• 死海位于海平面以下430地球最低点

    At 430 meters below sea level, the Dead Sea is Earth's lowest point on land.


  • 苹果公园一个的巨大飞碟,占地面积708000平方

    Apple Park is like a huge landed UFO, which covers an area of 708,000 square metres.


  • 探测器最终在火星上空100处减速时,它停留在空中并检查着区域。

    When the probe finally slowed down at 100 meters above Mars, it stayed in the air and checked the landing area.


  • 水生动物不同动物感官建立视觉的基础上,可以延展好几百,因此它们时间考虑各种行动选择最好一种

    In contrast to aquatic life, land-based animals, whose vision-based sensory field extends for hundreds of meters, have time to contemplate a variety of actions and pick the best one.


  • 随着古斯塔夫地上移动风力逐渐减弱,一些地区带来多达降雨量

    Winds could then weaken as the storm moves over land and dumps up to a half meter of rain in some areas.


  • 诺夫俄罗斯希望委内瑞拉建立空间通信设施但是他强调这些设施与军事无关

    Perminov also said Russia would like to station several ground based space communication facilities in Venezuela, but stressed that they would have no military application.


  • 实际上,探寻能够小汽车地点但是他们必须步行经过4沼泽

    Searchers were practically able to get to the landing place by cars, but they had to pass 4 km on foot through marshes.


  • 研究小组成员约尔根·舒茨说:“认为证明迁徙澳洲目动物其他大有袋目动物有共同祖先理论的一个有力的证据。”

    "I think this is pretty strong evidence now for the hypothesis of a single migration [to Australia] and a common ancestor, " said Juergen Schmitz, one of the research team.


  • 地球格陵兰南极巨大冰盖上,同样力量起着作用两处冰盖控制足以提高海平面60

    The same forces are at work on the planet's giant continental ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica, which together hold enough ice to raise sea levels by 60 metres.


  • 上周末探险队已经冰面上划分一条400长的飞机跑道由于恶劣气候,计划周日抵达双獭补给飞机被迫返航,而且周一周二无法在北极

    The team had marked out a 400m landing strip on the ice last weekend, but the Twin Otter supply plane was forced to turn back on Sunday and could not take off on Monday or Tuesday due to bad weather.


  • 观察到宽海豚可以跃出水面高达16英尺(4.9),它们后背部侧面飞溅

    Bottlenose dolphins have been observed to breach up to 16 feet (4.9 meters) out of the water, landing with a splash on their back or side.


  • 知道吗?观察到宽海豚可以跃出水面高达16英尺(4.9),它们后背部侧面飞溅

    Did you know? Bottlenose dolphins have been observed to breach up to 16 feet (4.9 meters) out of the water, landing with a splash on their back or side.


  • 海沟明显的界限东部靠大的地方:海水深度突然两三百蓝色迅速降低数千深蓝色)。

    The trench is most sharply defined on the eastern (continental) side: depth plunges rapidly from a few hundred meters (light blue) to several thousand meters (deep blue).


  • 慕拉诺的含碱玻璃不同,波西英国的玻璃制品冷却可以进行雕刻切割,由此,风靡欧洲大

    Unlike Venice’s soda glass, potassium and lead glass lent themselves well to engraving and cutting when cold, and became fashionable throughout Europe.


  • 螺旋2代”的名字中可以看出来,他第二次实践自己梦想了:第一代螺旋岛2005年遭遇了飓风,冲向时撞了。

    As its name implies, Spiral Island II is the second incarnation of the dream: the first island wrecked against the mainland in Hurricane Emily in 2005.


  • 比方说,1998年台风洪都拉斯时候贫困房产者失去大约15 ~ 20%的财产,相比下富人只失去了3%。

    When Hurricane Mitch swept through Honduras in 1998, for example, poor households lost 15-20% of their assets but the rich lost only 3%.


  • 三个朋友参与其中,并且被捕

    Three of his friends were also involved in the incident and were subsequently arrested.


  • 这种情况下,以方人员无疑成为了靶子,且击中了名以色列中校致其死亡,该中校当时就站200开外的观察点上。

    To the Israelis they were plainly sniper rounds, one of which struck and killed a lieutenant colonel, standing in an observation post 200 metres away.


  • 这种植物北美洲亲缘关系,它们可以长成参天大树2015宽。

    It is related to the pokeweed plant found in North America but can grow to a gigantic size: up to 20nbsp; metres tall and 15 metres wide.


  • 我们已经过度捕捞水深200以上区域现在我们又开始离开更深的区域进军。

    We've been overfishing areas up to about 200m [eters] deep, and now we have moved off those continental shelves and into the deep sea in areas a couple of thousand meters deep.


  • 该国85%人口居住海岸25之内的地方,大部分原因是在中央没有河流经过。

    Some 85% of the population live within 50km of the coast, largely because no rivers run reliably in the middle of the continent.


  • 我们当时600高空,这时听到广播我们正在,”KeremUzel,“突然我们急剧降落好像飞机跌入漩涡里,飞机尾部撞到了地面。”

    "We were at an altitude of 600 metres when we heard the announcement that we were landing," Kerem Uzel said. "we suddenly descended a great distance, as if the plane fell into turbulence."


  • 叙利亚戈兰高地全部愿意以色列留下一小狭长10在沿湖边界处;以色列嫌太,想再些。

    Syria wanted all of the Golan back but was willing to leave the Israelis a small strip of land, 10 meters (33 feet) wide, along the border of the lake; Israel wanted a wider strip of land.


  • Woodside声称建设平台的成本技术风险大得多,必然要铺设条管道通过一个“地震频发”的3深海沟

    Woodside argues that an onshore plant would be both much more expensive and technically risky, entailing a pipeline through a “seismically active” 3km-deep ocean trough.


  • 虽然实际上导弹22并且达一,但是仍然能够覆盖一万一千攻击位于任何目标

    In spite of the fact the missile is 22 m long and weighs over 1 ton it is capable to overcome 11 thousand km and strike an object located on any continent.


  • NASA地球大观图片耶西·艾伦罗伯特·西蒙NASA 对地观测卫星小组高级地成像仪提供文字说明由琼·斯科特编篡。

    NASA Earth Observatory image created by Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon, using EO-1 ALI data provided courtesy of the NASA EO-1 team. Caption by Michon Scott.


  • LRO拍摄阿波罗十一号点照片很清晰显示出留下(直径4),同时能看到宇航员的脚印放置的设备

    Images of the Apollo 11 landing site taken by LRO clearly show where the descent stage (about 12 feet in diameter) was left behind, as well as the astronauts' tracks and equipment deployed.


  • LRO拍摄阿波罗十一号点照片很清晰显示出留下(直径4),同时能看到宇航员的脚印放置的设备

    Images of the Apollo 11 landing site taken by LRO clearly show where the descent stage (about 12 feet in diameter) was left behind, as well as the astronauts' tracks and equipment deployed.


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