• 对“意在”、“意随生”与“主题行”三个命题含义联系进行了探讨,从而全面地认识写作实践中主题的确立。

    The article discusses the meaning and contact of "theme then writing"?"writing then theme"and"theme first", the aim is that put the theory into practice.


  • 对“意在”、“意随生”与“主题行”三个命题含义联系进行了探讨 ,从而全面地认识写作实践中主题的确立。

    The article discusses the meaning and contact of "theme then writing"? "writing then theme"and"theme first", the aim is that put the theory into practice.


  • 然而总是有些障碍有些事需要处理,有些工作没有完成时间像是侍奉的主或者是一要偿还的然后生活才能开始

    But, there was always some obsacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinnished business, time still to be served or a debt to be paid. Then life would begin.


  • 购买前,对优惠券进行搜索,说不定就可以为

    Before you buy, do a coupon search and potentially save yourself a lot of money.


  • 认为最好还是咨询我们律师之后再签约,不管怎么说,买卖我们公司来说至关重要。

    I think the best course of action will be to consult our lawyer before we sign the contract. Anyway this is a big deal and is vital for our company.


  • 拿出练字作业翻开书本照着字帖临起来特别认真因为知道如果没有写好,惩罚降临的。

    I take out in writing homework first, open the book, a pen as in the copybook written up a row, particularly serious, because I know if there is no written, there will be a punishment comes.


  • 玛吉修理一下。如果把它速度提高一些这样可以给我省

    Maggie: : I'd like to repair it first. If you can improve its speed it would be the best, for which can save me a large amount of money.


  • 儿子们他办非常隆重的丧事,因为他们知道餐桌财富现在可以家伙挥霍一把

    The sons gave him a very nice funeral, for they knew there was a fortune sitting beneath the kitchen table, and they could afford to splurge a little on the old man now.


  • 对准夫妻准备房子,再添几辆车

    Mr Trotter said the couple intended to start splashing their cash on a new house and cars.


  • 由于我方有些财务困难希望贵方允许我方分期付款交货支付第一款项,余下货款每月一次支付。

    Because of the money problem, I hope that you can allow us to pay in installments with the first payment after delivery, then we'll pay the rest once month.


  • 某年十月,在寒冷日子里答应外某个人谈一生意霍德华合作一事有点迟疑还是决定合作。

    One cold October day, he agreed to do a business deal with a man from out of town. Howard had hesitations about working with this man but decided to go ahead with the deal anyway.


  • 用水斜道每种颜色代表一种线的颜色,几种

    With water soluble pen draw ramps in Georgia. Each color represents a water-soluble pen line color, the first of several paintings.


  • 卖方买方之间的这一协议法律角度就是有条件合同往往支付定金。

    The agreement between the buyer and seller is referred to in legal terms as a conditional sales contract. Quite often a down payment is required.


  • 由于我方有些财务上困难希望贵方允许我方分期付款交货后支付第一款项,余下的货款则按每月一次支付。

    We are having some trouble in receiving payment, so we want to ask if we could defer payment until the end of the month.


  • 采用以上技术方案后,往下时,由于不会着地,这样保护头。

    By adopting the technical scheme, when the pen falls down, a pen head can not touch the ground firstly because the pen head is relatively light, therefore, the pen head is protected.


  • 合同签定预付货款,预付比例上级报告,再确定

    After the contract was signed, a payment in advance, after the report to a higher proportion of advance, sure.


  • 想到买汽车钱可下日后修车的费用。

    You must set the initial cost of a new car against the saving you'll make on repairs.


  • 想到买汽车钱可下日后修车的费用。

    You must set the initial cost of a new car against the saving you'll make on repairs.


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