• 阶段得到一部分珍贵屏幕空间

    In this phase you get some portion of the precious screen space.


  • 一个第二阶段的探测器,它自身将会非常适合作为外层空间货船能够携带有效负荷达到500吨时高速飞行。

    Stage Two, by itself, would be well suited to being a deep space freighter, able to carry payloads of up to 500 tons at very high speed.


  • 因为存储空间直接影响其他选择所以设计阶段就开始规划存储空间极其重要

    Because they will directly affect the rest of your choices, it is vital to plan for storage space needs at the beginning of the design phase.


  • 阶段,能量到达我们太阳表层并且离散空间不再太阳原子所吸收

    At this stage, it has reached what we call the solar surface, and can escape into space without being absorbed further by solar atoms.


  • 第二阶段集中控制四个关键技术建立空间实验室

    The second phase focuses on mastering four key technologies for assembling a space station.


  • 欧洲航天局正在设计他们自己空间监测传感器期望将于2012年召开的下届欧洲航天局部长级理事会会议之后能进入获取阶段

    The ESA is in the process of designing its own space surveillance sensors, with a procurement phase expected after the next ESA Ministerial Council meeting scheduled in 2012.


  • 设计阶段需要预留一些空间以防翻译出现布局问题

    Remember to reserve some space in the design phase so that you can prevent any layout problems after translation.


  • 太空战争许多情况下发生地球空间之外,已跨越9的地球时间,自2011年第三季度起是最后清理阶段

    A war in space, in many cases happening just outside of 'Earth space' over the course of approximately nine (9) years of Earth time, is as of this third quarter of 2011 in the final cleanup phase.


  • 为了确保团队能够获取成功早期阶段要留更多空间随着团队活动节奏功能越来越了解,您就可以相应的缩小这个值了。

    To help assure success, leave more slack in the early stagesyou can tighten it as you better understand the team's rhythm and capabilities.


  • 这个阶段有时作为随需应变特性实现被嵌入收集器结构(例如空间收集器)中,一种增量的形式来实现。

    This phase is sometimes implemented as an on-demand feature, embedded into collector's fabric (semispace collectors being an example), or in an incremental fashion.


  • 分配(allocation):阶段容器指定子矩形像素空间划分的child。

    Allocation: in this phase, the container is given some sub-rectangle of pixel space and divides it among its children.


  • 美国空军授予洛克希德·马丁公司一份价值3000万美元合同,洛·马公司将进行自我意识空间态势感知SASSA技术验证计划开发阶段研究。

    The U.S. Air Force has awarded Lockheed Martin a $30 million contract for the development phase of the Self-Awareness Space Situational Awareness (SASSA) technology demonstration program.


  • 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司已经获得美国空军第一阶段价值3000万美元合同研发全球空间监视地面雷达系统

    Northrop Grumman Corporation has been awarded the first phase of a $30 million firm-fixed price U.S. Air Force contract to develop a global space surveillance ground radar system.


  • 太空护栏计划一个阶段采购项目,交付3个全球定位S波段雷达系统能够完成空间监测网操作。

    The Space Fence program is a multi-phase acquisition leading to the delivery of up to three globally positioned S-band radars capable of interoperation with the Space Surveillance Network.


  • 请求(requisition):阶段容器的child,询问每个child所需空间

    Requisition: in this phase, the container traverses its children and queries each for its desired size.


  • compaction阶段heap对象会被整合以便所有空闲空间收集起来满足当前请求

    In a compaction phase, the objects that are on the heap are consolidated to allow any free memory to gather together and satisfy the current request.


  • 使用阶段1阶段2谓词的空间扫描(TBSCAN)。

    Table space scan (TBSCAN) with stage-1 and stage-2 predicates.


  • 通过这种方式部署阶段可以不同版本指定实际JNDI名称空间

    In this manner, the actual JNDI names can be specified differently for each version at deployment time.


  • 最终这个阶段发射器发射一个天鹅”的太空舱太空舱用来空间运载货物

    The two-stage launcher will eventually loft a capsule named Cygnus, which is designed to carry cargo to the space station.


  • 排除例如空间扭曲一类还处于设想阶段方法我们依然能找到很多可以星系旅行中发挥重要作用的可行方案。

    If we were to exclude speculative methods of propulsion such as warp drives, we find a rich landscape of promising ideas that may play a crucial role in interstellar travel.


  • 需要有限磁盘存储空间因为第一阶段只有有限的在线课程

    Only limited disk storage capacity is needed, because only a limited number of online courses will be available in the first phase.


  • 如果需要的话这个项目团队应该能够管理一个或者几个工作空间包括所有测试阶段雇用测试编写人员

    The project team should conduct a use case workshop, or several if needed, including employing test writers for all test phases.


  • 一种可能的牵强理由jQuery很大程度上CSS作为选择基础并且即使W3C CSSLevel3名称空间选择器也无法使通过工作草案阶段

    One possible, weak excuse is that jQuery largely bases its selectors on CSS and that even W3C CSS Level 3 namespace selectors unfortunately haven't made it past working draft stage.


  • compact阶段完整GC中才会运行,在这个阶段,gc会试图heap内的所有对象重新分配heap内的一个更为紧缩、更为连续较小空间

    The compact phase is run only in a full GC, which attempts to reallocate all the objects in the heap to a smaller, more compact, and more contiguous space in the heap.


  • 坟址规划阶段需要考虑到必要的安葬空间尤其拥挤条件下

    The necessary space for burial should also be considered at the site planning stage, particularly in crowded conditions.


  • 这些空间节点自然巧妙地允许了新功能使用参观原始遗迹因为第二阶段我们创造了复杂木制人行道系统

    These new Spaces lit naturally and subtly have allowed to incorporate new USES and to visit the original remains for which, in a second stage, we have created the complex system of wooden walkways.


  • 家族时间轴展示盒子墙上重建了工作室暗房档案空间用以展示摄影过程阶段

    The family's timeline is displayed on the outer walls of the boxes, while a studio, darkroom and archive space are recreated within to show the phases of the photographic process.


  • 大都市区当今城市发育高级聚集阶段空间表现形式之一

    The metropolitan area is one of the spatial expressional forms that nowadays urban development reaches the advanced agglomeration stage.


  • 伴随着中国乳业潜在市场空间逐步转变实际的市场需求,中国乳品行业进入成熟竞争阶段

    Follows the Chinese dairying potential market transforms gradually into the reality market demands, the Chinese dairying industry enters the mature competition stage.


  • 伴随着中国乳业潜在市场空间逐步转变实际的市场需求,中国乳品行业进入成熟竞争阶段

    Follows the Chinese dairying potential market transforms gradually into the reality market demands, the Chinese dairying industry enters the mature competition stage.


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