• 穿着衬衣深色裤子靴子

    He was dressed in a shirt, dark trousers and boots.


  • 不一会儿穿着衬衣松紧裤便鞋回来了看到正香呢。收藏。

    Soon he returned in a shirt, slacks and sandals, and found her eating with appetite.


  • 因此人们可以看到穿着衬衣牛仔裤的男人,女性可能穿着牛仔裤、上衣衬衣以及连衣裙

    Thus the men can be seen in shirts and jeans, the women may be variously outfitted in jeans, tops, shirts and dresses.


  • 希刺克厉夫门口穿着衬衣衬裤,拿着一支蜡烛,烛油直手指上脸色苍白身后一样。

    Heathcliff stood near the entrance, in his shirt and trousers: with a candle dripping over his fingers, and his face as white as the wall behind him.


  • 窗口露出了一张张面孔,只穿着衬衣男人们屋子外面凶狠盯着我们,披纱巾老妇人站门口偷偷地着我们。

    Faces appeared at Windows. Men in shirt sleeves stood outside their houses and glared at us. Old women in black shawls peered at us from door-ways.


  • 为了打发时间个稍为体面些的流浪汉聊起了天是个木匠穿着衬衣打着领带,据他本人所说,他是因为缺少工具不得不四处流浪的。

    To occupy the time I talked with a rather superior tramp, a young carpenter who wore a collar and tie, and was on the road, he said. for lack of a set of tools.


  • 格里诺穿着件蓝格子衬衣围巾棕色皮套裤

    Greenough wears a blue chequered shirt, red scarf and brown chaps.


  • 穿着一件白色的宽松衬衣

    She was dressed in a white, loose-fitting shirt.


  • 优雅地穿着一件灰色西服衬衣佩斯利涡旋花纹领带。

    He was elegantly dressed in a grey suit, blue shirt, and paisley tie.


  • 穿着衬衣这件衬衣曾经蓝色的,已经得说不上什么颜色了,还穿了他一条马裤

    She wore one of his shirts, a shirt that had once been blue but had faded until the color could not be named, and a pair of his breeches.


  • 穿着那样衬衣显得老气

    You'd have to be sad to wear a shirt like that.


  • 罗佩他们穿着花卉式样的衬衣抢劫珠宝店,乘坐快艇脱逃

    In st Tropez, they robbed a store dressed in flowery shirts and then escaped on a speed boat.


  • 工厂工人们穿着白领衬衣实验室他们旁边拔地而起

    Workers in the new mills wear white coats, and laboratories are springing up beside them.


  • 父亲穿着短袖衬衣,戴着薄领带,上衣口袋里放着一支笔和本笔记本有时候还有皮尺看上去真的很刻板。

    Dad looked straitlaced in his short-sleeved white shirt, skinny tie, and plastic pocket liner holding a pen, a notebook, and sometimes a slide rule.


  • 提起那些觉得想便宜人时,穿着退色衬衣旧仔裤迪伦生气

    Wearing a faded old shirt and jeans, Dylan gets angry when talking about people he thinks are taking advantage of him.


  • 总体来看,韩国职场穿着仍然保守男性主要还是穿衬衣领带

    South Koreans in general still dress conservatively in the workplace, with an emphasis on suits and ties among men.


  • 哥哥描述一个肤色古铜色身体健壮穿着一件衣领打开白色衬衣,不着袜子穿着一对平底便鞋的男人。

    My brother was described as tan and fit and wore a white shirt opened at the collar and loafers without socks.


  • 今天当地收容所捐赠了3衣物星期之后,我看到一个无家可归女人坐在公园长椅上穿着一件我少年时期染色衬衣

    Today, a week after I donated three bags of clothes to a local homeless shelter, I saw a homeless woman sitting on a park bench wearing a tye-dye shirt I made when I was a teenager.


  • 由于这种称为salaula现象路上已经难见到穿传统服装妇女了。 经常看到的是,得连鞋子都穿不起的,却穿着衬衣着自行车。

    This phenomenon, known as salaula, explains why so few of the women along the road now wear chitenges, and also why a man on a bicycle too poor to have shoes may be wearing a formal dress shirt.


  • AkbarAli27岁小型货车司机现在已经感到愤怒了。 他一直穿着黑色的沙利克米兹,这是一个传统外套,由一个很长的衬衣和如睡裤宽松裤子组成的。

    Akbar Ali, a 27-year-old minivan driver who has been wearing the same black shalwar kameez, a traditional outfit comprised of a long shirt over loose pajama-like trousers, for weeks now, is seething.


  • 转让开始前,受试者都会看到一张潜在合作方照片,受试者穿着名牌衬衣的合作方转出资金比对穿着标识衬衣合作方转出的资金高出36%(分别95欧70欧分)。

    When shown a picture of their purported partner wearing a designer shirt, volunteers transferred 36% more than when the same person was shown with no logo (95 cents, as opposed to 70 cents).


  • 老板穿着特别浆洗过的衬衣礼拜四午饭会去预约理发的家伙。

    My boss, with his extra-starched shirts and standing appointment for a haircut every Tuesday after lunch, he looks at me, and he says


  • 穿着工作服黑色裙子件领口开得很低红色衬衣,脚上瞪一双细高跟鞋。

    She was still dressed in her work clothes a black skirt and a low cut red blouse with stiletto heels.


  • 甚至还穿着教授衬衣,还那天巷子里穿上时一样松垮罩在他忍饥挨饿肋骨

    He is even wearing the professor's shirt, as loose again over his hungry ribs as it was the day he slipped it on in the alley.


  • 一个不是精细印度香米穿着涤纶衣服而不是棉制的衣服,那么生活水平就是在标准生活水平之下,尽管同样谷物有着同样多的衬衣

    A person eating coarse rice, not fine-grained basmati, dressed in polyester not cotton, has a lower standard of living, even if he eats the same amount of grain and owns the same number of shirts.


  • 我们只要穿上蓝色衬衣在水下呼吸或者穿着红色衬衣防火

    But if only we could breathe underwater just by putting on a blue shirt or make ourselves fireproof by rocking a red one.


  • 坦什干机场,大批穿着衬衣韩国电子业巨头资源公司的雇员从来自首尔航班上下来。

    At Tashkent airport flights from Seoul disgorge the white-shirted shock troops of South Korea's electronics giants and resource companies.


  • 坦什干机场,大批穿着衬衣韩国电子业巨头资源公司的雇员从来自首尔航班上下来。

    At Tashkent airport flights from Seoul disgorge the white-shirted shock troops of South Korea's electronics giants and resource companies.


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