• 上述所有这些根据操作系统类型修订版本一天中的时间任意用户定义文件文件、目录数据有无等等可以有条件的。

    All of the above can be conditional upon the operating system type and revision, time of day, arbitrary user-defined classes, presence or absence of files, directories, or data in files, and so on.


  • 一旦发布,开发者就可以使用6.1类型编写64VBA应用程序,也可以使用它来编写需要运行操作系统中的程序

    Once this happens, the 6.1 type library can be used for 64-bit VBA applications and for programs that don't have to run on older operating systems.


  • 可以同时编辑多个属性类型附件以及操作

    You can edit multiple attributes, types, dependencies, packages, classes, and operations at the same time.


  • 创建umlclass1并且向其添加操作op返回值类型为int

    Create a UML class class1 and add an operation op with return type int to it.


  • 提供这些Bean及其 UDPDMI全部源代码,可以将其作为基本Web客户机可以通过此客户机来选择后端类型调用操作如下所示。

    The full source code to these beans and their UDPDMI classes is provided, as is a basic Web client, which lets you choose the backend type and operation to invoke, as shown below.


  • MBean中的访问器操作能够任何签名形式原语类型以及StringDate其他标准

    Accessors and operations in MBeans can use any primitive type in their signatures, as well as String, Date, and other standard library classes.


  • numeric _ limits标准命名空间一部分检查基本类型给定操作系统平台上属性

    Class numeric_limits is part of the standard namespace; it checks for properties of fundamental types on a given operating system platform.


  • 执行instance Of操作确保就是正在寻找视图然后将其类型转换适当的视图

    You should perform an instanceOf operation to make sure it is the view you are looking for, and then type cast it to the appropriate view class.


  • 这个declarativemeta类型魔力就是允许所有操作发生一个简单定义中

    This DeclarativeMeta type is the magic that allows all of the actions to occur in one simple class definition.


  • 这个SDK公布了一组可操作Office文档类型

    This SDK exposes strongly typed classes for manipulating Office documents.


  • 一旦进行了上面的操作,余下的就是默认的内容了(模板类型BlankModel一个图表类型ClassDiagram我们一直看见我们UML图中输入 )。

    Once you have done that, leave the defaults as they are (template type Blank Model, with a diagram type of Class Diagram, since we will be viewing our imported classes in the UML class diagram).


  • 这些提供了各种操作那些数据类型方法

    These classes provide various methods for manipulating those data types.


  • 其中两个解决SOAP编码中的许多操作问题关键,这些问题源于类型数据不同数据编入数据编出

    These latter two classes are the key to navigating around the many interoperability problems in SOAP encoding that stem from different marshalling and unmarshalling of typed data.


  • 需要操作添加属性类型ClientPortfolioDetailsBean及其get方法

    We need to add an attribute type ClientPortfolioDetailsBean in the action class, along with its get method.


  • MBean方法可以使用其他可以序列化数据类型但是这样造成操作问题因为文件必须JMX客户机可用

    MBean methods may also use other serializable data types, but doing so can create interoperability issues because the class files must be made available to the JMX client as well.


  • 这个示例介绍了操作系统创建登记文件类型有多简单Association一些有趣附加方法可以增强文件类型

    The example shows you how straightforward it is to create and register a file type in the OS Some additional methods of interest in the Association class can enhance the file types


  • 新的System.Numerics.Complex最终函数操作提供通用数据类型

    The new System.Numerics.Complex class finally offers the common type needed for library interoperability.


  • 对于athrow指令可以使用FindBugsOp codeStack帮助器了解athrow操作类型

    For the athrow instruction, you use FindBugs' OpcodeStack helper class to learn the type of the operand of athrow.


  • TradeRequest包括以下属性,股票代码、分红、价格、订单类型、帐号名称、操作买入卖出)、requestid以及用户

    The TradeRequest class contains the following properties, Symbol, # shares, price, OrderType, AccountName, action (buy/sell), requestid, and user name.


  • 这些操作只为带有一个多个函数返回动态类型信息对于其他类型,返回静态编译时类型的信息。

    These operators return dynamic type information only for classes with one or more virtual functions. For all other types, information for the static (i. e. , compile-time) type is returned.


  • 对于函数运行执行rtti操作符,对于其他类型,在编译时计算rtti操作符。

    The RTTI operators execute at run time for classes with virtual functions, but are evaluated at compile time for all other types.


  • 具有引用指针需要执行不是组成部分派生操作时候,需要动态强制类型转换

    Dynamic casts are needed when we have a reference or pointer to a base class but need to perform operations from the derived class that are not part of the base class.


  • 可以一个定义许多附加操作符,这些赋值操作符会操作类型不同而不同。

    Additional assignment operators that differ by the type of the right-hand operand can be defined for a class type.


  • 对于类型转换运算符操作返回类型必须是或结构数据类型

    For a type conversion operator, either the operand or the return type must be of the data type of the class or structure.


  • 定义类型对象包含数据类型对象可以执行操作

    A class defines the data that an object of its type contains and the operations that can be executed by objects of that type.


  • 泛型允许结构接口代理还有方法他们存储操作数据类型参数化

    Generics permit classes, structs, interfaces, delegates, and methods to be parameterized by the types of data they store and manipulate.


  • 派生实现时,开始一个异步操作指定时间间隔内接受当前通道侦听器指定类型的通道。

    When implemented in a derived class, begins an asynchronous operation to accept a channel of the type specified by the current channel listener within a specified interval of time.


  • 通过允许指定方法操作类型功能类型安全任务转移编译器

    By allowing you to specify types that are acted on by a generic class or method, the generics feature shifts the burden of type safety from you to the compiler.


  • 通过允许指定方法操作类型功能类型安全任务转移编译器

    By allowing you to specify types that are acted on by a generic class or method, the generics feature shifts the burden of type safety from you to the compiler.


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