• 第一财富健康第二财富美丽第三财富财产

    The first wealth is health, the second wealth is beautiful, wealth is the third property.


  • ⊙、第一财富健康第二财富美丽第三财富财产

    The first wealth is health, the second wealth is beautiful, wealth is the third property.


  • 典型地说明了尼日利亚商业首都撒哈拉以南非洲第二经济体,显示50多年突然发现的巨大石油财富被滥用

    This typifies the commercial capital of Nigeria, sub-Saharan Africa's second largest economy, illustrating the misuse of the country's vast wealth since oil was struck over 50 years ago.


  • 开始第二本书的内容加以控制,这部《天堂向左深圳讲述了年轻人深圳追求财富的故事。

    Mr. Murong began muzzling himself with his second book, “Heaven to the Left, Shenzhen to the Right, ” about young people trying to make their fortunes in Shenzhen.


  • 捐赠榜上的第二名,那些财富来自继承遗产的个人,两倍多。

    That's more than twice the amount given by the next highest group, those with inherited wealth.


  • 作为全球第二石油公司财富500强企业壳牌公司在挑选人才方面极为严格

    The second largest global oil giant and a Fortune 500 company, Shell is known for its stringent selection criteria when it comes to executive hiring.


  • 声名狼藉之处 :2009年,墨西哥头号通缉犯成为第二个征服福布斯财富毒枭

    Notoriety: In 2009, Mexico's most-wanted man became the second narcotrafficker to crack the Forbes rich list.


  • 投资商沃伦·巴菲特保住了第二位置,虽然财富保持不变,仍360亿美元。

    Investor War-ren Buffett kept the No. 2 position al-though his wealth was unchanged at billion.


  • 瑞银发布第二份年度世界财富报告显示20101月2011年6月全球财富总额增长了14%,在一年半的时间内203万亿美元增加至231万亿美元。

    Credit Suisse's Second Annual Global Wealth Report shows total global wealth increased 14 percent from January 2010 to June 2011, to $231 trillion from $203 trillion a year and a half ago.


  • 第二表示美国式等分阶层的财富分配非常均衡(其中那块号称达 85% 的部分——NortonAriely标为 84%,不过这没什么可挑剔的)。

    The second depicted the United States, with wealth distributed very unequally among five groups (one of which gobbled up 85 percent—Norton and Ariely put it at 84 percent, but let's not quibble).


  • 拉纳·米特指出环境可能争拗点.说:「是一个能够团结中产阶级议题之一.首先你们一旦得到一定水平富足,便加强对环境的关注.第二,因为有一个拥有财富的中产阶级,他们变得更加关心自身利益.任何稍为偏颇的方向可能带来麻烦,也许是一个提示.」

    "It is one of those issues which can articulate the middle class, " he said. "Firstly because once you've got a certain level of prosperity, concern about the environment becomes greater.


  • 这次的聚会称作第一晚宴”,根据财富》杂志报道,那之后还有第二第三次的晚宴。

    The meeting was called the "first supper". There have been, according to Fortune, second and third suppers since then.


  • 第二方案中EFSF基金设立专项救助基金”,这部分基金其他投资人包括主权财富基金进行注资。

    Under the second scheme, the EFSF would create a set of special-purpose vehicles financed by other investors, including sovereign-wealth funds.


  • 巴塞罗纳赛季赢得欧洲冠军杯(ChampionsLeague),俱乐部收入增加了25%,帮助该队在德勤年度足球财富排行榜”(Football MoneyLeague)的排名上升4位,位列第二

    Barcelona climbed four places to second place in Deloitte's annual Football Money League on the back of winning last season's Champions League and increasing revenues by 25 per cent.


  • 李文正(印尼名字,Mochtar Riady)在第二世界大战之后积累下了这份家族财富起初靠做自行车生意,后来买下了一家银行,再后来建立了企业集团,即力宝集团(LippoGroup)。

    Mochtar Riady established the family fortune after the second world war, first as a bicycle trader, then by buying a bank, then by founding the Lippo Group, a conglomerate.


  • 马化腾据称坐拥293亿身家,最新胡润财富榜上排名第二

    Ma is reported to have assets of RMB29.3b and is ranked No 2 on the latest Hurun Rich List.


  • 一个处理财务数据财富500强中的大部分公司谷歌应用引擎他们声明第二链接

    Webfilings, a company that handles financial data for most of the Fortune 500, runs on Google App Engine. Their statement about it in the second link I've given.


  • 关于第二问题今年冬季达沃斯论坛上,确实过,对在美国中国外汇储备资产十分关心,因为中国财富

    For your second question, I did say at the World Economic Forum in Davos this year that we were concerned about China's foreign exchange assets in the United States, because it is China's money.


  • 婚前协议可以保护老年人人士进入第二以后的婚姻大量财富财政利益

    A premarital agreement can protect the financial interests of older persons, persons who are entering into second or subsequent marriages, and persons with substantial wealth.


  • 若命盘中月亮金牛座位于第二宫之内,木星形成出相位,太阳形成拱的入相位时,则盘主拥有大量财富

    He that hath the Moon in Tairus in the second separating from the square or Opposition of Jupiter, and applying to Trine of the Sun shall obtain very considerable riches.


  • 首先他们认为管理网上业务很简单第二,他们认为,一个可以通过在线营销瞬间的财富

    First is they think managing an online business is easy and second, they think that one can make a fortune through online marketing in an instant.


  • 第二财富效应源泉什么

    The second, what is the source of wealth effects?


  • 第二特点信息新的统计数据财富成为党城市方式运作,新的见解

    The second edition features a wealth of new information, new statistical data, and new insights into the ways gangs operate in cities large and small.


  • 平均财富而言澳大利亚世界排名第二居于瑞士之后

    In terms of average wealth, Australia ranked second in the world after Switzerland in 2013.


  • 一定重要性的重要性比起财富创造本身来说第二的。

    Have some importance, but its importance to wealth creation itself is a second bit.


  • 一定重要性的重要性比起财富创造本身来说第二的。

    Have some importance, but its importance to wealth creation itself is a second bit.


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