• 围绕法案形成共识表明立法美国邮政管理局政治上令人尴尬短期崩溃感到惊慌害怕。

    The emerging consensus around the bill is a sign that legislators are getting frightened about a politically embarrassing short-term collapse at the USPS.


  • 迄今为止无论是中央银行立法还是在中央银行具体操作上各国对于最后贷款人制度尚未形成统一的做法

    There has not been a consensus with respect to lender of last resort (LOLR) across countries, whether in central banking legislation or in central banks practices.


  • 关于作品商品化权定义性质我国学界尚未形成统一认识立法没有相关规定

    The definition and nature on merchandizing right of works have not yet formed a unified understanding in our scholars, and there are no relevant legislation requirements either.


  • 发达国家地区已经形成知识产权领域竞争立法实践积累了一些经验面临着来自知识经济挑战

    Developed countries and regions have formed Competition regulation in the realm of IP, and accumulated some experience in practice. Meanwhile, they face the challenge from knowledge economy.


  • 国际立法层面主权财富基金国际统一立法处于起步阶段,大部分立法努力尚未形成正式法律文件

    In the international legislative level, the international legislation of sovereign wealth funds is still in its infancy, most legislative efforts have not form a formal legal document.


  • 第三全面系统地分析了近代法典化运动主要发源地——西欧近代法典化立法模式形成确立的各方面基础或原因

    Chapter three systematically analyses the reasons. why the legislative model of codification was established in western Europe where is the main birthplace of modern codification movement.


  • 公司各种经济利益集合体,公司立法必须公正地保护各方的利益形成良好的利益平衡机制

    Company is a aggregation of various economic interest. Company legislation must justly protect interests of each part and establish good interest balance mechanism.


  • 我国证券投资者保护基金赔偿机制虽然借鉴国外立法经验但是并未形成体系化而且也不能充分回应中国具体国情

    Though China's compensation mechanism has referenced foreign legislative experience, it hasn't formed a system and adequately responded to China's specific national conditions.


  • 对于商标商品平行进口问题理论界一直存在较大争议,各国地区的立法司法实践也大相径庭至今尚未形成全球统一观点

    There are divergent theories on this issue, and the legislative and judicial practices in different countries vary significantly. To date, there is lack of a uniform worldwide viewpoint.


  • 中国如果动物保护形成立法类似残忍行为阻止那些坚持伤害动物的人就遭到逮捕

    If a national animal protection law was enacted in China, such ACTS of cruelty could be prevented, and those who persist in causing harm and suffering to animals within their care could be prosecuted.


  • 近年来,国外对虚拟财产法律保护问题进行了深入的研究已在立法司法上形成针对问题的法律保护机制。

    Recent years abroad virtual property legal protection issues more depth study and has legislative, judicial formed for this problem legal protection mechanisms.


  • 考察我国现行立法可以发现,有关个人信息尚缺乏专门法律保护没有形成完整法律保护体系

    From the study of China's current legislations, we can find the lack of specific legal protection of personal information, and the legal protection system has not been set up.


  • 培植程序形成观念注重当事人程序主体性地位,对于我国当前立法司法实践具有重要意义。

    It is of much importance to foster the concept of procedural right of formation and pay attention to the party's procedural subject status as to current Chinese legislation and judicial practice.


  • 目前国外已经形成建筑物区分所有权为轴心关于多层高层楼宇住宅区物业管理完善立法模式

    At present, the foreign countries have established the perfect legislative pattern about tier-building and uptown property management which focuses on property separate ownership of a building.


  • 如何法律有效规制商业贿赂犯罪成为我国法学研究重要课题,世界各国更重视相关立法规制,形成了防治商业贿赂犯罪摧枯拉朽浩瀚潮流。

    How to effectively fight the crimes of commercial bribes by the means of law has also become an important subject in our country's juristic research.


  • 如何法律有效规制商业贿赂犯罪成为我国法学研究重要课题,世界各国更重视相关立法规制,形成了防治商业贿赂犯罪摧枯拉朽浩瀚潮流。

    How to effectively fight the crimes of commercial bribes by the means of law has also become an important subject in our country's juristic research.


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