• 提出了查询登记机制提高节点资源发现能力

    A query register mechanism is proposed to enhance the cluster head nodes ability of resource discovery.


  • 首先我们认知用户分为若干选出簇头节点

    Firstly, we've divided the CR users into some clusters and chosen the cluster-head nodes.


  • 方案基于节点剩余能量网络节点平均能量比例选举头节点

    In the new clustering scheme, cluster-heads are elected by a probability based on the ratio between residual energy of node and the average energy of network.


  • 通过间多将距离网关节点能耗分散到了网络中的其它节点

    It makes energy consumption of nodes which are far from gateway spread to the other cluster head nodes in network through method of inter-cluster multi-hop.


  • 算法使得节点通信代价耗费降低仿真结果说明该算法可行性有效性

    This algorithm makes the communications consumed lower between the cluster head nodes, the simulation results show the feasibility and effectiveness of this algorithm.


  • 能量算法,网络轮换簇头节点能量消耗到达一个确定的阈值时触发

    To solve the problem of uncertainty of clustering rotation time of in cluster-based routing protocol in WSN, energy threshold algorithm is proposed in this paper.


  • 同一个中的认知用户共同做出一个判决之后各个簇头节点进行通信做出全局判决

    The CR users in the same cluster make a cluster decision together, and then the cluster-head nodes conduct a communication to make the global sensing decision.


  • 为了减小,巡查节点检测信誉度零的恶意节点,需要节点进行二次诊断

    To reduce false alarm rate, the cluster head carries out second diagnosis mechanisms for malicious after the monitor node found out it.


  • 针对最大连通算法节点负载过重,各间负载极不均衡的问题,提出一种算法。

    To the load of cluster heads is always high and terribly unbalanced in maximum link degree clustering algorithm, a two cluster-heads clustering algorithm is proposed.


  • 仿真实验结果表明该路由协议有效地均衡网络负载节点能量消耗减少数据传输延迟延长网络生存时间

    Simulation results show LBC can effectively balance the load and energy consumption of cluster heads, decrease the delay of packets, and obviously prolong the lifetime of networks.


  • 着重设计种基于二跳生成可扩展分定位算法首先对传感器网络进行分利用节点构造一个二跳生成树;

    The proposed localization algorithm first generates clusters and a spanning tree consisting of cluster heads, and then the cluster head computes local coordinates of all member nodes in the cluster.


  • 时间率先衰减到0节点主动成为

    While the timer reaches 0, the node becomes Cluster Head spontaneously.


  • 它将网络划分成若干个单元,同一单元格内推举一个节点作为,代替整个单元实现通信功能。

    In GAF, the network is divided into several grids, in which one node is chosen as the cluster head to represent the whole grid to communicate with other grids.


  • 结果虽然均衡成员节点之间能量消耗但是没有考虑能量消耗均衡问题。

    Results Although the balance of the members of the energy consumption between nodes, but did not take into account the energy consumption among cluster head balance.


  • 选择遵循保护最低能量节点原则,即要求所选簇头尽量靠近剩余能量最低节点

    While selecting the cluster head, the principle of protecting the lowest energy node should be followed, the selected cluster head should be as close as the lowest energy node.


  • 为了解决这个问题将认知无线电网络分成簇头结构通过簇头检测恶意节点

    In order to solve this security problem, cognitive radio networks are divided into single-hop clustering structure, and cluster-head is designed to detect malicious nodes.


  • 但是由于靠近汇聚节点需要转发大量数据,容易导致能量快速衰竭而失效造成“能量空洞”现象

    However, the cluster heads close to the sink node lead to energy failure for transmit large amount of data, resulting in "energy hole" phenomenon.


  • 群成员节点簇头通信方式拓扑结构决定整个群的能量消耗速度。

    The whole cluster energy consumption was decided by the communication pattern and topology of cluster.


  • 引入新机制网络稳定性算法很大提高节点充当公平性也有一定提高。

    Compared with old algorithms, both stability and Head Fairness of wireless sensor network have been greatly improved after the new mechanism is introduced into existing clustering algorithms.


  • 每个内选举,其他代表节点时分复用方式传送数据给簇头

    With a new clustering protocol, all representative nodes are divided into several clusters which uniformly distributed.


  • 节点根据能量消耗代价选择至的路由,通过扩散算法来广播代价消息采用贪婪算法来选择能量消耗最小路径

    The new protocol finds the path to the cluster head with the minimum cost, using an algorithm similar to flooding to propagate the cost information and greedy algorithm to find the lowest cost link;


  • 通过降低系统节点之间通信能量平均传输时延来提高网络的生命周期。

    And the performance of the system would be improved by decreasing the whole communicate energy between the cluster-head and the cluster member and decreasing the average time-delay.


  • 基站依据节点剩余能量基站距离分别选出二层簇头节点利用单跳和多跳模式与簇头进行通信。

    The two layer cluster heads were selected by base station in terms of residual energy of node and distance between cluster heads and base station.


  • 基站依据节点剩余能量基站距离分别选出二层簇头节点利用单跳和多跳模式与簇头进行通信。

    The two layer cluster heads were selected by base station in terms of residual energy of node and distance between cluster heads and base station.


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