• 不过可能是一个类似照片、组合绝佳的镜头演员取景框位置恰到好处。

    But also a well-composed shot that resembles a photograph, with the actors well positioned within the frame.


  • 中国正在试验一些环保科技电动汽车类似照片上海东南部乡下的风力涡轮机

    China is experimenting with eco-friendly technologies, from electric cars to urban wind turbines like this one in southeastern Shanghai.


  • 类似照片一样图标像一篇文章中全部使用大写字母,图标之间差异明显容易混淆,其错综复杂我们迷失

    Photographic ICONS are like all-capitalized text; the differences between ICONS aren't sharp and easy to distinguish, so we get lost in the complexity.


  • 法国西班牙洞穴墙壁发现类似照片

    Pictures of this kind have been found on the walls of caves in France and Spain.


  • 需要创建另一个类似清单3指向这些照片列表即可。

    You only need to create another list, similar to Listing 3, that points to these photos.


  • 既然知道房子颜色,想必谷歌地球别的类似网站应该上能找到你家房子的照片吧。

    To get the house color I assume the house must have a photo on Google Earth or some similar website.


  • 巴西国家印第安基金过去发布类似照片承认秘鲁伐木者一些原住民越过边界到了热带雨林完好点的巴西这边。

    FUNAI has released similar photographs in the past and acknowledged that Peruvian loggers are sending some indigenous people fleeing across the border to less-affected rainforests in Brazil.


  • 绰号甜心”来自于漫画书,书中人物带有类似迷人笑容时尚。她的照片不断见诸报端。

    Nicknamed "Little Sweetie" after a comic-book character with a similarly beguiling smile and sense of style, her picture was a constant presence in the local papers.


  • 5草图形状厚度几分类似照片

    The shape and thickness of the sketch in Figure 5 are somewhat similar to the photo.


  • 他们先软件选出同一人的照片定位这个人的脸部其他主要特征再对齐各张照片中的选出有着类似表情照片

    The software starts with photos that are tagged with the same person.It locates the face and major features, aligns the faces and picks photos with similar expressions.


  • 他们软件选出同一照片定位这个人脸部其他主要特征再对齐各张照片中的选出有着类似表情照片

    The software starts with photos that are tagged with the same person. It locates the face and major features, aligns the faces and picks photos with similar expressions.


  • 几张照片显示挤满新生恒星区域、一个类似太阳稳定恒星以及一个内部都是恒星漩涡状星系

    The images show a bustling star-forming region, the remains of a star similar to the sun, and a swirling galaxy lined with stars.


  • 然而现在看到一张重要照片,就起到类似作用

    Here, however, we are seeing that just a photo of one's significant other can have the same effect.


  • 我们从有些照片甚至可以看到类似于“浴缸”的形状,可以推断逐渐干枯留下的。

    Some pictures even seem to be showing a "bathtub ring" left by what is probably a drying lake.


  • 要求研究对象观看一些画作,这些作品来自一些不知名知名画家(莫奈梵高毕加索等等);另外,他们还要看一些拍摄类似内容照片

    The participants were asked to view paintings from both unknown and famous artists (Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso and others), as well as photographs that depicted similar subjects.


  • 八月时候我们曾报道一个叫做iCan StalkU网站警告我们通过智能手机发布带地理信息标签的照片类似Twitter等网站危险性

    In August we reported on a site called I Can Stalk u, which alerted us to the dangers of geo-tagged photos Shared from your smartphone to social networks like Twitter.


  • 类似iPad成为可以让刚走路的小孩游戏、让你的祖母邮件上网编辑照片电脑

    In an analogous way the iPad is going to be the computer a toddler can play games with and learn, and the same computer your grandma USES to send e-mails, browse the web and edit photos.


  • 例如android手机拍的照片自动传到google +web服务器一个私人文件夹内,类似apple服务的方式。

    For example, photos taken from an Android phone can be automatically dumped into a private folder in the Google + Web service, a la Apple's iCloud.


  • 杂志风格类似查尔斯·泰勒房子照片

    Style photo guide of Charles Taylor's house.


  • 发现Google +的主页个人资料照片游戏标签当然还有无休止好友更新都Facebook非常类似

    You'll find familiar home and profile pages, tabs for photos and games, and of course the endless updates from friends.


  • 与Drop . io类似可以提供一个特定的URL地址,让朋友分享特定的照片

    Like Drop.io, it lets you share a specified photo stream by creating dedicated URLs that you can email to friends.


  • 照片描绘所传统Vedhic学校里,一个Namboodiri男孩祭司种姓吟唱Vedhas(类似古代印度箴言)场景。

    The photo depicts a Namboodiri boy (priest caste) chanting the Vedhas (which can be described in short ancient Indian bits of wisdom) in a traditional Vedhic school in the town of Thrissur.


  • Miller夫妇花岗岩表面贴了两张Billy照片——一张很严肃,一张微笑着——类似泪滴状的软金属片固定着。

    Onto the face of the granite the Millers had emblazoned a pair of photos of Billy — one solemn, the other smiling — which were protected by sliding metal covers the shape of teardrops.


  • 地卫星上分光辐射度计感应器可以用来获取类似图片信息。例如照片反映的就是2010年5月10早上原油平静的躺密西西比河不远三角洲区域。

    Terra's MODIS sensor can also capture photolike images, such as this view of an oil slick lurking not far from the Mississippi Delta on the morning of May 10, 2010.


  • 然后再给他们展示类似照片告知照片上的兴趣与之见面

    Later, they were shown similar pictures and told that the person was interested in meeting them.


  • 肯尼迪通过比较约旦看到类似考古遗址照片认为这些考古遗迹可能9000多年历史但是实地的考察还是非常必要的。

    By comparing the images with structures that Kennedy has seen in Jordan, he believes the sites may be up to 9000 years old, but ground verification is needed.


  • 同时知道照片是否能对其他事情做出类似的预测,例如离婚

    He wanted to see if the same held, over the longer term, for divorce.


  • 既然数码照相馆类似图片编辑器就可以轻易地彩色图片转换为黑白图片,那么摄影师就基本上需要刻意在黑白背景下拍摄照片了。

    There’s little or no need to shoot digital photos in black-and-white when color images can easily be converted to black-and-white in Photo shop or a similar image editor.


  • 长期色调分离使用因为可以影响照片类似颜色可能看起来如何大规模生产的海报打印过程中使用数量有限彩色墨水

    The term posterization is used because it can influence your photo similar to how the colors may look in a mass-produced poster, where the print process USES a limited number of color inks.


  • 长期色调分离使用因为可以影响照片类似颜色可能看起来如何大规模生产的海报打印过程中使用数量有限彩色墨水

    The term posterization is used because it can influence your photo similar to how the colors may look in a mass-produced poster, where the print process USES a limited number of color inks.


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