• 这些场所也许重要项目管理场所,也许是一般服务安装场所

    These sites may be management areas of important project and the general service and installation sites.


  • 管理书籍花费了大量文字笔墨来讨论如何工作场所最大限度利用这些年轻人。

    Much ink has been spilled in management books discussing how to get the most out of these youths in the workplace.


  • 不过,发表工作场所健康管理期刊》上研究报告也说,雇员们因为上班时间健身,所以有不忠于职守内疚感

    However, their work in the Journal of Workplace Health Management, did find employees struggled to fit exercise around their work and felt guilty about being away from their desks.


  • 很多女性认为工作场所精英的管理,但事实并非如此。

    By and large women believe that the workplace is a meritocracy, and it isn't.


  • 设置每个软件开发规程——例如需求测试项目管理——的中心信息交换场所

    Where is your central intelligence located for each software development disciplinee.g., requirements, testing, project administration and management?


  • 几乎每个主要大都市有一些公司能够提供大量的在线游戏托管服务其中既包括廉价的简单场所提供,也有管理全面的全套托管服务。

    In nearly ever major metropolitan area, companies provide a wide range of services for hosting online games, including everything from bargain-basement colocation to fully managed hosting.


  • 如果我们需要脉动场所时间不必积极管理这些脉动呢?

    What if we need some time in a pulse-free sanctuary where we don’t have to actively manage the pulse?


  • DB2RecordsManagerWeb站点查找IBM DB2 RecordsManagerV3.1以及记录管理相关信息的有关资源理想场所

    The DB2 Records Manager Web site is the ideal place to locate resources having to do with IBM DB2 Records Manager V3.1 and records management related information.


  • 研究写作求职策略职业管理招聘趋势工作场所问题

    She researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues.


  • 它们工作场所推出使身在不同地点员工能够轻松地交流管理远处监管员工。

    They are being rolled out in workplaces, allowing employees in disparate locales to communicate more easily and letting managers supervise employees from afar.


  • 鲍勃写了很不错,认为有必要引入更好的劳动管理协调并且有必要加强现代工作场所中的灵活性安全性

    Bob had written some good books on the need for greater labor-management cooperation and the importance of both flexibility and security in the modern workplace.


  • 歧视法例出现,某些情况下可能并不是因为多元化工作场所而是部分管理人员为他们偏见采用更有说服力解释

    Anti-discrimination laws may thus be leading, in some cases, not to more diverse workplaces but to more convincing explanations of bias on the part of managers.


  • 不常见场所遇到某人比如便利商店遇到图书管理员,通常比较想起

    When you see someone out of context, like the librarian at the grocery store, it can be hard to remember who that person is.


  • 信息对于场所所有者服务器管理有用。

    This information is useful to place owners and the server administrator.


  • 程序员管理可以正常上班时间里自己比较安静工作场所工作,但是他们却喜欢强迫自己突击完成这些工作,可是出了名的。

    Programmers and administrators are notorious for allowing themselves to be coerced into rushing work that would be better left for normal business hours and the relative calm of your own workplace.


  • 去年两家英国管理机构调查发现只有14%经理认为他们工作场所适合年纪渐大的高龄员工

    A survey last year by two British management institutes found that only 14% of managers think that their workplaces are prepared to cope with the greying of the workforce.


  • 世卫组织提供办公场所进行管理全球卫生人力联盟致力于确定卫生人力危机解决办法并加以执行伙伴关系

    The Global health workforce Alliance, which is housed and administered by WHO, is a partnership dedicated to identifying and implementing solutions to the health workforce crisis.


  • 三角内衣厂女孩只有27救命水,而今管理工作场所环境法律很多

    The girls of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company only had 27 buckets of water to save themselves from the fire. Today there are many laws that govern the condition of workplaces.


  • 税务局不仅代办处包括管理营业机构作业场所和代理人。

    Tax official: not merely the representative office, it also include the establishment of management and business, the site of assignment and agent.


  • 这个移植努力发生需求管理工作场所环境中客户使用MicrosoftWord进行需求管理

    This migration effort took place in the context of a requirements management workshop with a client that used Microsoft Word for requirements management.


  • 场所充当管理角色任何人赋予ManageMembership权限任何角色可以获取Place statistics数据

    Place statistics data can be obtained by any person in the manager role for the place or any person in a role that has the manage Membership permission given to it.


  • 外国留学生公寓外国留学生生活学习重要场所规范管理,特制定本规定

    This REGULATION is formulated for the purpose of standardized management of foreign students' apartment, which is an important place for living and studying.


  • 社区城市管理体制基础,是青少年学习生活娱乐就业重要场所

    Community is the foundation of urban management system and is an important place for young people to learn, live, play and work.


  • 这个领域保健专家负责管理工作场所鉴定那里的安全障碍或者是职业病潜在来源

    Hygienists in this field monitor workplaces to identify any safety hazards or potential sources of occupational disease or incapacity.


  • 坚持例会制度,召开相关管理人员会议,不需要很正式场所,就办公室里即可,让大家及时提交业务问题分析原因

    You should adhere to system of regular meetings and hold a meeting with the managers in your office where everyone submits business issues and analyzes reasons, instead of formal places.


  • 行政厨师可能晋升食物制备场所管理职位

    Executive chefs may progress to managerial positions in food preparation establishments.


  • 行政厨师可能晋升食物制备场所管理职位

    Executive chefs may progress to managerial positions in food preparation establishments.


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