• 佛吉尼亚州长:“巴马实际上是看到美国经济里面小企业一边的情形。于是大家看看才是具有发明创造性具有企业精神的地方

    Governor Tim Kaine, Virginia:"Barack has looked at the small business side of the American economy and says look, that's where most innovation and entrepreneurship is."


  • 克里斯一位英雄,他用自我牺牲精神事业的执着,遥远地方我们带来那些不如我们幸运的人们新闻和故事。

    Chris was a true hero in his dedication and commitment to bringing the important news and the stories of those less fortunate to us all from far off places.


  • 不禁怀疑,世界上是否任何地方,能够刚起步时那种精神创造游戏

    I wondered if there was any place left to create games in the same spirit of the mods that I had started with.


  • 我们就是尽量精神健康角度出发城市变成个更适合生活地方

    What we can do is try and make cities better places to live in from the view of mental health.


  • 克里斯一位英雄,他用自我牺牲精神事业的执着,遥远地方我们带来那些不如我们幸运的人们新闻故事

    Chris was a true hero in his dedication and commitment to bringing the important news and the stories of those less fortunate to us all - from far off places.


  • 也许空气性质沉闷轻松变化,也许是她觉得已经到了没有用恶意的眼光看待地方于是她的精神奇妙地振作起来

    Either the change in the quality of the air from heavy to light, or the sense of being amid new scenes where there were no invidious eyes upon her, sent up her spirits wonderfully.


  • 而言,那种重要,需要总体上理解爱情就是对,神父观点不同意的地方,相信精神恋爱精神上的。

    And that kind of love for me is very important in understand in love in general. And that was my argument against the priest that somehow you believe in a spiritual love, which is pure spirit.


  • 有着鼓励、支持精神环境重建信任最佳地方因为这个地方可以给人们提供鼓励责任

    The best place to restore trust is within the supportive context of a small group that offers both encouragement and accountability.


  • 如今的精神急诊科治疗开始地方不是一个管制病人、分诊转诊为主的地方

    The new psychiatric emergency department is a place to start treatment and not one whose primary purpose is restraint, triage, or referral.


  • 自己的中国学问并不完善,因为以为,中国古典绘画中广袤平坦风景忠实地描绘一个地方的手法更具精神层面的意义。

    My own Chinese education was defective in that I had assumed that the vast, sparely rugged landscapes of classical Chinese painting were more spiritual lesson than a faithful rendering of place.


  • 美国其他地方摇滚正在进行剧烈融合蜕变出一种新的艺术风格,而披头士狂野电音精神盘旋在团漩涡之上

    There, as elsewhere in the States, rock is currently in the midst of a huge syncretic surge toward a new idiom-and the Beatles' wildly eclectic spirit hovers over it all.


  • 严格性在其奉献精神教皇书面反映封闭地方,在那里他度过82中的大部分。

    Both in its rigour and in its devotion, the Pope's writing reflects the enclosed places in which he has spent most of his 82 years.


  • 错误认识认为只有修行地方去过完全精神生活的人才找到获得内心平静

    There is an erroneous concept relevant, which says that peace of mind is sought and can be attained only by people who lead a completely spiritual life in ashrams or monasteries.


  • 这些问题存在所有国家但是印度我会看到这种顽固精神根深蒂固,也会听到周围的片面观点——一方面在印度这种情况别的地方糟糕,但主要还是因为适应

    These issues exist in all countries, but in India, I could see the bigotry in high fidelity and hear the stereotypes in surround-soundpartly because it is worse in India, mostly because I am Indian.


  • 另外一些人则设置临时休息点,为疲劳司机提供休憩地方还有一些富有创业精神企业家车辆提供“代为驾驶”服务,并按小时计费。

    Others have even set up temporary sleeping depots to allow tired drivers to rest, and some enterprising businesses offerrelief drivers’ to vehicles on an hourly basis.


  • 假如确认是否精神信仰上一致,那么去基督教堂犹太教堂寺庙等能祭拜宗教信仰地方

    If you want to be sure that you will be spiritually compatible with the person you want to meet, go to a church, synagogue, temple or wherever your religion has for a place of worship.


  • 加强重大传染病慢性病职业病地方精神疾病预防控制规范管理

    We will strengthen the prevention, control and standardized management of major communicable diseases as well as chronic, occupational, endemic and mental illnesses.


  • 日本人民应对灾难惊人表现以及世界其他地方对日本人民坚忍不拔精神的敬畏可能重塑该国急需自信。

    It may be that the Japanese people's impressive response to disaster, and the rest of the world's awe in the face of their stoicism, restores the self-confidence the country so badly needs.


  • “其他地方的牧民迁乌兰巴托时候,也同时迁来他们自身的精神特点。”著名作家、历史学家巴博尔

    "When people move to Ulaanbaatar, they bring that mentality with them," says Baabar, a well-known publisher and historian.


  • 精神仍旧在那个地方一路闲逛,或者正儿八经走一遭,巡视一遍,看看暴雨下水道线路以及拱形圆顶墙壁交互感应。

    Mentally he was still patrolling the site, noting the course of storm-drains and the interplay of vaulting and walls.


  • 我们有的是时间地方可以大喊大叫不是现在,也不是在这儿,”精神混乱病人说。

    “There's a place and a time for roaring, but not here and now, ” he'll tell a disruptive patient. “Can we talk...?”


  • 有时候精神的,这个意义上去理解,所以路上》里的句话写黑板上:,我们必须某个地方发现某些东西

    Sometimes it was spiritualized. In this sense, this is why I put this quote up on the board from on the Road: "We've got to go someplace, find something."


  • 最先庆祝劳工节地方纽约,时间1882年9月5日,当时为了庆祝各界劳工力量精神

    But the first labor Day observance was in New York City in 1882. It was intended as a celebration of the strength and spirit of labor and trade.


  • 父亲一同去了一些离奇地方旅游—‘那冒险精神了给。’

    She travels to offbeat places like Bosnia with her father - 'I get my adventurous streak from him.'


  • 地狱炽热的地方那些伟大精神考验保持中立的人预备的。

    Is the hottest place in hell for those who remain neutral in the great spiritual tests.


  • BBC2台播出的“维多利亚时代农场”系列剧里看到的一样,位于ActonScott山庄的亨利农舍就是一个你回到过去地方。 在那个时代,如果你和别人谈起无线上网手机,你铁定会被送Bedlam精神病院。

    As seen on BBC2's Victorian Farm series, Henley Cottage on the Acton Scott Estate promises an escape into a time when to talk of wireless mobile telephony would have earned you a place in Bedlam.


  • BBC2台播出的“维多利亚时代农场”系列剧里看到的一样,位于ActonScott山庄的亨利农舍就是一个你回到过去地方。 在那个时代,如果你和别人谈起无线上网手机,你铁定会被送Bedlam精神病院。

    As seen on BBC2's Victorian Farm series, Henley Cottage on the Acton Scott Estate promises an escape into a time when to talk of wireless mobile telephony would have earned you a place in Bedlam.


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