• 对不起付款申请没有批,我们的供款退还

    We are sorry, Your application for hire purchase is rejected. We will refund the first payment to you.


  • 这本杂志刚刚出版了6000

    The magazine has just published its six thousandth edition.


  • 选择支付高额纳税人必须4月15日之前交纳3税款

    Upper-bracket taxpayers who elected to pay their tax increase in instalments must pay the third instalment by April 15.


  • 该文发表25

    The article appeared in issue 25.


  • 今天我们报纸出版10000

    Today our paper publishes its 10000th number.


  • 最后文章中,我们将了解完整的mod_perl站点(将讨论模板代码位于功能丰富的perl: perl和amazon云,4部分)。

    In this last installment, prepare yourself to witness a full mod_perl site (templates this time; the code base was in Part 4).


  • 最后文章(4部分)将向展示如何使用一个更新站点部署插件

    Part 4, the final installment, shows you how to deploy a plug-in using an update site.


  • 17你们一定到了有关我们产品介绍。

    No doubt you also read the item about our products on page 17 of this journal.


  • 意味着25喷流本该2008年2009年出现至今还未出现。

    That means the flow for Cycle 25 should have appeared in 2008or 2009, but it has not shown up yet.


  • 可以消费者报导杂志384聪明购买者购买或者租赁汽车指南》中找到更多深入信息,这本杂志可以书店里买

    You can find more in-depth information and advice on each of the following subjects in Consumer Reports' new 384-page Smart Buyer's Guide to Buying or Leasing a Car, available in bookstores.


  • 本系列2部分如何创建集群节点

    Part 2 of the series, "Developing the cluster nodes," will teach you how to create the cluster nodes.


  • 24开始,人们通过太阳扭转振动位置强度准确预知24周内太阳黑子活动的推迟。

    Before cycle 24 commenced, the position and strength of the torsional oscillation correctly predicted the late arrival of this cycle's sunspot activity.


  • 乔治·华盛顿指挥官大卫·a·劳斯曼上校,“乔治·华盛顿团队上的5舰载机联队一起加长维护完成这项评估任何人预想的都要快要。”

    "The Airwing 5, George Washington team came together to complete this evaluation better and sooner than anyone expected following our extended maintenance period," said GW Commanding Officer Capt.


  • 国债连续3攀升美国10年债券收益下降7个基本点至3.72%。

    Treasuries climbed for a third day and the yield on the U.S. 10-year note fell seven basis points to 3.72 percent.


  • 现在3也是最后文章中,会看到如何这些JPEG文件自动上传到远程站点

    Now in this third and final installment, you see how to add automatic uploading of those JPEGs to a remote site.


  • 2月15地球行星科学通讯杂志上,篇关于发现钻石报告中,费鲁瓦尔主要作者

    Ferroir is the lead author of a report in the new diamond in the Feb. 15 issue of the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters.


  • 他们的发现刊登五月14Cell杂志。

    Their findings are published in the May 14 issue of Cell.


  • 正是预见到这个危险,泰国银行于8月24提高利率——2010年以来9提高利率。

    With that in mind, the Bank of Thailand raised interest rates on August 24th for the ninth time since mid-2010.


  • 公司刊登《商务周刊》2004年38家具广告引起了我方的兴趣,去噢了解贵公司全面详细的报价。

    The advertisement of your furniture in the thirty-eighth issue of Bisiness Weekly in 2004 appeals to us, and we would love to have full details of your offer.


  • 80年代以来确诊处于ii I妇女5年生存率显示稳定增长而且处于iv病人预后已经微小变化

    Five-year survival for women with stage III disease has shown a small but consistent improvement since the early 1980s, and there has been very little change in prognosis for stage iv patients.


  • 具争议性的部分106节,禁止实体访问美联储贴现ie门户、进行交易使用交易对冲他们自己暴露风险

    The most controversial bit is Section 106, which would prohibit entities with access to the Fed’s discount window—ie, banks—from trading swaps or using them to hedge their own exposures.


  • 刊登一月份29地球物理研究》中的Lorenz研究表明,泰坦地表没有足够甲烷储备维持大气中的含量水平

    Lorenz' study, which was published in the Jan. 29 issue of Geophysical Research Letters, shows there is not enough sources of methane on the ground to account for the atmospheric levels.


  • 系列下一文章(即3部分)将演示如何使用Eclipse内置的调试工具修复开发插件过程中出现错误

    The next installment in this series, part 3, demonstrates how to use the debug tools built into Eclipse to troubleshoot any errors you encounter when developing a plug-in.


  • N800系列 3 最后)将讨论如何操作。

    The third and final installment in this N800 series shows you how.


  • 76人最好球员未来名人成员HalGreer已经处在14个赛季,已经过了巅峰

    The Sixers’ most decorated player, the future Hall of Famer Hal Greer was in his 14th season and well past his prime.


  • Yudhijit Bhattacharjee(yudhijit@gmail.com)科学杂志的特约撰稿人18.02杂志上撰写关于破译间谍信息的文章。

    Yudhijit Bhattacharjee (yudhijit@gmail.com) is a staff writer at Science. He wrote about decoding a spy’s messages in issue 18.02.


  • 今年4月中国购买日本国债做法相对的,同中国更大规模出售1.470万亿日元的货币市场工具一年限更短的短债券),是中国连续6个出售此类资产。

    The longer-term buying in April was countered with the larger net sale of Y1,470bn in money market instrumentsshort-dated bills of a year or less – in the sixth successive month of sales.


  • 今年4月中国购买日本国债做法相对的,同中国更大规模出售1.470万亿日元的货币市场工具一年限更短的短债券),是中国连续6个出售此类资产。

    The longer-term buying in April was countered with the larger net sale of Y1,470bn in money market instrumentsshort-dated bills of a year or less – in the sixth successive month of sales.


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