• 持续吸引大量鸟类同一地点它们来说有害的,尤其是那些其他鸟类粪便污染土地上觅食的鸟类。

    Attracting numbers of birds continually to the same spot can be harmful to them, particularly species that pick food from the ground contaminated by the droppings of other birds.


  • 目的探讨肠造口术后切口愈合防止粪便污染感染措施。

    Objective: to study the methods in patients after enterostomy in primary healing, prevention of stool pollution and surgical incision infection.


  • 牛瘟可以通过空气含有病毒动物粪便污染传播

    Rinderpest can spread quickly through the air and in water containing waste from animals with the virus.


  • 畜禽粪便污染综合防治措施就是畜禽粪便减量化、资源化无害化

    The livestock excrement pollution measure of the comprehensive prevention and cure is the livestock excrement to reduce the quantity to turn, recycling, harmless turn.


  • 现有指示不能确切指示粪便污染,更不能充分反映人肠道病毒污染

    Current indicators are not accurate monitors of fecal pollution and do not adequately reflect the presence of human enteric viruses.


  • 甲型肝炎通常人与人之间传播,即受感染者食用了由病毒携带者粪便污染食物饮料

    Hav is usually spread from person to person when an uninfected person ingests food or beverages that have been contaminated with the stool of a person with the virus.


  • 感染腹泻许多细菌病毒寄生虫引起感染症状其中多数粪便污染的水源传播的。

    Infection: Diarrhoea is a symptom of infections caused by a host of bacterial, viral and parasitic organisms, most of which are spread by faeces-contaminated water.


  • 苏州扬州两地畜禽粪便污染生活污染化肥污染精养鱼塘污染均占一定的比例。

    Suzhou and Yangzhou were polluted corresponsively by animals' feces pollution, domestic living pollution, chemical fertilizer pollution and fish breeding pond pollution.


  • 研究通过畜禽粪便污染及其处理现状调查分析选择畜禽粪便好氧堆肥技术路线

    This study was treatment of livestock waste pollution and the status of the investigation, analysis, selection of livestock and poultry manure composting technology line.


  • 并且一些环保人士有助于工业化养殖方式环境有害即使粪便污染

    Some environmentalists said the pig would contribute to industrialized farming in ways that would be harmful to the environment, even if its manure was less polluting.


  • 最初病例接触调查之中,接触受感染家禽粪便污染环境被认为似乎是合理接触源。

    The source of exposure for the initial case is still under investigation, with exposure to infected poultry or an environment contaminated by their faeces considered the most plausible source.


  • 由于很多血性大肠杆菌感染接触游憩用水所致,对于避免这类水域饮用水源遭动物粪便污染很重要

    Since a number of EHEC infections have been caused by contact with recreational water, it is also important to protect such water areas, as well as drinking-water sources, from animal wastes.


  • 畜牧业养殖产生粪便污染不恰当施用化肥导致土壤水质大气污染已经引起人们越来越多的关注

    The pollution of soil, water and atmosphere caused by dung pollution of animal breeding and inappropriate application of chemical fertilizer has received more and more attention.


  • 达乌德这种病毒有可能不仅通过咳嗽打喷嚏飞沫传播-季节性流感类似-而且通过粪便污染

    It's possible the virus is spreading not only through coughed and sneezed droplets - as with seasonal flu - but also through feces-contaminated hands, said Dawood.


  • 消费者报告科学家对火鸡肉进行最新调查显示,一半以上样品检测出细菌,这些细菌粪便污染有关

    A new analysis of ground Turkey meat conducted by scientists at Consumer Reports, finds that more than half of the samples tested harbored bacteria that are associated with fecal contamination.


  • 粪便中和被粪便污染饮用水中,含有多种肠道传染病寄生虫病的病原体包括致病病毒和虫卵,严重威胁农民身体健康

    The excrement and the excrement polluted water carry a lot of pathogens of them including the diseaseful virus and worm eggs which threaten seriously the health of the habitants.


  • 良好卫生屠宰规范可减少粪便动物尸体造成污染并不保证肉类肉制品完全没有弯曲杆菌。

    Good hygienic slaughtering practices reduce the contamination of carcasses by faeces, but will not guarantee the absence of Campylobacter from meat and meat products.


  • 大量饲料进口产生过多营养物导致粪便处理问题构成潜在的污染风险

    Excess nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients due to large quantities of feed imports, can lead to problems with manure disposal and pose a potential pollution risk.


  • 还有工厂式农场径流是的,我动物粪便,正在制造径流污染危机威胁我们河流海洋

    Also, factory farm run-off a yes ia m talking about all that animal waste - is creating a run-off pollution crisis that is threatening our rivers and oceans.


  • 一个无意间将受感染污染粪便伤口眼睛时便会导致疾病传播

    The disease is transmitted when a person unwittingly rubs the contaminated faeces of infected triatomine bugs into wounds, their eyes or mouth.


  • 由于鸟类粪便中排泄大量病毒,在这种情况下接触受染粪便病毒污染环境机会很多

    As infected birds shed large quantities of the virus in their faeces, opportunities for exposure to infected droppings or to environments contaminated by the virus are abundant under such conditions.


  • 主要污染动物粪便抗生素激素制革厂化学品用于饲料作物化肥杀虫剂

    The major polluting agents are animal wastes, antibiotics and hormones, chemicals from tanneries, fertilizers and the pesticides used to spray feed crops.


  • 家畜的粪便也是一个问题排泄时产生大量甲烷气体粪便雨水冲走有可能污染河流湖泊甚至地下水

    Manure is also a problem, since it gives off methane and can be washed away by rain, potentially poisoning rivers, lakes or even groundwater.


  • 其次噪音宠物粪便污染来源

    Secondly, the noises and dung of pets are sources of pollution.


  • 动物粪便流出物污染水道,未遮盖粪堆释放出的氧化亚氮( N2O) ,还会污染空气

    Run-off from animal manure also fouls watercourses, and the release of nitrous oxides from uncovered dung heaps pollutes the air.


  • 此外宠物粪便隐藏到处都是,污染我们环境

    Moreover, pets may get rid of their feces anywhere, which will pollute our living environment.


  • 虽然大海可以粪便冲散,但海滨可能受到污染

    Although the sea breaks up the waste, beaches may become polluted.


  • 人类可以通过接触污染粪便垃圾而被感染

    Humans can be infected through contact with the infected feces or litter.


  • 人类可以通过接触污染粪便垃圾而被感染

    Humans can be infected through contact with the infected feces or litter.


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