• 同时篮球教学改革参考

    It provides reference for basketball teaching reform.


  • 单手肩上投篮篮球教学中一项重要内容

    Baseball shot is an important part of basketball teaching.


  • 同时篮球教学训练比赛提出一些有益建议

    At the same time, author put forward some beneficial Suggestions for basketball teaching and training.


  • 研究合作学习理论为基础,探索篮球教学方法

    Base on the cooperative learning theory, this study explores the new method of teaching basketball.


  • 第四部分目前篮球教学过程开发应用进行理论分析

    The fourth part is carries on the theoretical analysis to the present basketball teaching process development and the application.


  • 篮球裁判工作学校篮球教学训练组织竞赛不可缺少的内容

    The umpiring work of basketball game is an essential part in basketball teaching, training and game organization.


  • 查阅相关文章同时,发现结合高职院校篮球教学的研究太少

    During consult thread's, the discovery union quality colleges and universities basketball teaching's research are too few.


  • 运用实验方法篮球教学常规方法表象教学方法进行对比分析

    By using experimentation, this article makes a comparative analysis of the conventional teaching and impressive teaching in basket shooting.


  • 多年来体育专业篮球教学教学比赛贯穿篮球教学主要练习环节中

    In basketball lessons which are given to majors at college, we have considered the competition as, a teaching chain, which has been run through the whole process for years.


  • 本文中学篮球训练管理几点看法希望今后篮球教学有所帮助

    This text talks for the training and managements of the basketball brigade of the high school what time viewpoint, the basketball teaching that hope to be to the aftertime has the help.


  • 篮球教学过程篮球教学内容篮球教学方法灵活运用,是统一集中实践

    Basketball teaching process are basketball and basketball teaching content of the flexible use of teaching methods, are the focus of practice after reunification.


  • 篮球教学中,不仅传授知识提高运动技能目的,重视学生教学训练能力培养。

    Basketball teaching not only impacts theory knowledge and increases sports technical ability but also devotes much attention to the training of students teaching ability.


  • 通过篮球教学组合练习分解练习法进行对比性试验研究验证了组合练习法优越性

    A contrast experimental research is carried out on the grouping exercise and splitting exercise, testifies the superiority of the former.


  • 作为学校基层篮球教学训练世界篮球视觉目标加强青少年投篮中心基本训练。

    As the basic basketball instruction training, the school should have to take the world basketball as its target, and enforce the basic training of youngsters in which shooting is the core of training.


  • 通过查阅相关资料高校体育教育专业篮球教学现状、合作学习理论以及篮球教学理论进行研究

    Through the consult correlation data's method, this paper studied the education status of the teaching professional basketball, basketball cooperative learning theory and teaching theory.


  • 作为学校基层篮球教学训练世界篮球视觉目标加强对青少年投篮为中心的基本训练

    As the basic basketball instruction training, the school should have to take the world basketball as its target, and enforce the basic train...


  • 研究核心探讨形成评价普通高校篮球教学中的应用研究,对形成性评价的应用理论、实践上的探讨。

    The core of this study was to explore the formative evaluation of teaching in the College Basketball applied research, evaluation of the application form to do the theory of practice.


  • 篮球教练员主要扮演篮球训练竞赛指导篮球管理等角色,高校篮球教师主要扮演篮球教学科研等角色。

    Basketball teachers are mainly in charge of basketball teaching and researching while basketball coaches are mainly in charge of training, competition guidance, and administration of the team.


  • 文章对篮球意识培养途径方法进行了探讨,为篮球教学有计划,有步骤、有目的地培养篮球意识提供了具体实践方法

    Probes into the methods of basketball consciousness training, Provides specific and practical ways to train the basketball consciousness step by step in a planned way.


  • 运用组合练习法进行篮球教学可以使学生有限教学时间内学会上场打球培养良好篮球意识终身体育打下良好的基础

    With the help of it, the students can learn to play in limited time and develop good basketball awareness, lay a good foundation for long life sports.


  • 目前职业院校篮球教学现状进行调查,通过研究发现在职业院校中篮球教学存在问题采取措施解决教学中出现的问题。

    This paper investigates the current status of basketball teaching of vocational college, finds some existing problems and puts forward measures to address these problems.


  • 投篮篮球运动重要技术之一,是得分唯一手段,是篮球技术中最为关键的一项技术,也是制定篮球战术的核心环节。 投篮也是篮球教学训练的主要内容重点

    Shoot is one of the most important technology of basketball, the only method of scoring, the base point of basketball tactics and the emphasis of basketball teaching and training.


  • 通过文献资料以及多年实践探索,全面分析现代篮球教学训练中的动作技术特征指出篮球运动教学、训练中,假动作技术具有四个特征、三个合一二个统一。

    This paper analyses the technical characteristics of feints in modern basketball teaching practice and points out its characteristic, combination and unity in basketball game teaching practice.


  • 实际上在这里教学,曾经一场普林斯顿和宾夕法尼亚大学篮球

    Actually when I was teaching here, there was a Princeton-Penn basketball game.


  • 篮球普通高校体育教学重点内容一项技术复杂运动项目

    College basketball is the focus of physical education content that it is a technically complex sport.


  • 日本他们小学生从事投篮教学过程电脑摆在篮球场上直接、最形象方法孩子们明白问题所在

    Teachers use computers in the process of teaching shot on the basketball court to teach the pupils in Japanese, with the most direct method of image, so that children can understand the problem.


  • 不仅有助于学生篮球技战术实践能力水平的提高,更为重要的是通过教学生态环境帮助学生建立主体的、正确行为态度价值取向

    This not only improves students' practice basketball tactics, but also help students to build main body, right action attitude and value tropism by teaching student ecology environment.


  • 文章试图通过篮球技术训练意识培养方面探讨,旨在科学、合理地进行篮球技术的教学与训练提供一些思路。

    The paper tries to furnish some ways for basketball teaching and training by means of exploring both basketball technical training and consciousness training.


  • 对实验组学生问卷调查结果,进一步说明利用课件进行篮球基本技术教学可行性

    The questionnaire to the students of the experiment group showed the feasibility of applying the courseware to basketball teaching of basic skills.


  • 教学前面有八个篮球我们经常打球

    In front of the classroom building lie four basketball courts, where we often play basketball.


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