• 本篇论文灰色理论应用一个两层修正竞争学习网路上。

    In this paper, the grey theory is applied to a two-layer Modify Competitive Learning Network (MCLN) in order to generate optimal solution for VQ.


  • 但是现在,越来越日本发现竞争教育不再获得成功保证

    But many Japanese are discovering competitive educational credentials no longer guarantee success.


  • 总线结构分布测控系统中,系统实时性要求较高、突发性较强时,主从通信往往不能适应需要,而需要采用竞争通信。

    In distributed measurement and control system with bus structure, master slave communication may be replaced by race communication, when real time and burst are needed.


  • 毕竟,对整个项目管理来说一种自由竞争式解决方案(也就是说,“适者生存”),能幸存下来项目就是那些注定生存的。

    After all, if there's a free-for-all approach to your overall program management (i.e., "survival of the fittest"), then the projects that survive will be those that were destined to survive.


  • 一款技术上超过了与之竞争的产品。

    This model is technically superior to its competitors.


  • 然而新的交易型开放指数基金特殊目的在于一个已经供不应求市场里退出,使投资者工业用户直接参与供应竞争

    Yet the express purpose of the new ETFs is to take copper off a market that is already tight, bringing investors and industrial consumers into direct competition for supplies.


  • 竞选过程中出现唇枪舌剑的交锋,但是克林顿参议员表示荣幸巴马竞争,也很荣幸地朋友

    There have been harsh words exchanged during the campaign, but Senator Clinton said she was honored to compete against Barack Obama and to call him friend.


  • 丰田汽车(Toyota Motor Corp .)大约年后全球销售升级版的混合动力汽车。目前电动混合汽车市场上的竞争日益激烈。

    Toyota Motor Corp. said it would sell its upgraded plug-in hybrids globally in about two years, amid heightened competition in the electric-and-hybrid-vehicle market.


  • 通过添加这些基本特性嵌入应用程序得到不断成长的全球市场获得成功竞争优势

    By adding just these basic features, you'll give your embedded applications the competitive edge to succeed in the ever-expanding global market.


  • 作为销售额最大科技公司惠普现在所有企业消费者提供一站购买服务的IT店铺竞争

    As the biggest technology company by sales, HP now competes with every other it shop that offers one-stop shopping for corporate buyers and consumers alike.


  • 曾试图打破新闻机构记者中存在的那种联营缺乏竞争行为未能成功。

    He also tried but failed to break the cartel-like, uncompetitive behavior of news organizations and reporters.


  • 确实1990年代后期瑞士信托首批引入开放结构私有银行之一,顾客在这里可以得到以及竞争对手资金

    Indeed, in the late 1990s Credit Suisse was one of the first private Banks to introduce "open architecture", whereby customers were offered rival investment funds as well as its own.


  • 首先它们面临竞争因为他们的层级管理复杂家族所有权已经不合适了。

    First, they face competition in new forms for which their hierarchical management structures and complicated, dynastic ownership are ill suited.


  • 广告业参与度较高市场营销高手们通常会通过社交媒体进行病毒营销,并一“营销圣杯”展开激烈竞争

    At the more engaged end of the advertising spectrum, marketers often vie for the Holy Grail that is viral marketing via social media.


  • 个人电脑市场并不存在这种竞争动力就是为什么英特尔微软多数嵌入(非个人电脑)市场会失败的原因。

    This competitive dynamic simply doesn’t exist in PCs, which is actually a fascinating side-story to why Intel and Microsoft have traditionally failed in most embedded (non-PC) markets.


  • 员工合作竞争搭建技术平台使世界范围内用户运转并且为非英语登录者提供翻译

    He and his staff set up the technological infrastructure for the collaborative competitions, keep it up and running for users worldwide, and provide the translators for entries in foreign languages.


  • 引人注目,这次,任天堂面临便携游戏行业激烈竞争

    What's more impressive is that, for once, Nintendo had some serious competition in the portable gaming racket.


  • 先进电池仍然十分昂贵除非它们大幅度降价或者石油价格大幅度上升,否则充电汽车还是无法普通汽车有很强竞争力。

    The advanced lithium-ion battery packs are still costly, and until they fall significantly or the cost of gasoline jumps – the TCO for plug-ins will not compare favorably with conventional cars.


  • 来自法国俄罗斯以及欧盟全球公司同时竞争这份16年来世界最大喷气战斗机合同

    Four other global companies from France, Russia, and the European Union are in the race for t he world's richest fighter jet deal in 16 years.


  • 希望这场疯狂冲刺竞争科学家那些强健亲缘重要特性干旱洪水耐受力传递我们脆弱作物品种

    The hope is that this mad-dash scramble will allow scientists to pass along the vital traits of these rugged relatives, such as drought and flood tolerance, to our vulnerable crop varieties.


  • 众多竞争严阵以待形势下,充电汽车成了今年底特律车展的主角。

    With several competitors waiting in the wings, plug-ins were the focus of this year's Detroit Auto Show.


  • 美国自下而上管理注重效率,注重员工之间竞争

    The American-type, or the top-downmanagement emphasizes efficiency, and competition among workers.


  • 利用互联网互动功能他们创造了标志性合作竞争

    Harnessing the interactive capabilities of the Internet, they created their hallmark collaborative competitions.


  • 由于大多数在职者可以安全地本党利益改划选区,并且也更易于筹款,竞选结果取决于数十硬仗竞争

    Since most incumbents are safe, because of gerrymandering and the greater ease with which they can raise money, the result will depend on a couple of dozen hard-fought RACES.


  • 消费者只要认购了打折捆绑服务,就不会选择竞争对手的任何单一的无折扣服务。

    Customers who sign up for a bundle of services and its associated discount cannot defect to a rival provider of any one of the services without losing the discount.


  • 如果前后说有什么区别的话,就是这种金融危机最严重时达成“先上车买票婚姻加速了一趋势许多美国投资银行他们竞争对手结合在了一起。

    If anything, the shotgun marriages that took place at the height of the crisis accelerated this trend, joining many of America’s investment banks with their commercial rivals.


  • 如果前后说有什么区别的话,就是这种金融危机最严重时达成“先上车买票婚姻加速了一趋势许多美国投资银行他们竞争对手结合在了一起。

    If anything, the shotgun marriages that took place at the height of the crisis accelerated this trend, joining many of America's investment banks with their commercial rivals.


  • 韩国各行业有各种各样的进入门槛,用以保护小作坊商铺免于市场竞争

    Korea maintains various entry barriers to shelter mom-and-pop stores from competition.


  • 韩国各行业有各种各样的进入门槛,用以保护小作坊商铺免于市场竞争

    Korea maintains various entry barriers to shelter mom-and-pop stores from competition.


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