• 介绍平面三角网设计中,精度估算问题计算机实现过程

    In this article the course of using computer to solve the problem of precision estimation about triangulation network is introduced.


  • 文章介绍城市基坑监测目的意义方法测量精度估算

    This article introduces the purpose, significance, methods and measurement accuracy estimate of the city deep foundation pit monitoring, and so on.


  • 坐标解析法界址面积误差传播关系、导出了面积精度估算具体计算公式。

    The practical formula for area of house property precision estimation is developed, from the relations of propagation between the analytical boundary points and the area.


  • 本文作者探索万能工具显微镜上用间接测量方法测量变螺距误差进行精度估算

    The author puts forward a method which can measure the varying pitch errors by a universal tool microscope and estimate the measuring errors less than 15pm precisely.


  • 详细论述了各观测项目增设、改造自动化设计实施方案,给出了相应精度估算

    It has a detailed discussion about the increasing and remodelling and automatic design of the observation project. At last, it shows the correspond accuracy prediction.


  • 重大建筑物施工控制中,放样方法本身精度估算分析制定测量方案重要依据

    In construction of important and large buildings, a precision estimation and analysis of layout method are important data for working out survey plan.


  • 建立滑坡外部变形测边三维监测网探讨中,推导出了变形向量公式给出了精度估算公式。

    In this paper, the formulae for the solution method of deformation vectors are derived and the precision formulae are also given.


  • 实验证明本文推导卫星立体摄影测量的理论精度估算公式正确的,适用于其他卫星立体摄影测量理论精度估算

    The experiments also prove that the formula of satellite stereophotogrammetry is right, and it can be applied to estimate theoretical precision of other satellite stereophotogrammetry.


  • 幸好正确切割速度可以根据刀具寿命或者刀具寿命泰勒方程估算出来,并有一定的合理精度,如果在必要的数据具备前提下

    Fortunately, the correct cutting speed can be estimated with reasonable accuracy from tool-life graphs or from the Taylor tool life Relationship, provided that necessary data are obtainable.


  • 提高自由曲面数控加工精度入手,数控加工误差进行了分析,提出较为合理的走长的估算方法。

    In order to improve the precision of freeform surface, the error of multi-axis NC machining is analyzed and a more reasonable estimate for tool step is given.


  • 提高数字太阳敏感器的角度测量精度,降低计算量,提高运算速度,选用进行太阳成像质心估算

    The moment method was used to estimate the centroid in a digital sun sensor to increase the angle measurement accuracy and computation speed.


  • 方案针对很多软件项目成本测算精度、测算结果不稳定问题提出了基于COCOMO模型估算方法

    This plan is low in view of many software project's cost reckoning precision, the reckoning result unstable question, proposed one kind based on the COCOMO model estimate method.


  • 提出几种简单流量测量方法估算检测讨论了影响测量精度一些因素

    Several simple methods for micro-flow rate measurements are presented and the detection limits are estimated. The factors affecting the measurement accuracy are discussed.


  • 实验结果表明算法正确性证明有效提高估算精度效率

    Results illustrate the validity of this algorithm, and prove that this method can obtain good performance with high efficiency.


  • 方法应用简单经验估算相比具有精度

    This method has higher precision than approximate one before and its application is simple.


  • 运用数据集群技术建立了我国不同时空尺度直接透射估算模式对比分析了不同模式拟合精度

    Based on data integration technique, direct transmittance models for different temporal and spatial scales were established and the accuracy of different models was analyzed thoroughly.


  • 测量精度评价试验数据可靠性重要依据通过试验误差分析估算得出的。

    The measurement accuracy which is obtained through analysis and estimation of error in tests is the important basis for evaluating the reliability of test data.


  • 利用实验所获取数据文章运用套较严密方法估算工程rtk放样边长水平精度

    Using the data from an experiment, it has computed the precision about distance and horizontal Angle between RTK stakeout points in the project by exerting stricter means in this paper.


  • 对于实际房产面积精度合理估算具有一定现实意义指导作用

    There must be guiding role and practical significance for precision estimating of actual house property area surveying.


  • 速度传感器矢量控制系统中,转速估算精度很大程度上依赖于电机参数

    In a speed sensorless vector control system, the precision of speed estimation is relied on the precision of motor parameter.


  • 田间时,点与点之间距离均匀取样数目可以根据一定置信水平估值精度变异系数估算

    Distance between dots should be uniform in the field measurement. Sampling number should be estimated by certain believe level, estimate accuracy and variance coefficient.


  • 研究了三角网格模型上顶点曲率估算方法,并用参数曲面网格模型验证了曲率估算精度

    The main contents are as follows:A vertex curvature estimation method for triangle mesh is researched and the accuracy of curvature estimation is verified by parameter surfaces.


  • 输出系数方法适用资料比较缺乏地区,输出系数确定提高估算精度关键

    Export coefficient method is suitable for the region where there is no enough observation data. Export coefficient is the key to improve the accuracy of estimation.


  • 提高我国南方山地森林蓄积量遥感估算精度关键在于准确理解森林反射光谱内涵。

    The key for increase estimate Precision of stand volume is to understand well the interior of forestry reflective spectrum.


  • 运用稳态回转试验制动转向试验进行系统测试结果表明参数估算具有较好的精度

    System test was carried out by the experiment of the steady static circular running and braked steering. The test results showed good accuracy of the parameters estimation.


  • 快速成本估算方法虽然开发成本低、估算过程快速,但精度欠佳

    The development cost of quick cost estimation methods was low and process of them was quick, but their precision was unsatisfactory.


  • 由此估算获得方位角信息作为一项状态量作用定位结果卡尔曼滤波模型进一步提高滤波模型的精度

    Moreover, the azimuth information gotten by the method can also be used as a quantity of state in such models as Kalman filtering of positioning results and further improve its accuracy.


  • 由此估算获得方位角信息作为一项状态量作用定位结果卡尔曼滤波模型进一步提高滤波模型的精度

    Moreover, the azimuth information gotten by the method can also be used as a quantity of state in such models as Kalman filtering of positioning results and further improve its accuracy.


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