• 多达百分之四十学生签证期限滞留

    Up to forty percent of the students had overstayed their visas.


  • 告诉获得学生签证需要些什么需要多长时间吗?

    Could you tell me what I have to do to obtain a student visa and how long the process will take?


  • 签证程序变化导致申请美国大学外国学生数量急剧下降

    Changes in the visa process caused a dramatic decline in the number of foreign students seeking admission to the U.S. universities.


  • 签证程序变化导致申请美国大学外国学生数量急剧下降

    Changes in the visa process caused a dramatic decline in the number of foreign students seeking admission to U.S. universities.


  • 如果临时交换学生签证旅行,你也许能够通过雇主机构安排健康保险

    If you are traveling on a temporary or exchange student visa, you may be able to arrange for health insurance through your employer or institution.


  • 齐格·弗里德,事情越来越复杂移民法今年变得越来越严格了,学生只能或者拿到工商管理硕士学位之后才能申请签证

    Complicating matters, the immigration law was tweaked this year so that students can only apply for visas after they have completed and received their MBA degree, Siegfried said.


  • 国际学生研究生学校申请推迟到第三其中一个原因就是签证延迟。

    The delays may be one reason why graduate school applications from international students have slowed for the third year.


  • 但是签证系统耽搁各高校确定新学期开始多少学生报到

    But universities are unsure how many will arrive at the beginning of term after a new visa system threatened delays.


  • 西尔:“我们必须两方面更加努力,A推广我们全球最好大学。”B改变无法获得学生签证的不好看法

    SCOT MARCIEL: "We have to do a much better job of a marketing our universities, which are the best in the world; and b changing this terrible perception that you can't get a student visa."


  • 内政事务特委会份报告表示移民局修改海外学生签证条例所依据数据错误的,不能依据这些资料做出决定,否则可能会导致英国损失声誉

    The home affairs select committee says in a report that ministers' plans to change the student immigration system are based on flawed evidence and could lead to a loss of reputation for Britain.


  • 获得签证后,留学生留在当地进行求职,并规划自己未来

    With a PSW visa, international graduates can stay in the country, look for a job and decide on their future path.


  • 剑桥大学都是在十月份授予学位的,就意味着学生必须等到中秋之后才能申请他们的工作签证了。

    University of Cambridge doesn't confer degrees until October, which means students have to wait until mid-fall to apply for their work visa.


  • 很多潜在的学生在家苦苦煎熬除非接下来几天拿到签证,否则他们错过秋季入学的机会了。

    Many potential students are languishing at home, and will miss out on university places this autumn unless they receive visas in the next few days.


  • 减少本国每年移民人数,应对国内居高不下的失业率英国内政部计划提高学生签证的门槛。

    The UK`s Home Office intends to tighten visa regulations for international students to reduce the country`s annual net migration and cope with high domestic unemployment.


  • 为了去除虚假文件的学生,内政部正在逐步实施新的签证要求

    The Home Office is phasing in new visa requirements aimed at weeding out fake students.


  • 2009年十月十二月,英联邦出入境机构拒签13,500份来自印度北部学生签证申请

    UK's Border Agency put an embargo on student visa in north India after 13, 500 applications were received between October and December, 2009.


  • 如果英国明年实施一系列收紧签证政策数万中国学生可能被迫离开英国。

    Tens of thousands of Chinese students in UK could be forced out of the country if a basket of strict visa policies takes effect next year.


  • 去年学生签证申请量总共下降了23%。

    In all, applications for student visas have fallen by 23% in the past year.


  • 但是就连显示同情心漫画不准确之处:如果全世界美国领事处的办事方式漫画那样友好(签证官也是站着,与申请者之间没有玻璃隔层),那么申请签证学生非常高兴。

    But note that even this sympathetic cartoon is ill-informed: student visa applicants would be delighted if the arrangements in American consulates around the world were as friendly as in the cartoon.


  • 印度学生签证申请量大幅下降——7月9申请量去年同期相比下降了46%。

    Applications for student visas from India have gone into free-fall-down by 46% between July and October compared with the same period the previous year.


  • 虽然很多文件可能交换学生教师签证反之亦然每一方当事人可以打印文件,他们看到有必要消除不必要纸张浪费复制

    While many documents may be exchanged from student to teacher and visa versa, each party can print said documents as they see necessary, eliminating needless paper waste and copying.


  • 美国移民当局一个卧底行动——通过建立大学揭露学生签证诈骗进行大规模逮捕,该行动逮捕了21名犯罪嫌疑人

    A fake university established as part of a sting operation to expose student visa scams has netted 21 suspects in mass arrests carried out by American immigration authorities.


  • 王茜表示,2008英国学生毕业工作(简称:PSW)签证有效期1延长2

    According to Wang, in 2008 the UK extended the validation time for the Post Study Worker (PSW) visa from one year to two years.


  • 王茜表示,2008英国学生毕业工作(简称:PSW)签证有效期1延长2

    According to Wang, in 2008 the UK extended the validation time for the Post Study Worker (PSW) visa from one year to two years.


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