• 万圣节的时候,孩子们穿上古怪的服装邻居威胁他们说“不给糖就捣乱”。

    On Halloween, children would usually wear strange costumes, knock on their neighbours' doors and threaten them with "trick or treat".


  • 穿上华丽雨林服装,为她柔软沙色皮肤上彩虹般的颜色

    He clothed her with the most luxuriant of rain forests and painted her soft, sandy skin a rainbow of colors.


  • 年秋天在东京,一些跑步者穿上了疯狂的服装,跑完全程马拉松,为慈善事业筹集资金。

    Last autumn in Tokyo, some runners wore crazy costumes and ran a full marathon to collect money for charity.


  • 着这些年的发展,中国已经接受了西方的时尚和技术,但很多年轻人在服装选择上转向了过去,穿上了传统的“汉服”。

    China has accepted western fashion and technology as it has developed these years, but a lot of young people are turning to the past for their clothes choices and putting on traditional "hanfu".


  • 他们穿上最爱角色为原型打造的服装然后挨家挨户去敲门。

    They will garb themselves in garments inspired by their favorite characters and go knocking on doors.


  • 其他狗狗们也分别穿上红衣主教主教服装

    His doggy PALS join him by sporting elegant cardinal and bishop costumes.


  • 场景礼拜天女人男人一起到街上衣服,女人带男人不断流连于一家一家男装店里看着琳琅满目的服装想像穿上的甜蜜。

    Scene Two: Man and woman go shopping together on Sunday and they linger in one men’s store and another, looking at the glittering array of clothes and imaging the sweetness in them.


  • 场景礼拜天女人男人一起到街上衣服,女人带男人不断流连于一家一家男装店里看着琳琅满目的服装想像穿上的甜蜜。

    Scene Two: Man and woman go shopping together on Sunday and they linger in one men’s store and another, looking at the glittering array of clothes and imaging the sweetness in them.


  • 穿上繁茂雨林服装,为她柔软沙色皮肤喷上彩虹般的颜色塑造出一连串宝石般的湖泊充当朝向天堂的眼睛

    He clothed her with the most luxuriant of rain forests, painted her soft, sandy skin a rainbow of colors, and fashioned a chain of jewel-like lakes to be her eyes into heaven.


  • 在夏季成千上万社交常客穿上夸张服装来参加一年一度母亲奇异派对是一个广大同志视为是一年中盛大的派对活动。

    Also, during the summer, thousands of gay partygoers dress up in outrageous costumes for the Mother City Queer Project, which is regarded as THE party of the year by many in the gay community.


  • 可能许多勇敢印度随时准备着为国捐躯,但是确信很少穿上这种全印度的服装面对着通衢闹市,即使这样做对国家好处的。

    There may be many a brave Indian ready to die for his country, but there are but few, I am sure, who even for the good of the nation would face the public streets in such pan-Indian garb.


  • 华丽服装设计师希望顾客们都相信穿上作品之后便会彰显出华贵精明高档的气质。

    DESIGNERS of fancy apparel would like their customers to believe that wearing their creations lends an air of wealth, sophistication and high status.


  • 为了礼节欢迎会穿上精心制作服装包括引人注目的模拟假发起了星星舞。

    His elaborate costume, donned for a ceremonial welcoming dance called the sing-sing, also includes a dramatic wig of human hair.


  • 那条街是我们街尽头处横街,得买短裤一双运动鞋一件圆领长袖运动衫打扮一下,我穿上合适的服装不会显得傻气了

    And I'd outfit myself in a pair of white shorts, sneakers and a sweat shirt. I'd have the right clothes, so I wouldn't look silly.


  • 桑德拉已将头发,并开始穿上阳刚服装,以此挽回失去男子气概

    Sandra has had her hair cut short and has begun to wear more masculine clothes as a way of reclaiming her lost manhood.


  • 旅途中机组人员穿上正常的职业服装,但乘客可以根据自己的喜好选择穿不穿。

    The crew will be professionally dressed, and passengers must be fully-clothed for check-in and takeoff.


  • 我们知道这些中的一些传统意义技术上算不上超级英雄,但是别这么较真儿嘛它们都已经穿上有趣服装了。

    We know that some of these aren't technically superheroes in the classic sense, but c'mon, they've got funny costumes on.


  • 参加庆典的人们穿上动物皮毛头颅做成的服装围着篝火舞蹈。

    Celebrants wore costumes, mostly skins and animal heads, and danced around bonfires.


  • 上个星期判入狱林赛·洛翰只不过是一则高调明星换下名设计师设计服装穿上橘黄色狱服到监狱走一趟的新闻而已。

    Last week's sentencing of Lindsay Lohan marked yet another instance of a high-profile celeb trading in designer duds for an orange jumpsuit.


  • 游泳者要穿上特殊服装并且必须遵守此游泳的规则

    Swimmers wear special clothes and must follow a few rules.


  • 本来是一种天然美丽穿上那一身服装如果说不是更美了,也是更加显眼了。

    Her great natural beauty was, if not heightened, rendered more obvious by her attire.


  • 尽管偶尔会邦德女郎们穿上自己设计服装,但海明大多时候总是直接Vogue》杂志上为她们搜集引人注目的衣着

    Though occasionally Hemming dresses Bond's women in her own designs she always gleans their stand-out pieces straight off the pages of Vogue.


  • 当天,孩子们穿上鬼怪服装名为莫斯克里克阿斯沛兰德之类街区玩万圣节恶作剧游戏(trick-or-treating)。

    Dressed in costume, children went trick-or-treating around neighborhoods with names like Moose Creek and Aspen Land.


  • 赞助商可以要求歌手们穿上公司服装,甚至以公司的名字命名他们的歌曲。 一支名为RascallFlatts乡村音乐队与“美国生活”(彭尼百货旗下的公司)签订的赞助合同就包括了以上两

    Sponsorship can lead to musicians wearing a company’s clothes and naming songs after it: Rascall Flatts, a country music band, has done both for American Living, a label carried by JCPenney.


  • 赞助商可以要求歌手们穿上公司服装,甚至以公司的名字命名他们的歌曲。 一支名为RascallFlatts乡村音乐队与“美国生活”(彭尼百货旗下的公司)签订的赞助合同就包括了以上两

    Sponsorship can lead to musicians wearing a company’s clothes and naming songs after it: Rascall Flatts, a country music band, has done both for American Living, a label carried by JCPenney.


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