• 产品适用于旋挖机起重机消防车混凝土回转液压系统

    This product is suitable for the arm support rotary hydraulic pressure system in digging machine, crane, pumper and concrete pump truck, etc.


  • 这种可以纳入只投影器械,将动态图形用户界面显示用户的手腕部位

    The armband also can include a projector able to display a dynamic graphical user interface onto, for example, the user's wrist.


  • ROS机器人的内置计算机上启动时,会要求机器人进行描述其中包括如机械长度结点旋转方式信息

    When ROS boots up on a robot's computer, it asks for a description of the robot that includes things like the length of its arm segments and how the joints rotate.


  • 同时史密斯检测设备医疗系统工业封装软管、机械业务能够更好地航空业务分离运作。

    Meanwhile, the detection equipment, medical systems and industrial seals and hoses arms of Smiths seem to be faring better away from aviation.


  • 塔式起重机主要竖直塔身水平塔顶平衡主要部件组成,如图3.67所示。

    The tower crane is mainly composed of vertical tower, horizontal tower, tower tower and balance arm, as shown in Figure 3.67.


  • 功能:锻炼人体部位柔韧性协调能力

    Functions: To build up the flexibility and coordination of arm, waist and legs.


  • 女用首饰造型细巧,图案丰富多彩品种戒指别针胸花项链耳环手镯、脚镯

    Female jewelry design modelling dainty varieties are rich and colorful rings, necklaces, brooches, pins, earrings, bracelets, insert ear bracelet, bracelet, etc.


  • 摄影升降机结构一般包括底部移动中心立柱回转工作平台几部分。

    The structure of the photographic elevator generally includes the bottom mobile car, the central column, the main rotating arm and the working platform, and so on.


  • 要着重讲授改善每个阶段- -讲授划水掌、脚蹼外科医用胶管训练辅助物的使用,将会有助于提高感官知觉输入

    Emphasize the feel of each stroke phase being taught or improved - teaching aids such as paddles , fins , and surgical tubing may help to improve sensory input.


  • 操作机构主要包括:导叶压板、导叶分瓣连接耳柄剪断连杆压盖

    Guide vane operation structure includes the guide vane arm clip board, guide vane arm, segmental keys, connection board, handle, cut pin, connecting rod pin and gland, etc.


  • 用途用于异型、多异型机、直线园边机、携带

    Use: For shaped single-arm grinding machine, shaped multi-arm grinding machine, straight line circular edging grinding machine, portable grinding machine.


  • 支架、托附件部分组成

    By the stent, such as corbel parts and accessories.


  • 架型起重机:可圆形场地及其上空作业用于露天装卸安装工作

    Jib crane: in circles over the operation site and more for open-air handling and installation work.


  • 上装组成部分:系统转台回转机构固定转塔支撑主要作用完成混凝土输送支撑整车保证稳定性

    Up-loading System: Boom system, Rotary table, Slewing mechanism, Fixed turret, Landing leg. Main function: Complete the concrete delivery and placing which support the vehicle to ensure its stability.


  • 由于可重构机械动力学系统存在大量的不确定性,导致PID传统的控制器无法实现精确位置控制

    There are many uncertainties in real dynamic system of reconfigurable manipulator that make PID type or traditional control methods unable to realize accurate position control.


  • 目的观察针灸蜡疗、按摩、神经肌肉刺激综合康复治疗小儿神经麻痹疗效

    Objective To observe therapeutic effects of acupuncture, wax therapy, cheirapsis, and nerve-muscle electric stimulation on brachial plexus paralysis of children.


  • 不仅头饰繁多,项圈钏、手镯饰物,而且喜着质地、折页多的百褶裙

    Besides complicated ones on the head, they also wear necklaces, arm and wrist bracelets, and heavy texture pleated skirts.


  • 观察针灸蜡疗、按摩、神经肌肉刺激综合康复治疗小儿神经麻痹疗效

    To observe therapeutic effects of acupuncture, wax therapy, cheirapsis, and nerve-muscle electric stimulation on brachial plexus paralysis of children.


  • 建议与其自我怀疑后悔负担干扰团队的表现,不如他人之力。

    Rather than burdening a team with distracting self-doubt and pity, try to help others, he advises.


  • 机械手与单机械手比较较好完成装配搬运重物工作

    A dual-arm manipulator can perform some tasks better, such as assembly and carry, as compared with a manipulator with one arm.


  • 三角具有结构紧凑、运行平稳凿岩盲区优点,被凿岩机器人采用

    With the advantage of compact structure, stable motion and no blind rock drilling area, double triangle boom is used in rocking drilling robot.


  • 提出坐标变换三角变换方法,巧妙求解出拟人机器人TH- 1逆向运动学解析表达式。

    Coordination transform, triangle transform, etc are proposed to successfully derive the inverse kinematics analytic equations for the humanoid robot th 1 arms.


  • 研究表明:影响充航天器姿态因素除了机械运动路径,还有机械运动的时间、机械转角的变化规律液体的粘性、质量惯性张量

    Variations on which attitude of spacecraft dependents are time, law of motion of manipulators, liquid mass, liquid inertial tensor and damping coefficient besides paths of motion of manipulators.


  • 为了保证架式起重机安全工作必须安装监测载重、幅度影响起重机力矩因素的力矩保护器。

    For the safe operation of jib cranes, load moment limiters need to be installed to monitor and control values of load and radius influencing the value of load moment.


  • 秦沈客运专线接触网悬挂类型线材配置、导线高度结构高度、腕支持结构、接触网电分形式、接触网支柱基础主要技术标准进行分析总结

    This is an analysis and generalization on hanging type, wire, lead elevation, structure rise, arm stay, phase splitting pattern, OCL post foundation of Qin-Shen Passenger Dedicated line OCL.


  • 专业制造汽车底盘部件转角及转动部件,产品有:悬挂拉杆球头、控制球头、转角拉杆球头、拉杆总成、主邦汰、副邦汰系列。

    Specially manufacture automotive Chassis fittings, Steering parts, Ball joint, Tie rod end, Side rod Assy, Rock and Stabilizer link, Control arm, Idler arm, Pitman arm, Center link cross rod.


  • 阐明平面平行四边形端面凸轮部分设计原理

    The parts design and principle were discussed that includes the oblique plane, the swing arm parallelogram, and the end plane CAM.


  • 阐明平面平行四边形端面凸轮部分设计原理

    The parts design and principle were discussed that includes the oblique plane, the swing arm parallelogram, and the end plane CAM.


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