• 例如说:第一时期,身体能量充满皮肤层次

    For example: the first times, your skin nadis would be full of energy.


  • 第一时期通过大量阅读西知道了近代博物馆及其功能

    He knew the museums and their functions through reading considerable western books and the books that introduced western world during the first period.


  • 周代我国第一可以称之为统一王朝也是我国统一思想形成的第一个时期

    Zhou dynasty can be considered as a united dynasty in our country, and it is also the first period that the unified thought comes to begin;


  • 第一时期作者二十四丙申诗序》为标志提出了以“”字为中心美学纲领,可以称为萌芽阶段

    Bingshen Shi Xu, a book written by him when he was twenty-four, marks the first stage, a budding stage, putting forward the aesthetic creed around the concept of Yuan or farness.


  • 尽管第一感恩节饥饿肆虐美洲安人遭受镇压时期少数特权群体庆祝的,但黑还是想要她自己的感恩节。

    No matter that the first Thanksgiving was celebrated by a privileged few in a time of rampant starvation and the suppression of Native Americans—Hale wanted her Thanksgiving.


  • 惠特莉可能第一不是共和国发展时期唯一一个奴隶

    Wheatley may have been the first, but she was not the only slave to write books during the growing days of the Republic.


  • 事实上这里两个时期降雨湖泊形成第一始于大约37000年前个可以追溯到一万年前。

    There were actually two periods of rain and lake formation: the first one began about 37,000 years ago; and the second one dates from about 10,000 years ago.


  • 时期,墨子用木头制作了历史上第一个风筝。

    In the Warring States period, Mozi made the first kite in history out of wood.


  • 作为古典时期最后一位伟大的科学家当时知识水平为基础,不是凭猜测想象绘制地图第一人。

    The last great scientist of the classical period, he was the first to draw a map that was based on all available knowledge, rather than guess or imagination.


  • 刚好那段时期詹姆斯一世国王正自封为大不列颠国王——第一个同时头顶英格兰,苏格兰,爱尔兰三个王国王冠)的不列颠君主。 而此前只是苏格兰国王詹姆斯世。

    He was involved in negotiations at the time when King James I wanted to call himself the king of Great Britain which was a first at the time, James having previously been James VI of Scotland.


  • 赛车迷们担心本田可能只是第一当前经济困难时期被迫退出比赛车队

    Racing enthusiasts fear that Honda might just be the first of a number of teams that will be forced out of the sport due to the current tough economic times.


  • 埃迪卡拉纪六亿三千五百万年前持续五亿四千二百万年前,一个世纪以来科学家命名的第一新的地质时期

    The Ediacaran Period, from 635 to 542 million years ago, is the first new geological period to be named in more than a century.


  • 自从几十亿年前地球出现第一个生命开始气候剧烈地变化着,时常是从时期突然进入一个时期——炎热湿季冰冻期。

    From the moment life began on the planet billions of years ago, the climate has swung drastically and often abruptly from one state to another - from tropical swamp to frozen ice age.


  • 奇怪是,令人担忧第一理由却是大多德国中小型企业低迷时期的资产负债表充斥现金

    The first reason for worry, oddly, is that Germany's legion of small and medium-sized firms entered this downturn with balance-sheets stuffed with cash.


  • BBC拍摄成员来到乍得尼日尔边界一个规模小游牧群体他们来说,干旱时期过后的第一个格莱沃尔节。

    For the clans filmed by the BBC, who live in small, nomadic groups on the borders of Chad and Niger, it was their first Gerewol after six years of drought.


  • 恰好第一个感恩节是在一个非常苦难时期庆祝的,那开始我们继承了这个习俗。

    The very first Thanksgiving was a celebration of community during a time of great hardship, and we've followed that example ever since.


  • 沃尔什女士最近告诉说,“任何赚取学费目的的私立大学都会提供完整自动操作课程这个竞争激烈的过程中经历困难时期更何况它是第一。”

    Any tuition-driven, private university would have a hard time being the first one to make a change as drastic as offering an entirely automated course, ” Ms. Walsh told me recently.


  • 美国处于理想黎明时期之时,希望我们团结到一起来,让21世纪展露第一真实的、全球性社会模样

    And as America stands at its own dawn of hope, I want that hope to be fulfilled through us all coming together to shape the 21st century as the first century of a truly global society.


  • 通用股价今天上涨3.6%达到34.19美元,交易第一间,一度上涨了9.1%。

    GM gained 3.6 percent to $34.19 today, after climbing 9.1percent in the first hour of trading.


  • 一些共同承担难民重新安置工作方法行得通,艰难时期南部的很多国家希望可以停止遣返寻求庇护他们第一个入境国家.北方的国家则担心这么会让南方国家推让他们的问题。

    Some means of sharing the resettlement of refugees makes sense. Southern countries want the option, in times of stress, to halt the return of asylum-seekers to their first country of entry.


  • Gostin几乎30年前第一个发现了小行星ejecta”留下岩石痕迹。小行星的撞击是发生极其严寒时期

    Gostin, who first discovered rocky traces of the asteroid "ejecta" almost 30 years ago, said the asteroid impact occurred during a period of extreme cold.


  • 新世纪第一十年意义重大时期,在历史上,是一个分界点

    The first decade of this new century has been a period of consequence — a time set apart.


  • 第一个伟大作品青铜时代就是创作这个时期

    His first great piece The Age of Bronze was created at that time.


  • 第一形象出现六国时期弥勒菩萨形象。

    The first image appeared in the period of the sixteen country, is the foot Maitreya Bodhisattva image.


  • 43岁泰森20的时候便赢得第一个世界冠军,依靠凶猛出拳得以成名,80年代全盛时期赢得铁人迈克”的称号。

    Tyson, 43, won his first championship title at age 20, and his reputation as a ferocious boxer in the ring earned him the nickname "Iron Mike" during his heyday in the 1980s.


  • 安德森医学博士第一三个月孕期没有孕妇化疗,这时期胎儿重要器官形成期出生缺陷风险最高的。

    Chemotherapy is not given at M. D. Anderson during the first trimester of pregnancy, when vital organs are still forming and the risk of birth defects is highest.


  • 实验室工作主要研究第一关键期这个时期关于婴儿掌握他们语言中的声音

    Work in my lab is focused on the first critical period in development -- and that is the period in which babies try to master which sounds are used in their language.


  • 艾丽丝。居伊不仅第一导演还是早期电影导演时期员,被认为执导一部叙事电影。

    Alice Guy was not only the first woman director, she was one of the very first film directors period and is often credited with directing the first narrative film.


  • 恰好第一个感恩节是在一个非常苦难时期庆祝的,开始我们继承了这个习俗。

    The very first Thanksgiving was a celebration of community during a time of great hardship and we've followed that example ever since.


  • 恰好第一个感恩节是在一个非常苦难时期庆祝的,开始我们继承了这个习俗。

    The very first Thanksgiving was a celebration of community during a time of great hardship and we've followed that example ever since.


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