• 自定义第二自然

    Custom is a second nature.


  • 从小就开始如此激烈训练习惯变成了第二自然的、下意识的行为,根本不用费多大劲。

    With such an early and intense drilling, the habit soon becomes second nature, effortless and unconscious.


  • 无论是森林中的木屋还是木屋中的森林,改造形象设计大厅构筑空间第二自然

    No matter the cabin in the forest or the forest in the cabin, the image design hall after transformation forms the second nature of the space.


  • 中国古典园林山水人化自然,是我国人民创造出的“第二自然”,其中山水之美的主要体现

    The landscape beauty of Chinese classic gardens which is mainly embodied by piled up mountains and waters is characterized by the man-made natural beauty.


  • 享受自然世界最佳方式独自一人;第二方法结伴

    The best way to enjoy the natural world is by yourself; the second best way is in company.


  • 挪威民间故事第二类型自然

    The second category of Norwegian folk tale is the supernatural.


  • 事实上认为这种合作对于他们显得自然他们几乎没有第二想法

    In fact, he believes that collaboration comes so naturally to them, they scarcely give it a second thought.


  • 第二必需在不影响地球脆弱自然资源可持续性或者气候情况下,促进满足将来全球粮食林产品需要

    Second, it must foster the satisfaction of future global needs for food and forest products without compromising the sustainability of the earth's fragile natural resources or its climate.


  • 出版描述自然选择思想物种起源十二第二也付梓印刷

    Twelve years after he published "on the Origin of Species", which described the idea of natural selection, a second book hit the presses.


  • 一个唯物的,自然的,针对意识的阐述,第二这认为精神状态过程不能归结为生理或物质的状态和过程。

    That is the thesis of a monistic materialism physicalism of consciousness and mind and second mental states and processes cannot be reduced to a physio-physical states and processes.


  • 第二实验中,要求被不能离开实验室而是一些着一些自然景色图片看,一些人看着城市景象

    In the second study participants weren't even allowed to leave the lab but instead some stared at pictures of natural scenes while others looked at urban environments.


  • 第二问题如果拍摄不到模特自然目光她们的眼睛很快,如果长时间拍摄的话,眼睛会布满血丝

    The second problem is that if you don’t have your subject blink naturally you will dry out their eyes and if you are doing a lengthy shoot the eyes will become blood shot.


  • 第二问题如果拍摄不到模特自然目光她们的眼睛很快,如果长时间拍摄的话,眼睛会布满血丝

    The second problem is that if you don't have your subject blink naturally you will dry out their eyes and if you are doing a lengthy shoot the eyes will become blood shot.


  • 经过实验,相比较于第二暴露自然——黑暗循环下的老鼠第一第三组的老鼠体重的增长幅度高出50个百分点。

    Over the eight-week period of the experiment the mice inthe first and third groups gained almost 50% more weight than those exposed tothe natural light-dark cycle.


  • 自然第二部电影就此诞生了,清楚明白了吧!

    And then the second movie happened and it was all so clear.


  • 矛盾中心自然指向了第二个争论点,那就是怎样建设节约型社会筹资

    The controversy leads naturally to the second squabble, how to finance conservation.


  • 现在自然除臭剂,科诺诗(Korres)的白茶液态啫喱已经是第二瓶了(大啊)!我也没法放弃爱尔康的Opti - Free隐形眼镜护理

    I use natural deodorant now, I am on my second bottle of Korres White Tea Fluid Gel (I LOVE it!) and I can't give up my Opti-Free contact lens cleaner.


  • 第二生活与其自然栖息地类似环境中,16小时白天似的光亮然后8小时的黑暗

    A second group lived in conditions akin to their natural habitat, with 16 hours of overcast day-like light, followed by eight hours of darkness.


  • 那是那个国家第二到达Kulala一个91400英亩的毗邻NamibRand自然保护区的难民区,这份乐观看起来理由充分。

    This optimism seemed well-founded on my second day in the country, when I arrived in the Kulala Wilderness, a 91,400-acre refuge adjacent to the NamibRand Nature Reserve.


  • 第二本法水土保持是指自然因素人为活动造成水土流失所采取预防治理措施

    Article 2 as used in this Law, the term "water and soil conservation" means preventive and rehabilitative measures taken against soil erosion which is caused by natural factors or human activities.


  • 模拟表明气候变化使这些区域总面积未来两千增长7倍(自然地理科学第二,第105页)。

    Simulations indicate that climate change could increase their total area sevenfold in the next couple of thousand years (Nature Geoscience, vol 2, p 105).


  • 第一句说日常生活中我们遵守自然规律第二句说梦想快速成功然后立即采取行动是可以理解的,但是不能太着急。

    Actually, whenever we take action in our daily life, we should follow the law of nature.


  • 这种差异很大程度上源于种族:对在家不说英语的穷孩子来说,英语他们第二第三语言词汇自然

    Much of this difference is explained by ethnicity: unsurprisingly, poor children who do not speak English at home have fewer words in what is their second or third language.


  • 他们归到因为认为第二本书社区简单生活重要第一本书提供了一个好的背景自然热爱

    I grouped these two together because I think the second book is more important in terms of simple living within a community, but the first book provides a good background and a love of nature.


  • 现在我们可以推出第二概念自然发生

    And now we can introduce our second concept: emergence.


  • 用户打开一个新的窗口,尝试同一关键词进行第二搜索,显示的为标准自然搜索结果

    When the user attempted to recreate the same results by opening a new tab the results returned were of the standard organic variety.


  • 用户打开一个新的窗口,尝试同一关键词进行第二搜索,显示的为标准自然搜索结果

    When the user attempted to recreate the same results by opening a new tab the results returned were of the standard organic variety.


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