• 显然某种精神崩溃样子,所以建议你休假

    You're clearly having some kind of a crack-up, so I suggest you take three weeks off.


  • 老实说女子受了这样耻辱还是要照旧下去,恢复精神,就开始兴致勃勃的眼睛她们看来看去了。

    Let the truth be told - women do as a rule live through such humiliations, and regain their spirits, and again look about them with an interested eye.


  • 留出一些时间处理各种关系健康娱乐活动精神自我

    Set aside some time every week where you can work on your relationships, your health, recreation and your spiritual self.


  • 通过一系列南极深处飞行,美国航天局(NASA)其他机构重温开拓精神

    This week, NASA and other agencies also rekindled the spirit of exploration with a series of research flights to distant Antarctica.


  • 那种精神的阴郁气氛不止抵销而且压倒明亮物质上舒适决心第三敢于来到这屋里时可小心谨慎。

    The dismal spiritual atmosphere overcame, and more than neutralized, the glowing physical comforts round me; and I resolved to be cautious how I ventured under those rafters a third time.


  • 或者,把这天当作中不循规蹈矩一天仅仅意味着需要更多睡眠——由于身体需要——而不顾还很兴奋精神心灵以及二者多么清醒渴望

    Or, perhaps, thinking it was the wrong day of the week just meant I needed to sleep more-according to my body-regardless of how excited my mind and spirit are, and how the two always want to be awake.


  • 打起精神,重新振作不管上一段感情终结于小时前、三还是个月一些东西带走了

    Refresh: Whether your last relationship ended three hours, three weeks, or three months ago, chances are it took something out of you.


  • 研究对子样本146名患者进行考察他们10治疗内符合缓和标准,没有精神病症状并且初始阶段有治疗

    This study examined only the subsample of 146 patients who reached remission within 10 sessions, had no psychotic features, and provided treatment history at baseline.


  • 过去里,三种事态人们重新考虑日本普遍最显著的“我慢”态度隐忍精神价值表示怀疑

    In the past week three developments have cast doubt on the usefulness of Japan's prevailing attitude of gaman, or endurance.


  • 精神患者》气喘吁吁》50纪念日,觉得自己已经老去。

    The 50th anniversaries of Psycho and Breathless made me feel my age.


  • 最终奥运会火炬中国奥运英雄李宁点燃万众瞩目之下缓缓升起,在空中绕场一,点燃了象征奥林匹克精神熊熊火。

    Finally, the cauldron was lit by a jet of fire from Chinese Olympic hero li Ning, who had been hoisted up to the roof of the stadium on wires.


  • 在9·19共同声明发表6年之际,我们重温共同声明精神探讨如何推进方会谈进程具有重要意义。

    It is important for us to review the spirit of the Joint Statement and discuss how to press ahead with the Six-Party Talks on the 6th birthday of the September 19 Joint Statement.


  • 这样同居生活很多弱小老鼠精神受到了严重的损伤。

    After two weeks of cohabitation, many of these weaker mice were nervous wrecks.


  • 我们秉持着这种精神价值,庆祝创校一百年,展望港大的未来本人想从方面加以阐释

    It is in this spirit that we celebrate our Centenary and look into the future. Let me elaborate this further, in three aspects.


  • 四个小时五十十二,也就是2400小时,都花费通过把奇思妙想激情四射最新想法汇聚在一起来累积精神人际资本

    Four hours a week, fifty weeks a year, for twelve years equals 2, 400 hours spent building mental and relationship capital by connecting the newest ideas of diverse brilliant and passionate minds.


  • 青少年医学儿科档案杂志报道说研究是基于对中国1000名平均年龄15岁患有抑郁精神紧张青少年调查得来。

    The study assessed 1, 000 teenagers in China with an average age of 15 years for depression and anxiety, reports the journal Archives of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.


  • 青少年医学儿科档案杂志报道说研究是基于对中国1000名平均年龄15岁患有抑郁精神紧张青少年调查得来。

    The study assessed 1,000 teenagers in China with an average age of 15 years for depression and anxiety, reports the journal Archives of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.


  • 大三的时候开始精神崩溃的,接着又是酗酒厌食并且刚到Yellowbrick仍在酗酒

    She started to fall apart during her junior year at college, plagued by binge drinking and anorexia, and in her first weeks at Yellowbrick her alcohol abuse continued.


  • 先生我们一起工作的段时间中,才能以及尽心尽力的精神一直是我们的骄傲

    During the time Mr. Zhou has been with us, his ability and dedication have always been a source of pride to us.


  • 39克莉丝汀·凯西展开不寻常旅程协助女儿回应精神召唤

    Almost 39 weeks ago, Kristine Casey set out on an unusual journey to help her daughter and answer a spiritual calling.


  • 通常精神分析过程比如沙发疗法或者的会面则可能视为其他广为人知方法有所不同

    Usual analytic procedures like the couch and several sessions a week might also be seen as different to what is more widely publicized about other methods.


  • 我们秉持这种精神价值,庆祝一百年的同时,亦展望未来。

    It is in this spirit that we celebrate our Centenary and look into the future.


  • 相信过去我们精神强大

    I believe that our mindset has been even strong in the last week.


  • 相信过去我们精神强大

    I believe that our mindset has been even strong in the last week.


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