• ai代表的是“addimmediate”,用来寄存器添加一个立即方式将其存储寄存器

    Ai stands for "add immediate," and it adds an immediate-mode value to a register and stores it back into a register.


  • 想起自己的身份,于是立即园丁方式碰了碰帽子:“好的少爷!”

    Remembering himself, he suddenly touched his hat gardener fashion and said," Yes, sir!"


  • 不育剂量乙醇可以通过激活立即早期基因方式增强皮层皮质 LTP幅度

    The inebriant dose ethanol could enhance the amplitude of corticostriatal LTP through the way of activating the immediate-early gene.


  • 这种重要工作方式改变立即使获益切换任务时,您工作中建立起来所有有价值的上下文不再会丢失

    This small but significant change in the way you work yields an immediate benefit: all the valuable context you build up as you work is no longer lost when you switch tasks.


  • 不能建议 ——至少不是立即 ——客户需要完全地变更他们工作方式

    You can't suggest -- not immediately, at least -- that your clients need to profoundly change the way they work.


  • 通过提供免费服务通过互联网成本立即触及用户谷歌这样的互联网公司能用以前不可能方式进行实验

    By being a free service, and using the Internet to reach customers immediately at low cost, online firms like Google can experiment in ways that were once impossible.


  • 我们希望利比亚冲突各方立即停火通过谈判和平方式解决分歧

    A: We hope the conflicting parties in Libya cease fire immediately and resolve differences through negotiations and other peaceful means.


  • 也可以定义方式开始不过需要更多时间配置,希望立即开始。

    You can start with Custom setup, but it will take longer, and you want to get started right away.


  • 如果被诊断出患有什么严重疾病比如癌症我会立即饮食改成饮食,因为我相信最佳健康所需最佳饮食方式

    If I was ever diagnosed with a serious disease like cancer, I'd immediately switch to an all raw, living foods diet, since I believe it to be the absolute best diet for optimal health.


  • 选择了某种方式之后,站点显示他以前使用信用卡信息获得同意然后立即进行支付

    When he selects a particular package, your site presents the credit card information that he used previously, gains his approval, and immediately processes the charge.


  • 毕业,古贾森立即着手汽车方式进行模拟训练。

    Immediately after his graduation, Gugasian began to plan out mock robberies involving stolen cars.


  • 当下这些国家立即重组债务解决一矛盾最好方式

    The least-bad way to deal with this contradiction is to restructure the debt of plainly insolvent countries now.


  • 如果处理jsp页面时有一个异常抛出的话,exception对象就会立即通过隐式声明的exception变量方式指定错误页面。

    Whenever an exception is thrown while processing your JSP page, the exception object will immediately be thrown to the designated error page by means of the implicitly declared exception variable.


  • WebSphere 提供的方法实际上这些MVS系统命令的封装,因此 MVS 系统命令是启动停止立即停止终止服务器的唯一方式

    The WebSphere-provided methods are actually all wrappers to these MVS system commands, making the MVS system commands the single way to start, stop, stopImmediate, or terminate a server.


  • 有时候直觉处事方式是正确–他认为应当警告俄罗斯立即停止进驻格鲁吉亚,这点他没犯错。

    Sometimes the seat-of-the-pants method still works: his gut reaction over Georgia-to warn Russia off immediately-was the right one.


  • 采用这种方式进入配置步骤时,对于您所做出的任何改变,可以立即识别出那些容易导致破坏变化将 DB 改为OracleLDAP等等)。

    That way, when you move to the configuration step, any changes that you make (change DB to Oracle, move to LDAP, and so on) that cause a breakage are identified immediately.


  • Example3中,联接程序集分层方式完成立即创建所需嵌套列表

    In Example 3, the join is done inside the assembly in hierarchical fashion and creates immediately the desired nested list.


  • 选民相信英国减少赤字最好方式就是立即行动

    The best way to reassure them that Britain will cut its deficit is to start doing so.


  • 可能没有任何技巧能立即生活方式改观,但通过时间,养成选择积极的生活方式习惯日常生活

    While none of these will make an immediate difference in your life style, over a period of time they will get you into the habit of choosing an active alternative to the every day things you do.


  • 由于查看数据感兴趣因此希望以匿名方式执行调用之后立即发出一条回滚语句隐藏踪迹如清单7

    Because you are only interested in viewing the data, you would prefer to do so anonymously, issue a rollback statement immediately after the call to cover your tracks, as shown in Listing 7.


  • 论坛中,难以提供普遍适用通用建议因为各种部署具体情况千差万别,决定立即迁移稍后迁移哪方式更好——可能两种方式都可取。

    In this forum, I hesitant to make a blanket, universal recommendation, since the specifics of the individual deployment will determine whether the better idea is to migrate now or later -- or ever.


  • 报告指出好消息建立一个“气候智能型世界可能的,前提是世界各国每个人立即行动起来,共同行动起来,以不同过去方式行动起来。

    The good news, according to the report, is that a "climate-smart" world is possible, but only if countries and individuals act now, act together, and act differently than in the past.


  • 要让明白长期项目改变组织工作方式不是立即带来roi的项目。

    Make it understood that this is a long-term project that will help change the way the organization works, rather than something that will bring an immediate ROI.


  • 用户根本需要单击任何地方执行任何操作这些警报以动态方式到达时,立即显示出来(一种推送”模式)。

    The user does not need to click anywhere or to perform any action at all; these alerts just appear when they arrive dynamically (a push-model).


  • 然而我们只需借助细嚼慢咽这个简单而有效方法,就立即这种紧迫而不健康的生活方式改变过来。有多难呢?

    And with the simple but powerful act of eating slower, we can begin to reverse that lifestyle immediately. How hard is it?


  • 毫无疑问,病态金融系统需要立即可能痛苦的治疗方式

    Nobody doubts the ailing financial system needs immediate and possibly painful treatment.


  • 预想中一样,刚刚结束长途飞行施密特思维敏锐,如果不认同提问措辞方式就会立即纠正

    As you'd expect, he's sharp - despite having just stepped off a trans-Atlantic flight - and he's quick to correct the wording of a question if he disagrees with it.


  • 这个全球议程顾问委员会组织会上,萨默斯一开始立即承认对那种在蔡美儿书中痛斥的放纵懒散的西方式教育方法并不认可

    At the meeting, organized by the Global Agenda Councils, he instantly acknowledged that he bears no resemblance to the indulgent, indolent Western stereotype Ms.


  • 这个全球议程顾问委员会组织会上,萨默斯一开始立即承认对那种在蔡美儿书中痛斥的放纵懒散的西方式教育方法并不认可

    At the meeting, organized by the Global Agenda Councils, he instantly acknowledged that he bears no resemblance to the indulgent, indolent Western stereotype Ms.


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