• 第四纪研究中的很多特征(变量)均可看成区域化变量进行地质统计学分析

    We can regard a lot of characters (variable) in Quaternary research as regionalized variable from which geostatistical analysis and estimation can be made.


  • 本文报道毕节八儿崖洞穴堆积出产的巨化石共生石制品,贵州第四纪研究和旧石器考古一项有突破性意义的新发现

    The Gigantopithecus fossils and associated stone artifacts described in this report are discovered from a cave site named Baerya, Bijie City of Guizhou Province.


  • 中国第四纪冰川研究回顾展望

    Review and prospects of Quaternary Glaciation research in China.


  • 所以地区研究第四纪以来特别是全新以来中国及全球环境变化典型地区。

    Therefore, the area is typical to study the environmental change of China, even of the globe since Quaternary Period, especially since the Holocene Epoch.


  • 沙漠形成演化第四纪古气候、环境研究重要内容之一

    Evolution of desert is one of important aspect of Quaternary paleoclimate and paleoenvironment research.


  • 发育规模时间跨度所包含地质古环境信息第四纪地质研究占有重要的位置。

    The development scale, time span and geo-environmental information of the chenier plays a crucial role in the researches of Quaternary geology.


  • 阐明这些地区晚第四纪的地壳运动对于研究断裂活动性、地震预测预报以及重大工程区域稳定性评价均有重要意义。

    This result is significant for the research on the fault activity and earthquake prediction and for the stability evaluation of important engineering region.


  • 第四纪地质研究基础、以桩基工程评价需要目的改进了工作方法,获得较好的工程效果

    Based on Quatarnary geology research and engineering evaluation for pile foundations, we have improved the method of Unit dividing and achieved considerable engineering effects.


  • 本文研究了一组发育第四纪红色粘土母质红壤红壤性水稻磷的吸附和解吸特征

    The phosphate adsorption-desorption characteristics of two red soils and two paddy soils, derived from the same Quaternary red clay, were studied.


  • 页岩中风成沉积发现,可以进一步研究有关湖相页岩第四纪纹泥的古气候变化、正确恢复古湖泊沉积环境提供良好的指标。

    The aeolian silty sand in shale can provide good guide to study of paleoclimate about lacustrine shale and varve, and to reconstruct sedimentary environment of paleolake accurately.


  • 中国黄土高原黄土,作为全球变化研究信息载体连续性最好、蕴藏信息丰富第四纪陆相沉积物

    As a information carriers of the research of global change, the loess in Chinese loess Plateau is the most consecutive sediment and has the most abundance information since Quaternary.


  • 第四纪自然环境形成演变第四纪地质研究中心环节

    The formation and evolution of Quaternary natural environment is the key link of Quaternary geological study.


  • 现代针叶树气孔研究鉴定化石气孔器奠定基础,对第四纪植被变化古气候研究起着很重要的作用,是第四纪孢粉学的一个重要补充。

    The study on the morphology of stomata of conifers is the foundation of identifying fossil stomata that is important for the study of the change of vegetation and climate.


  • 因此一地区第四纪环境进行深入研究,不仅具有较高的科学价值,还具有深远的现实意义。

    Therefore, the deep study of quaternary environment of this area is of great importance in science and realism.


  • 新的野外调查研究结果表明六盘山东麓断裂第四纪以来活动断裂构造

    New results of field investigations show that the eastern Liupanshan piedmond fault is an active reverse fault zone since late Quaternary.


  • 人字洞动物群发现研究我国第四纪早期动物群的特征动物地理区系演化气候环境变迁提供重要的信息。

    The discovery of Renzidong fauna is of great help for the study of the environmental background to the hominid evolution, and the evolution of zoogeography and paleoclimate of China in the Quaternary.


  • 通过大别山北缘第四纪沉积物研究,分析近百万年来该地区的地质构造变化及其变化淮河形成、演化关系

    Studies on the land sediment laying over the Dabie Mountains, can help us to find the change in this area and the law between this change and Huaihe river's evolvement.


  • 该文以往研究基础上对河北平原第四纪地层划分探讨,其成果建立华北平原含水层结构模型搭建了平台

    It is the classification for the Quaternary stratigraphies of Hebei Plain study to build a platform for the aquifer structure model of the North China Plain .


  • 初步研究表明,冰洞洞体形成主要与该区第四纪早期冰川作用有关

    Studies show that the formation of the ice bodies in the ice cave is related mainly to Quaternary glaciation.


  • 分析海桑花粉第四纪地层中的分布,对深入研究南海海区物质来源、古环境古气候等有着重要的意义。

    The environmental and climatic fluctuation of the late Quaternary in the South China Sea was explored by analysing the distribution of Sonneratia pollen.


  • 研究区海子位于青藏高原东部的沙鲁里山中段,第四纪期间经历了大幅度构造抬升第四纪冰川作用

    The Haizi Shan, located in the central Shaluli Mountain, eastern Tibetan Plateau, experienced tectonic uplift of great amplitude and extensive glaciation during the Quaternary.


  • 长江中下游地区网纹红土中的古气候记录第四纪全球变化研究具有十分重要意义。

    The paleoclimate records of the vermicular red earth in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Region is of great significance to the study of the global changes in Quaternary.


  • 本文对浙江省第四纪古红土分布、形态特征理化性质了分析研究,并就古红土农业利用有利不利条件作探讨。

    The degrees of the rubification of that red palaeosols were evaluated, and the advantages and disadvantages of the soils for agricultural utilization were also discussed.


  • 国际第四纪联合会(INQUA)1005计划旨在召集资深年轻研究进行波兰乌克兰西部地区黄土研究先进可比方法应用到联合研究中。

    The aim of INQUA project 1005 is to assemble experienced and young loess researchers to study loess in Poland and western Ukraine and to apply advanced and comparable methods in joint research.


  • 对几个第四纪红色粘土剖面网纹层进行了微形态研究

    The micromorphological charateristics of variegated horizon in profiles of Quaternaryred clay were studied and reported in this paper.


  • 利用洞穴次生化学沉积物进行环境重建第四纪全球变化研究一个热点,稳定同位素重要的气候替代性指标

    The carbon and oxygen stable isotopes have been considered to be the most effectual proxy indexes in reconstructing the paleoclimate of Quaternary.


  • 本文地质地貌地震等综合方法研究第四纪构造应力状态。 本区第四纪主压应力为北东东—南西西方向。

    The Quaternary tectonic stress states over the mentioned area and its relations to earthquakes are studied by combining the methods of geology, geomorphology. seismology and repeated levelling.


  • 本文地质地貌地震等综合方法研究第四纪构造应力状态。 本区第四纪主压应力为北东东—南西西方向。

    The Quaternary tectonic stress states over the mentioned area and its relations to earthquakes are studied by combining the methods of geology, geomorphology. seismology and repeated levelling.


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