• 文中通过实例说明调用MATLAB符号工具进行符号矩阵运算利用M ATLAB自身编辑器处理数据的方法和优势

    The paper USES an example to explain how to load MATLAB symbolic toolbox to do symbol matrix operation and the advantages of editor of MATLAB for dealing with data.


  • 人类定义理性存在,一种群居动物可以制造工具的动物,或者一种制造符号的动物。

    Man was defined as a rational being, as a social animal, an animal that can make tools, or a symbol-making animal.


  • 一个动态工具组合界面编程语言,可同时用于数字和符号问题的解答

    It combines an interface and a programming language into a dynamic tool for both numerical and symbolic problem solving.


  • 加快开发内容创建大多数BPM工具基于专有符号执行语言

    Faster development and content creation: Most BPM tools are based on proprietary notations and execution languages.


  • 现代过程产品测试活动使用基本工具语言符号以及工件与在产品开发过程中使用相同的。

    A modern process also USES the same basic tools, languages, notations, and artifacts for the products of test activities that are used for product development.


  • RUP业务模型业务提供了工具符号这些用例可以有效促进领域专家之间的交流验证

    The RUP business Modeling discipline provides tools and notations for business use cases which facilitate effective stakeholder communication and validation with domain experts.


  • 列表中的第一工具nm它可以列出目标文件中的符号

    The first tool on the list is nm, which lists the symbols in an object file.


  • nm程序用于列举符号及其类型但是仔细地研究目标文件这些命名内容需要使用功能强大工具

    The nm program is good for listing symbols and their types and values but, for examining in greater detail the contents of those named sections of the object file, more powerful tools are necessary.


  • 其中的SkinBuilder工具可以帮助开发者创建完全不同皮肤,所用的方式仅仅是提供一些组件图片或是Flash符号

    The SkinBuilder tool that is included helps developers create absolutely different skins simply by providing component images or Flash symbols.


  • 必要时,GoboLinux使用符号链接文件放置于其他工具希望它们存在的层次位置

    Where necessary, GoboLinux USES symlinks to put files in its hierarchy in places where other tools expect them to be.


  • attach 4009命令启动当前正在运行nweb服务器调试工作,并且gdb调试工具通过读取有关进程所有符号信息来做出同样方式的响应

    The attach 4009 command starts debugging the currently running nweb server, and the GDB Debugger responds in kind by reading all the symbolic information about the process it can.


  • 然后创建了很多符号链接它们都指向BusyBox工具

    A number of symbolic links are then created that all point to the BusyBox utility.


  • 意识心理思想生理对于符号解释依赖性不是手段性,工具性的。

    The dependence of consciousness, mind, thought and nature on signs and interpretation is not an instrumental one.


  • 通过使用工具提供图表符号来将这些流程建模

    These processes are modeled using the diagramming notations provided by the tool.


  • 允许业务分析师使用同样符号工具记录业务流程软件架构师设计者也使用同样的符号来记录软件的解决方案

    It allows business analysts to use the same notation and tools to document business processes that software architects and designers use to document software solutions.


  • 艾柯甚至提出符号动物”,平面图形设计目的人与人交流符号无疑必然的工具

    Eco even proposed that "man is symbolic of the animals," the purpose of graphic design interpersonal communication, symbols, is undoubtedly necessary tool.


  • 所以人类定义理性生命,一种社会动物制造工具制造符号的动物。

    Thus man was defined as a rational being, as a social animal, an animal that can make tools, or a symbol-making animal. CET-6, 2004.1.


  • 对于BusyBox中包含每个工具来说,都会这样创建一个符号链接,这样就可以使用这些符号链接来调用BusyBox了。

    For each of the utilities contained within BusyBox, a symbolic link is created so that BusyBox is invoked.


  • 另一个选项使用chkconfig工具程序;是个非常灵活强大的工具能够维护这些符号链接。

    Another option is to use the chkconfig utility; this is a very flexible and powerful utility that can maintain these symlinks for you.


  • 网络论坛即时信息工具以及网络游戏中这些文本符号表情通常会被自动替换对应图像表情,不过它们还是被称为emoticon

    In web forums, instant messengers and online games, text emoticons are often automatically replaced with small corresponding images, which came to be called emoticons as well.


  • 许多生产力增强工具——例如单元测试浏览器(Unit Test Explorer)、To - do列表查找Solution内部的任意文件成员中的符号

    Many Productivity Enhancers - such as Unit Test Explorer, To-do list and solution-wide search by name for any file member.


  • 文字语言重要辅助工具,是人们日常生活中须臾不可或缺符号系统

    The writing system is not only the most important auxiliary instrument of a language, but the indispensable system of signs used in daily life.


  • 3显示了用maestro[19]工具建立示例流程模型工具实现的是OM g[3]定义的最新标准符号BusinessProcess ModelingNotation (BPMN)。

    Figure 3 shows our sample process modeled in the tool Maestro [19], which implements the Business process Modeling notation (BPMN), a recent standard notation by the OMG [3].


  • 整个Tk工具汲取了大多数Perl面向对象特性经常可以看到使用->符号基于对象方法进行调用

    The entire Tk toolset draws heavily on Perl's object-oriented features; you'll frequently see methods being called on objects using the -> notation.


  • 日语不仅作为社会交际工具符号体系也是日本文化的载体和日本文化的一个组成部分。

    Japanese, a symbolic system of its social communication, is a component of the Japanese culture as well as a carrier.


  • 符号动力系统动力系统理论研究强有力工具,一般符号动力系统的动力学性质的研究是一个未解决课题

    Symbolic dynamical system is a powerful tool in the study of dynamical systems theories, the study of dynamical properties of the general symbolic dynamical system is a far unsolved problem.


  • 人类进行交际活动重要工具当然语言但是交际工具决不只是语言,例如还依靠很多语言的符号

    Of course, language is the most important channel of communication in human interaction, but it is not the only one, for example, many nonverbal symbols are necessary in communication.


  • 因而定义理性生物种社会动物,一种能制造工具的动物或者一种会制造符号的动物。

    Thus man was defined as a rational being, as a social animal, an animal that can make tools, or a symbol-making animal.


  • 作为设计者我们学习运用符号工具使设计更具有效功能

    As designers we have to learn to use semiotic tools, will design a more effective performance.


  • 汉语,作为世界上古老语言之一不仅一种有生命力的表达工具而且还是根植于民族灵魂血液文化符号

    Chinese language, one of the most ancient languages in the world, is not only an instrument, but also a cultural symbol rooted in the soul and blood of the nation.


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