• 根据服务提供者等级模型进行记账(例如公共记账接口)。

    Billing according to the service provider's rating models (e.g. Common Billing Interface).


  • 试验结果表明鸭蛋颜色等级模型具有较高的回归精度,可以用于指导在线生产

    The result show that the grade model of egg core color is high precision to direct the line production.


  • 介绍五种计算健康预期寿命方法沙立文方法、递减增减状态生命方法、观仿真法、属等级模型法,并对各种方法的优缺点作了述评。

    This paper reviews five methods of calculating healthy life expectancy namely Sullivan method double-decrement method multistate life table method micro-simulation method grade of membership model.


  • 可视模型将提高抽象等级使得对规格架构设计通讯变得容易。

    Visual modeling raises the level of abstraction and makes it easier to communicate specification, architecture, and design.


  • 需要确保所有这些数据字段成熟度模型中找到了归属位置。如果其中发生了生命问题,说明你没有完全清晰定义好等级

    You need to make sure that all of the data fields fits somewhere on the maturity model... if it is questionable you may not have defined your levels clearly enough.


  • 我们继续模型一个阶段之前满足之前阶段等级所有需求

    All requirements for the previous stage level must be satisfied before we proceed to the next stage of the model.


  • 相反建议央行应该将公司债券差价等级纳入自己建立模型

    Instead, he suggests that central Banks should build the level of corporate-bond spreads into their models.


  • 实体关系处于第一等级复合数据模型元素表示

    Entities and relationships are first class citizens and are represented by the CompositeData model element.


  • 两种技术不同之处在于本文介绍模型着眼于词语意思不仅仅较低等级图片视觉特征

    The new model is different in that it has to look at the meanings of the words, rather than just lower-level visual features of a picture.


  • 加入这些过程一步树立达到模型第四成熟度等级整体目标

    To include these processes, the first step is to establish an overall goal on reaching the fourth maturity level of this model. Let's take a look at the goal for each process type.


  • 这种模型可以用于提供者使用者之间创建紧密反馈环节例如eBay(有关其链接请参见参考资料买家和卖家的等级系统

    This model is also being used to create a tight feedback loop between providers and consumers; an example of this is the buyer and seller rating systems on eBay (see Resources for a link).


  • 2模型阶段表述涉及到所达到每一等级一系列过程目标等级建立基础

    Staged representations of the model involve a set of process area goals whereby each level you attain establishes a foundation for the next level.


  • 这个场景角度来看(参见下面1),显示了业务模型等级结构

    From the point of view of the scenario, see Figure 1 below, which shows the hierarchy of the business models.


  • 讨厌这个模型暗示等级观念。每当我看到这种说法使父母认为他们的孩子永远也无法感受时,我真哭。

    I dislike the hierarchy of human value it implies and, every time it leads a parent to believe that his or her autistic child will never feel love, I want to cry.


  • 为了支持这种趋势将更加灵活新的等级性能添加语言中去,用以支持软件模型任意复杂级别中使用。

    To support such trends, flexible new hierarchical capabilities were added to the language to support software modeling at arbitrary levels of complexity.


  • 通过寻找模型搜索中的找出等级结构双击打开编辑器中的类,按下f 4打开等级树。

    Discover the hierarchical tree structure classes by finding the class in the Model Explorer, double-click to open the class in the editor, and press F4 to open the hierarchy tree.


  • 集群工作负载等级(CLWLRANK)适合这个自动更改传播模型另一个队列属性

    Cluster workload rank (CLWLRANK) is another queue attribute that fits this automatic change propagation model. The cluster workload rank attribute differs from the put attribute in two ways.


  • 4rup模型等级表示

    Table 4: Hierarchical representation of the RUP meta-model.


  • 最后结合具体实例运用所建立模型进行安全评价采用安全等级模糊特征确定应用实例的安全等级

    Finally, combining the concrete example, USES this established model to safety evaluate, and adopts the fuzzy characteristic vector of safety grade to confirm the security grade.


  • 通过使用XML描述判决策略等级角色判决模型处理复杂逻辑条件判决非原先简单数值比对

    Through the description of decision policies with XML, the model can deal with complex logic decisions rather than simple value comparison.


  • 利用算法构建威胁等级评估模型,并进行了实例计算。

    The Threat Level Assessment model is built using this algorithm.


  • 建立了合理数据结构适当的等级从而完成了整个软件系统的面向对象分析设计模型

    And then, data structure and classes grade were built up, the objects and the model of the software system were completed.


  • 其主要手段建立隶属函数评价模型确定煤炭资源开采难度等级

    It will be expounded by establishing an evaluating model of the subordinated function, and then fixing the level of the degree of difficulty in the coal resources' exploration.


  • 基于一种新的ER算法给出了潜艇战场损伤等级评估模型

    Based on a new ER algorithm, a grade evaluation model of submarine battle damage was proposed.


  • 研究结果表明模型有效地网络安全等级进行综合评价

    The investigation results show that this model can be used to a comprehensive assessment of network security levels effectively.


  • 结果表明模型4个色泽等级红毛丹的正确分类率分别94%、88%、89%95%,且具有较好的稳定性

    The results show that the accuracies of four color grades rambutan recognized by SVM model were 94%, 88%, 89%, 95% respectively with good stability.


  • 论文笔者首先粗略介绍等级层次原理以及前辈学者运用原理分析社会学模型

    In the paper the author first sketchily introduced the rank level principle, as well as the senior scholar analyzed the sociological model utilizing this principle.


  • 广义等级展开模型GGUM就是针对这机制提出来

    Generalized Graded Unfolding model (GGUM) is an IRT model developed to solve this problem in personality.


  • 评估结果说明根据模糊综合评判模型可以把模糊性很强集中度等级指标定量化发电市场力的评判提供依据

    The evaluation result shows that the concentration ratio index can be quantified and becomes a reference to measure the market power of electric market based on the general fuzzy evaluation model.


  • 评估结果说明根据模糊综合评判模型可以把模糊性很强集中度等级指标定量化发电市场力的评判提供依据

    The evaluation result shows that the concentration ratio index can be quantified and becomes a reference to measure the market power of electric market based on the general fuzzy evaluation model.


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