• 利用CCD(电荷耦合装置)相机成象强度峰值拟合中性三种能量成分空间密度分布

    The density profiles of three energy components in neutral beams are derived from the image peaks in the CCD (Charge Coupled Device) camera pictures.


  • 图像空间分布就代表原子周围电子密度

    The spatial distribution of that image represents the electron density around the atom.


  • 分析了等离子束射流温度密度压力速度空间分布特点以及它们之间内在联系。

    The spatial distribution characteristics of plasma flow temperature, density, pressure velocity field and intrinsic relation of them were completely analyzed.


  • 提出了强流直线加速器中,由空间电荷密度分布引起非线性效应

    The nonlinear space charge effect due to the nonuniform particle density distribution in bunched beam of a linac is discussed.


  • 本文提出了类条件概率密度随机变量特征空间离散化及类条件概率分布估计方法

    A discrete method for stochastic variable (features) space of class-conditional-probability density and estimation method for class-conditional -probability distribution is proposed.


  • 分别计算和分析了介质阻挡放电电场带电粒子浓度以及电流密度放电空间分布和随时间演变过程。

    The distribution in discharge space, time change of electric field intensity, electron and ion density and the current density are calculated.


  • 对此文中提出了种方法来通过改变节点空间分布密度改善一状况

    In this paper, we present a spatial distribution by changing the node density to improve this situation.


  • 分析梭梭种群的结构高度结构、密度空间分布格局变化等。

    The diameter structure, the height structure, the density and the distribution pattern were worked out.


  • 太阳风探测仪都通过测量太阳风粒子E/Q空间分布来确定太阳风速度温度和数密度

    Both of the two kinds of detectors can obtain the spectral of E/Q ofions. Then the velocity, temperature and density distributions can be obtained by E/Qspectral.


  • 空间电荷透镜聚焦特性决定电子云大小形状密度分布

    The focusing properties of a space-charge lens depend on the size, shape and density distribution of its electron cloud.


  • 少量氯化聚乙烯CPE)混入低密度聚乙烯中,大大降低试样中的空间电荷电场分布趋向均匀

    To blend a small amount of chlorinated polyethylene(CPE)into polyethylene, the space charges in samples are greatly decreased and the field distribution trends to uniform.


  • 以陷阱电荷限制传导理论为基础数值方法研究了单层机电致发光器件发光电势电场载流子密度空间分布

    The electrical potential, field and carrier density in emission layer of single layer organic light-emitting devices are numerically studied based on the trapped charge limited conduction theory.


  • 上行离子主要分布空间通量密度相对地心距离梯度

    The ionospheric up flowing ion mainly distributes in the near geo space and its flux has a negative gradient versus geo center distance.


  • 数值计算结果表明杂质结合能不仅依赖电子有效质量材料的静态介电常数而且对没有外加势场时量子阱中电子几率密度空间分布也很敏感。

    The numerical results show that the binding energy depends on not only the effective mass and dielectric constant but also the spatial distribution of the electron probability density.


  • 提出了颜色空间分布密度概念给出了颜色的空间分布密度算法证明了算法合理性有效性

    This paper presents a new concept, color spatial distribution density, gives its computing method and proves the method's rationality and validity.


  • 对于等离子体空间分布存在较大的密度梯度物理问题,必须考虑空间特性磁场渗透速度影响

    Strong two dimensional effect on the field penetrating speed should be included in the fluid analysis for a plasma space distribution with high density gradient.


  • 运用概率密度理论建立了一套飞行时间质谱模拟的方法程序通过模拟分析考察不同空间分布速度分布离子峰形的影响。

    A peak shape simulation program of TOFMS based on probability was developed, and the effects of ionic initial spatial and velocity distributions on ionic peak shape were studied.


  • 本文按日为计量单位,利用HABAS程序表示1995年至2004年发生韩国沿岸的有害性赤潮空间分布密度生物种。

    In this study, HABAS (Harmful Algal Bloom Analysis System) program showed the dispersion area, species and density of daily algal bloom from 1995 to 2004 in Korean waters.


  • 实践证明,采用密度能够高精度预测地下复杂采空区空间分布特征

    The practice demonstrates that high density electrical technique could precisely predict the space distribution characteristics of complicated underground cavities, and is worth to be applied further.


  • 中子密度空间分布曲率功率变化的,因此模型方程的解析精确

    The space curvature of neutron density of this solution is changed according to the changes of reactor power, so it is more precise than the analytic solution of point reactor model.


  • 玉米田空间格局较低螨口密度聚集分布,在较高密度时呈均匀分布

    The research results show that the space pattern of corn leaf mites has a gathering distribution form in lower density of mites while a uniform distribution in higher one.


  • 基于内容图像检索中颜色空间分布密度提供颜色空间分布信息

    The color spatial distribution density can provide the color spatial distribution information for CBIR(Content Based Image Retrieval).


  • 夹杂物浓度数量密度具有相似空间分布

    The inclusion number density and concentration have the similar distribution in the RH degasser.


  • 包含弛豫作用速率方程出发,建立了关于放大器密度空间分布优问题数学模型

    Based upon the laser rate equations including relaxation between energy levels, the optimum model of a multipass amplifier is constructed.


  • 聚集维数测算结果表明广西城镇空间分布均衡,密度差异核心结构明显

    The results of aggregation dimension show that the spatial distribution of cities in GuangXi is imbalanced, with large difference in urban densities and an obvious structure of "double cores".


  • 按照这样分布规律统计空间极点概率密度,并用球面投影原理方法形成密度

    According to this spatial distribution, the probability density of each pole is calculated, thus forming a density map with principle and method of the spherical projection.


  • 密度统计过程岩体结构样本空间概率密度分布假设正态分布

    During the statistical process of density, the probability density distribution of the rock mass structural plane in sample space is assumed as normal distribution.


  • 采用扩散模型数值模拟等离子体密度垂直方向上空间分布比较好地解释实验测量结果

    Profile of plasma density along the vertical direction was modeled by a diffusive model, and the simulation result can be used to interpret qualitatively the measurement valu...


  • 通过采用密度电阻率成像法确定空间非水液体饱和度分布

    The electric resistivity tomography was applied to determine the 3-d saturation distribution of light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL).


  • 通过采用密度电阻率成像法确定空间非水液体饱和度分布

    The electric resistivity tomography was applied to determine the 3-d saturation distribution of light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL).


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