• 真相所有类型事情线索也即将开始逐渐拉开

    Pull on the thread of truth and all sorts of things will start to unravel.


  • 不是成功博客唯一类型建立这样个博客肯定一个伟大的事情

    This is not the only type of blog that succeeds but it certainly is a great thing to build a blog around.


  • 即使是非常事情这种类型经理决不允许在没有批准下发生

    This type of manager won't let anything happen without her approval, no matter how small.


  • 另一位伟大的导演大概在那个时候做了几乎完全相同事情一部类型迥异电影里。

    Another great director did almost exactly the same thing around that time, in a very different kind of movie.


  • 能够使用非对称加密处理类型事情好了,其中客户自己证书(特别是签署发送者证书消息时)。

    It'd be great to be able to do the same type of thing using asymmetric encryption, where the client has its own certificate (especially when you want to sign messages for sender verification).


  • 作为新任经理可能发现同时管理不同类型员工是一件困难事情

    As a new manager, you are likely to run into many different types of employees whom you will find challenging.


  • 我们平时是如何描述这些类型事情的呢。

    But, consider how we often describe these types of events.


  • 现在核能电站简单类型也重复了化石电站里会事情

    Now this is the simplest type of nuclear power plant and exactly replicates what is done in a fossil plant.


  • 他们询问孩子们一些关于他们父母事情:他们父母会有怎样类型规矩

    They also asked the kids about their parents: What kinds of rules did they have?


  • 但是必须提醒处理许多类型时,事情会变得比较麻烦,因此需要考虑以下问题。

    But, here's a warning: Things get a little trickier when dealing with a lot of value types, so here are some issues to take into consideration.


  • 还是为了事情简单一点我们假定需要字符串类型提供任何强大的功能

    This, again, is done to make things simpler -- we are assuming that you don't need any of the more powerful features provided by string typing.


  • 每个人都承认区分如此多种不同类型昏迷病人从来就不是件容易事情

    Distinguishing between these different kinds of coma patients has, everyone acknowledges, never been easy.


  • 在此服务调用者越执行更多类型操作事情就会变得有趣

    Here, things get a bit more interesting as the callers of your service want to perform a wider variety of operations.


  • 对于可能虚拟机中存在不止一个实例的MXBean类型事情变得略微麻烦一些。

    With MXBean types where more than one instance can exist in the VM, things become slightly more involved.


  • 如果理解XPath使用不同类型表达式事情有趣了

    Things get more interesting when you understand XPath and can use different types of expressions.


  • 在大多数情况下JAX - RP c类型用于移动Web服务需要考虑一些事情

    Mostly, they are the things you need to think about when using the JAX-RPC value type for mobile Web services.


  • Python集合常常将不同类型对象组织在一起希望能够与其中的对象相似事情

    Python collections frequently group together objects on non-identical types with the hope of being able to do something similar with each such collected object.


  • 另一个值得注意事情就是GWT 1.5现在已经完全支持long原始数据类型了。

    Another thing to be aware of is that GWT 1.5 now fully supports the 'long' primitive data type.


  • 使事情糟的基本float类型包装float之间用于比较NaN- 0规则不同的。

    To make matters worse, the rules for comparing NaN and -0 are different between the primitive float type and the wrapper class float.


  • 事情清单5变得有意思了:相同Ant标签Groovy中用AntBuilder类型重新定义了

    Things get more interesting in Listing 5, where I've taken that same Ant tag and redefined it in Groovy, with the AntBuilder type.


  • 另外一件需要考虑事情我们正在处理类型(使用现在普遍接受术语:“数据转移对象(Data TransferObjects)”)。

    Yet another consideration is that we are dealing with value types (or to use the now commonly accepted term, "Data Transfer objects"). To quote from Martin Fowler's pithy description of these objects.


  • 我们调优性能计划容量提供一个定义模型机会因为Web用户类型很多,可以根据他们正在事情进行分类。

    This is giving us a chance to define new models for performance tuning and capacity planning because you have such different types of Web "users" based on whatever the user happens to be doing.


  • 另一种类型英雄相信雷吉娜英雄,因为决心比,而且一切作为一个拉比能够事情

    Another type of hero, I believe Regina would be, is a hero within because she was determined to be a rabbi and she did everything she could to make it as a rabbi.


  • 一些受了某种类型挫折或者他们有着某种类型偿还债务 -他们听到别的地方发生了什么事情这些事情就为他们壮胆

    People who have some sort of frustration, they have some sort of debt they want to settlewhen they hear about what goes on somewhere else, it helps embolden them.


  • 缓解思考什么词语来孩子交流压力你思考孩子成熟度,还有他们已经学到了哪种类型事情

    That relieves the pressure on you to think of the words you should use. It also gives you an idea of how mature your child is and the types of things they have already learned.


  • 解决任何类型问题都需要一个采取直接办法处理所有相关事情

    Solving problems of any kind requires one to adopt a direct approach which addresses all relevant issues.


  • 还有一些事情重载方法依然很多未决问题尽管些小子集调用声明类型处理绑定

    There are still unresolved issues for such things as overloaded methods, although for some small subset of calls the argument types can resolve the binding.


  • 他们宁愿编译来做这种事情,而不愿意被迫重复代码中输入变量的类型

    They'd rather the compiler do the work than be forced to repeat themselves in their code.


  • 这种新的更新有助于事情变得简单HTML4中可以使用不同文档类型使得一点更加棘手

    This new update helps keep things simple; while in HTML4 there were a range of different doc types that you could use, making it a little more tricky.


  • 知道心理学方面兴趣,有些事情存在着有趣相似性上述两种类型情况上,都发挥着作用的。

    There are certain things - as I know that you're interested in the psychology of it - there are certain things that are intriguingly similar that come into play for both types of cases.


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