• 许多老年人越来越能依靠自己生活可能简单家庭医疗设备使用大量增加有关。

    The increasing self-reliance of many elderly people is probably linked to a massive increase in the use of simple home medical aids.


  • 今年(1996)3月30岁电视新闻记者黛娜 - 瑞兹拉斯维加斯简单家庭仪式完婚。

    In March this year (1996), he married 30-year-old television news journalist Dina Ruiz, in a private ceremony in Las Vegas.


  • 拉斯莱特用第二”来简单指称那些更年轻正在组建家庭

    Laslett uses the shorthand of "second age" for the group of younger people who are creating families.


  • 这些书中托尔斯泰认为人类应该简单生活照顾家庭

    In these books, Tolstoy believed humans should live a simple life and take care of their families.


  • 借助故事扫描”一些热门应用程序记录家庭食谱变得前所未有简单

    With the help of some popular apps like Story Scans, recording family recipes has never been easier.


  • 简单明了情况下,少数居住群体里家庭能够满足自己基本需求

    At the least complex end of the spectrum, the few families living in bands are able to meet their own basic needs.


  • 际上,保存家庭食谱有简单的方法。

    Actually, there are simple ways to keep family recipes.


  • 为丹佛道尔小学的一名新教师,凯尔·施瓦兹想到了一个简单的方法来了解她的三年级学生,他们大多来自贫困家庭

    As a new teacher at Doull Primary School in Denver, Kyle Schwartz thought of a simple way to get to know her third graders, most of whom came from poor families.


  • 微型榕树一种小型的、简单盆景通常DIY家庭家具商店中可以找到

    Ficus microcarpa is a small, easy bonsai often found in DIY or house furniture stores.


  • 简单生活传媒六月份主题旅游家庭时光所以今天问题非常符合这个话题

    June's theme for Simple Living Media is travel and family time, so today's question is perfect for this topic.


  • 虽然本文描述了如何实现一个简单家庭健康监视设备网关监视系统但是这个架构显然可以应用到广泛的领域

    While this article described how a simple in-home health monitoring device, gateway, and monitoring system are implemented, there are clearly many more domains where this architecture applies.


  • 比如说如果没有家庭负担,你可以选择一个简单的寿险保单

    For example, if you have no family dependent on you, you can get a simple life insurance policy.


  • 受欢迎人寿产品往往十分简单10到15年中缴纳保费,就获得收益,万一遭遇不幸,家庭还能获得额外的赔偿。

    The most popular life-insurance products tend to be simple: pay a premium for 10-15 years and get a return, plus protection for your family in the case of death.


  • 帮助黑人家庭简单办法,若黑人男性涉非暴力犯罪判他们入狱。

    But the simplest way to help the black family would be to lock up fewer black men for non-violent offences.


  • 事实远远没有这么简单,“低收入文化家庭孩子不会父母年长而表现得更好,”琼斯

    It is not so simple. "Children of low income, low education families don't do well regardless of what their parents' age is," says Johns.


  • 对于房子家庭姐妹以及对于简单事情比如说食物选择家务碎屑,兄妹作业或者企划的成千上百的繁琐的责任

    Hundreds of grueling responsibilities over the house, the family, the siblings and even the simplest things like food choices, household chores, homeworks and projects of the younger siblings.


  • 许多印度富裕地区拥有小店家庭正在简单办法退出

    A few small shop-owning families in richer areas of the country are taking the easy way out.


  • 然而,要使这些家庭储水器没有蚊子繁殖只需采取简单措施将储存饮用水覆盖使蚊子不能在那里产卵

    Yet, keeping these household water collections free from mosquito breeding only requires simple measures: storing drinking water under cover so that mosquitoes cannot deposit their eggs.


  • 这些方法简单有效,帮助保证家庭食品支出正常预算内

    These are some of the simple, yet effective ways, which I use to keep our families food budget on track.


  • 实际上,那些家庭小作坊糖果配方常常公司简单粗暴地复制盗取或者侵吞。

    In fact, she says, the home-kitchen inventions of candy-shop owners were often simply copied, stolen or swallowed up by large companies.


  • 比如说如果没有家庭负担,你可以选择一个简单的寿险保单

    For example, if you have nofamily dependent on you, you can get a simple life insurance policy.


  • 这里家庭生养小孩,有时简单就像只小羊。

    Raising a baby here, in a sense, is as simple as feeding one more lamb.


  • 使家庭手工企业成为国际出口企业步骤简单但是回报确很多- - -记住因特网没有一个人知道公司这种几率很小的

    To turn your cottage industry into an international exporter, the steps are simple but the rewards are many - remember, on the Internet no one knows your company is just one guy and a dog.


  • 例如家庭层次简单过滤消毒可显著改善水的微生物质量成本减少腹泻危险

    For instance, simple filtration and disinfection of water at the household level dramatically improves the microbial quality of water, and reduces the risk of diarrhoeal disease at low cost.


  • 许多简单家庭电影中的无聊之作——一样表现的猫咪或者幼儿着碧昂丝舞蹈

    Many of these are simply home-movie inanities — cats acting like people or toddlers dancing to Beyoncé.


  • 媒体播放器可以是原始的自动唱片点唱机(也就是说,没有显示器键盘),其中保存了所有音乐,也可以是使用7.1音频数字放映机家庭影院抑或简单卧室电影播放机

    A media player could be a headless jukebox (that is, have no monitor or keyboard) holding all your music, a home theater with 7.1 audio and a digital projector, or a simple bedroom movie player.


  • 简单生活家庭东西更迅捷

    Having a minimalist life and home also lets you find your things quicker.


  • 3月17日实现希望或者基本实现了:在巴黎荣军院所有步兵们举行国葬然后再搞一个简单家庭葬礼

    On March 17th he had his wish, or most of it: a state funeral for all the poilus at Les Invalides, and then a simple family burial.


  • 特姆库库为例,这是一个由170个家庭组成简单马普利村庄,村庄泛美高速公路仅有5公里路程。

    Take Temucuicui, a drab Mapuche village of some 170 families just five miles off the Pan-American highway.


  • 结果天才经常简单做了所有家庭作业一个天才

    As a result, a genius is often a talented person who has simply done all of his homework.


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