• 经过进一步认真检查发现签名伪造的。

    On closer examination it was found that the signature was not genuine.


  • 由于检查签名(出于安全性考虑),因此发件人必须发送邮件邮件文件收回

    Because signatures are checked (for security purposes), mail must be recalled from the mail file from which it was sent, by the original sender.


  • 分析证书有效性同时还会检查可信签名

    When the certificates are analyzed for validity, trust signatures are checked as well.


  • 接收到经签名订单在线交易服务器需要确认现时标志的唯一性检查身份是否指定目标接收方。

    On receiving this signed order, the online-trade server needs to validate the uniqueness of the nonce and check whether its identity is specified as the intended recipient.


  • 还给他们每人发了一个护照他们照片放在里面,并让他们签名,从而检查他们。

    I also issued them a passport, put their picture in it, had them sign their names, check to see how they know their addresses.


  • 此外,粮食入库检查实施监控一个电子签名系统落后埃塞俄比亚银行业内这可谓闻所未闻)每天结束时交易情况进行最后认定

    It will also control the warehousing and inspection of goods. An electronic signature system, unknown in Ethiopia's backward banking scene, will settle transactions by the end of the day.


  • 马丹训练软件获取手机数据这种签名每天检查可以使识别90%的流感受害者

    When Madan trained software to hunt for this signature in the cellphone data, a daily check correctly identified flu victims 90 per cent of the time.


  • 惠特曼浴室微型紫外线黑光检查签名真伪破损情况

    Wittman takes the painting into the bathroom and uses a miniature ultraviolet lamp and a black light to check it for signs of forgery or damage.


  • 编译类型检查规则API签名结合确定什么合法输入

    The compiler's type-checking rules coupled with the API's signature govern what constitutes legitimate input.


  • 收到请求时,S3检查签名确保请求没有传输过程篡改

    On receipt of the request, S3 will check the signature to ensure that the request has not been tampered with in transit.


  • 稍后透过引用签名验证检查签名这些验证将重新建立摘要确保与该资料物件中的内容匹配

    The signature is later checked via reference and signature validation that recreates the digest value and makes sure that it matches what is held in the data object.


  • 接下来检查签名CA证书是否存在于本地信任存储区

    Next, a check is made to see if a certificate for the signing ca exists in the local trust store.


  • 检查密码,会对比用户提供密码散列签名数据库存储签名

    Password validation is done by comparing the hash signatures of the password provided by the user with the signature stored in the database.


  • 有了静态检查AspectJ编译器发出警告,指出无法解析类型名称签名

    With static checking, AspectJ's compiler issues a warning noting that the type name or signature could not be resolved.


  • ellie收到Jethro发出消息时,LotusNotes客户程序就会使用一个目录中发布包含Jethro的公开密钥数字证书检查签名

    When Ellie receives the message from Jethro, her Lotus Notes client checks his signature via his digital certificate containing his public key that was published in a directory.


  • 现在WebSphereStudioApplication DeveloperV5构建生成检查数字签名并且运行ApplicationServer 5.0附带SOAP实现上的代理服务器

    Now, WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5 will build proxies and servers that generate and check digital signatures and run on the SOAP implementation shipping with Application server 5.0.


  • 虽然 instanceof功能提供了一种检查类型方法可以通过参数列表中使用类型提示,来将对象类型检查滚动方法签名自身中。

    The instanceof function provides a good way of checking type, but you can also roll object type checking into the method signature itself by using type hints in the argument list.


  • 对用 gss_wrap子例程加密消息进行解密检查嵌入签名

    Unwraps a message sealed by the gss_wrap subroutine and verifies the embedded signature.


  • 使用保存MessageDigest签名(参见上面第2)检查接收到映像完整性

    Use the saved Message Digest signature (see step 2, above) to verify the integrity of the retrieved image.


  • 如果不是就要检查签名权限级别

    If not, check the access level of the signer.


  • 可以抛出需要任何类型异常(检查运行时或错误),只要方法签名支持即可。

    You can throw any kind of exception you like - checked, runtime, or error - as long as the method signature supports it.


  • 需要基本检查意味着证书签名必须存在信任存储区中。

    There is still the basic check, meaning that the certificate signer must be present in the trust store.


  • 清单2中的回调旨在支持使用同一个公开-私有密匙对进行签名解密因此两种情况下进行检查任意一种情况返回相同密码

    The callback in Listing 2 is designed to support both signing and decrypting using the same private-public key pair, so it checks for both cases and returns the same password in either case.


  • 现时标志一个发送方(签名者)生成无重复字符串这样目标接收方就检查唯一性了。

    A nonce is a non-repeating string freshly generated by the sender (the signer) such that the intended recipient can check its uniqueness.


  • 包括了检查确认过期时间,确认签名决定对等呈现权限是否应该接受

    This includes checking the expiration date of the certificate, verifying the signature, and deciding whether credentials presented by the peer should be accepted.


  • 服务提供者过滤器使用提供签名检查服务请求者认证,并万一没有认证的情况给出一个SOAP错误(SOAPFault)响应

    The service provider filter checks authentication of the service requestor using the supplied signature and a gives a SOAP Fault response in case of none authentication.


  • 出现这种情形是因为LotusNotes一个签名验证安装外来插件将进行检查

    This occurs because Lotus Notes has a signature verification that it checks before installing foreign plug-ins.


  • 大堂唯一能够检查登记卡在登记卡签名吗?

    Is the Assistant Manager the only person to check and initial the registration card?


  • 检查相邻酒吧其中一个选择菜单签名工艺鸡尾酒东门马蒂尼黄瓜饮料。

    Check out the adjacent bar, which has a selective menu of signature craft cocktails such as the East Gate Blood Orange Martini or the Cucumber Rickey.


  • 谢谢!您好先生账单消费1000,检查无误签名确认请问怎样付费呢?

    Thank you sir. This is your bill , total is 1000. Please check it and sign your signature. How would you like to settle your payment?


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