼服精致请帖、技艺高超的摄影师、优雅动听的音乐、美丽盛开的鲜花以及其他东西

    You're in search of the perfect dress, invitation, photographer, music, flowers and more.


  • 正在寻找完美礼服精致请帖、技艺高超的摄影师、优雅动听的音乐、美丽盛开的鲜花以及其他东西

    You’re in search of the perfect dress, invitation, photographer, music, flowers and more.


  • 宁静大厅时尚玻璃楼梯上发现了新的含义完全服务酒吧完美地方精致鸡尾酒会一个朋友同事

    Tranquility finds new meaning in the stylish glass staircase in the lobby while the full service bar is the perfect place to sip an exquisite cocktail with a friend or colleague.


  • 它们可以非常,非常精致,非常美丽图案每种完美的方法

    They can be very, very intricate, very beautifully patterned and perfect in every way.


  • 完美商务旅客酒店提供宽敞住宿精致餐饮获得各种本地企业景点

    Perfect for business travelers, the hotel offers spacious accommodations, fine dining, and access to a variety of local businesses and attractions.


  • 这家精致好莱坞酒店欢迎风格一流客人提供完美的服务

    This sophisticated Hollywood hotel welcomes guests with style and class, and provides impeccable service.


  • 扩充剧组团队能够更加完美诠释这个故事几乎没有太多人物对白表演女主角艾米丽雅·福克斯精致优雅的罗曼蒂克气息十分吻合

    Expand the team can cast after more perfectly interpret this story, almost no far too many characters dialogue with actress performance, amelia · fox elegant romantic breath very anastomosis.


  • 简约花式地板精致精致家具、现代感的磨花玻璃装饰以及具有怀旧气息典雅吊灯构成了一个精致完美的复式别墅设计

    Contracted fancy floor, exquisite exquisite furniture, modern scratch the glass decoration and with nostalgia and elegant droplight, constitute a delicate, perfect compound villa design.


  • 企业团队拥有专业经验丰富印刷团队,精准把握一个印刷细节客户提供精致完美的作品

    Corporate team: Have a professional, experienced team of printing, precision to capture every print detail, providing customers an exquisite and perfect work.


  • 绘本插图创作上升纯然的艺术形式精致优美的绘画简练生动语言融为一体绘画语言两种艺术的完美结合

    Works of picture books illustration has risen to a pure art modality, beautiful pictures and dramatic words melt to one form, which is a perfectartistic combination of painting and language.


  • 照片中的女孩蜷曲沙发上,身上和服花纹精致复杂脚下波斯地毯的图案对比鲜明,布赖特纳根据张照片进行的创作描绘精确完美再现了原照的氛围。

    This precise yet atmospheric re-creation of his snapshot of a girl curled up on a divan, shows her intricately patterned kimono in sharp contrast with the design of the Persian carpet at her feet.


  • 这里多间餐厅和酒吧提供完美休闲社交环境精致美食以及来自世界各地最新融合菜式这里找到

    The restaurants and bars provide perfect setting for relaxing and socializing, all refined cuisines as well as latest fusion dishes from all over the world can be found here.


  • 简约唯美的手链,亮泽迷人的白金色涂层,搭配精致小巧的透明密镶水晶,完美揉合耀眼设计现代风格,而线条媲美天鹅脖子搭扣则优美高贵;

    Simple yet beautiful, this bold and modern design shines in rhodium plating with delicate details in clear crystal pavé. It combines perfectly with the matching necklace and earrings.


  • 精致高雅这些椭圆形钻石耳环箍,18K白金钻石展示整个娇小完美的画龙点睛任何合奏

    Delicate elegance, these oval diamond hoop earrings are set in 18k white gold showcasing petite round diamonds throughout, the perfect finishing touch to any ensemble.


  • 就是印象中完美的件吗?分明颜色不够纯正细纱不够轻盈,它珠绣不够精致

    This is my impression that a perfect do? Clear, its color is not pure, it is not enough light spinning, it's not very refined beaded.


  • 完美的减压假期的定义应当遥远的,精致同时也应该是完全自然的,被令人惊叹的大自然围绕着的。

    The perfect getaway retreat should by definition be remote, smart but spartanious and surrounded by breathtaking nature.


  • 进入富丽堂皇天使白色建筑物后,发现你已经进入了一个精湛品味完美的服务吸引住你,甚至使你感到晕眩的精致世界

    Enter the palatial white building on the Angels Bay and you'll discover a resplendent world of refinement, exquisite taste and flawless service that will dazzle and seduce you.


  • 私人度假-完美结合建筑精致优美景色

    Discover your private resort in Palos Verdes Estates - a perfect union of architectural sophistication and scenic beauty.


  • 私人度假-完美结合建筑精致优美景色

    Discover your private resort in Palos Verdes Estates - a perfect union of architectural sophistication and scenic beauty.


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