• 其他竞争者对于Airbnb出现什么样反应?。

    What tis the reaction of other competitors to the appearance ofAirbnb?


  • 例如对于问题可能回答包括客户雇员经理供应商业务合作伙伴竞争者

    For example, potential answers to the "who" question could include customer, employee, manager, supplier, business partner, and competitor.


  • 这种分析对于正确艺术分类非常重要——因为即使专家三分之二时候也是对的,远远优于他们的计算机竞争者

    This kind of analysis is crucial for correctly identifying artbecause even non-expert people were right two thirds of the time, far better than their computer competitors.


  • 如果那些单独的系统也是质量那么业务将会具有竞争者优势

    If those unique systems are also of high quality, the business will have an edge on its competitors.


  • 上诉法院后来裁定家公司对于普通商店来说,确实非常紧密竞争者不过那时为时已晚,合并业已完成。

    The appeals court later ruled that the two firms were far closer competitors with each other than with more humdrum stores, but by then the merger had been consummated.


  • 利洁时竞争者则采用非常不同战略多年堆砌对于产品的溢美之词涨价之后,它们争相推出更加便宜的产品。

    This is a very different strategy from that of Reckitt's rivals, which, after years of sprucing up their products and pushing up their prices, are scrambling to introduce cheaper options.


  • 对于翠鸟航空及其主要竞争者捷特航空大综合服务提供商来说,局势尤为严峻

    For Kingfisher and its main competitor, Jet Airways, both full-service carriers, times are especially tough.


  • 对于惠普公司其他竞争者核心市场发动的攻势,思科的反应很迟缓,并没有严阵以待

    The company was also slow to take seriously the competition that HP and others were presenting to its core market.


  • 对于Twitter竞争者而言,意味着它们能拉拢的用户不多了,就在今天Rejaw宣布5月31日的时候关闭服务器

    For Twitter's competitors, however, this has meant that there are fewer users to go around, and today, Rejaw announced that it will shut down its servers on May 31st.


  • 对于伴着PixarDreamWorksNickelodeon动画长大一代人来说,(它们都迪士尼强有力的竞争者),现实是:他们知道米老鼠不一定喜欢

    For a generation who grew up on Pixar, DreamWorks and Nickelodeon animations -strong Disney competitors -here's what it's like: They know Mickey Mouse, but may not love him.


  • 对于第一只需写入seed相应竞争者名称

    For the first column, you simply write the seed and the name of the appropriate contestant.


  • 推出的Galaxy系列智能手机平板电脑使用GoogleAndroid操作系统对于苹果iPhoneiPad最大的竞争者

    Its Galaxy line of smartphones and tablet computers, which use Google's Android operating system, have emerged as the top competitors so far to Apple's iPhone and iPad.


  • 现在对于数据广播形式我们需要心存内疚。正如Jarvis所观察,数据流广播有着众多竞争者比如Last.FM,Pandora,以及数量庞大播客DJ

    Now, they have no such compunctions, and while streaming radio is dead in its old form, like Jarvis observed, there are many new competitors like Last.FM, Pandora, and a bevvy of podcasting DJs.


  • 一般来说,竞争者就意味着消费者有更多选择但是分散在线旅游市场,如此整合对于消费者来说是个好消息

    Generally a higher number of competitors means more choice for consumers, but in the fragmented online-travel business some consolidation is good news for buyers.


  • 2009年开始,对于分营利性医疗设施强调,似的新的竞争者加入甚至需要更好的系统

    Since 2009, emphasis on not-for-profit health facilities is creating a breed of new entrants, even more in need of good systems.


  • 对于惠普而言,则更为致命。所面对竞争对手各个业绩彪炳,比如硬件产业竞争者苹果软件服务业竞争者IBM

    But they have been devastating at HP, which faces brilliant competitors such as Apple in the hardware business and IBM in enterprise software and services.


  • 对于所有竞争者而言,无论是国内还是国际事务,两人对于亟需解决事情很大程度上都有共同见解看法

    For all the rivalry, the two broadly Shared a view of what needed doing, both at home and abroad.


  • 这样看来那些为了权利争夺的竞争者获胜同时巩固合法性几乎是不可能的了,因为对于竞争者而言,建立合法性的反抗很容易的,而且回报可能非常的

    It often seems impossible for contestants for power to win and consolidate legitimacy, because it's easy to build resistance to legitimacy and the rewards are high.


  • 竞争者对于他们的商标有这样的看法

    Who are your competitors and what do you think about their logos?


  • 对于执行官们来说,一个最为微妙处境就是身为内部应聘者为了关键职位个或多个外部竞争者竞争

    One of the most delicate situations for executives is being an internal candidate competing against one or more external candidates for a key position.


  • 塔塔成功关键便是招募本地人才西方竞争者确保广泛领域的产品质量能力

    The key to Tata's success arguably lies in its ability to recruit talented local staff (against stiff Western competition) and to assure quality across a wide range of products.


  • 中国对于西方国家,特别是美国来说,都是一个竞争者

    China is a competitor to the west and America in particular.


  • 对于一个企业来说,广义的竞争者来自多方面的。

    For a business, and, by extension, competitors came from the multi-faceted.


  • 对于手表行业竞争者来说最终制胜关键就是研究消费者需求变化

    For the watch industry competitors, the final key to winning is to study changes in consumer demand.


  • 对于一个企业竞争者或者仅仅是置身其中的员。

    For each and every enterprise competitors, or just outside one of them.


  • 遗憾因为他们这个世界唯一足球俱乐部一个1千万人城市里,他们没有任何竞争者对于他们没有利用他们潜力感到遗憾

    That is a shame because they are the only football club in the world to be in a city of 10 million people, they do not have any competitors and I regret that they do not use their potential.


  • 成本导向战略一整套致力于对于竞争者来说最低的成本生产发配消费者接受产品服务的行动

    A cost leadership strategy is an integrated set of actions designed to produce or deliver goods or services at the lowest cost, relative to competitors, with features that are acceptable to customers.


  • 成本导向战略一整套致力于对于竞争者来说最低的成本生产发配消费者接受产品服务的行动

    A cost leadership strategy is an integrated set of actions designed to produce or deliver goods or services at the lowest cost, relative to competitors, with features that are acceptable to customers.


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