• 如果应用程序处于空闲状态不会占用线程这样有限资源

    If the application is idle, it should not occupy finite resources such as threads.


  • 像这样提醒不仅可以空闲状态可以在用GPS方位上…比如说如果工作地点会见同事想他到之后提醒你。

    Such alerts can be set not only for free status, but also for GPS location, for example, if you wanted to meet a coworker on a work site and wanted to be alerted when they arrived.


  • 使用电能节省调控器进程运行因为会以最低的频率运行;因此系统需要花更长的时间进入空闲状态然后才能获得C 电源状态节省。

    Using the powersave governor will prolong a running process since it will be running at the slowest frequency; therefore, it will take longer for the system to go idle and get the C state savings.


  • 但是大部分时间这些计算机空闲状态浪费了相当能源

    But most of the time these PCs remain idle, wasting significant amounts of energy, he says.


  • 手工运行故障分析器时,处理数据库中的任何崩溃然后终止;它不会留在空闲状态等待提交下一次崩溃

    When fault analyzer is loaded manually, it processes any new crashes in the databases, and then terminates; it does not remain idle waiting for the next crash to be delivered.


  • 我们可以确定计算机是否始终处于空闲状态还是60%的使用率运行

    We can tell if machines are idle all the time, or if they're running at 60 percent capacity.


  • 通过预压组件可以利用浏览器处于空闲状态时间请求组件(如图像样式脚本),您将未来需要

    By preloading components you can take advantage of the time the browser is idle and request components (like images, styles and scripts) you'll need in the future.


  • 如果空闲状态减少线程数量

    If it is idle, the number of threads is reduced.


  • 如果编码不正确那么可能丢失通知导致线程保持空闲状态尽管队列工作处理

    If coded incorrectly, it is possible for notifications to be lost, resulting in threads remaining in an idle state even though there is work in the queue to be processed.


  • 糟糕的除非发回数据,否则线程一直处于空闲状态

    Even worse, this thread will be sitting idle until there is data to send back.


  • 虽然ID随机生成的,但是仍然重播攻击的影响,因为没有超时(除非处于空闲状态)。

    While the id is randomly generated, it is still subject to replay attacks because it does not timeout (except when idle).


  • 团队构成上的问题,可能会造成有些解决难题的时候,其他人却处于空闲状态

    Something in your team structure is letting some people get idle while others are dealing with a problem.


  • 使用CPU空闲状态波动在4%10- 12%之间

    The CPU oscillates between idle state around 4% to 10-12% when it's in use.


  • 然而一个进程中的多个线程可能单个处理器上造成瓶颈,其它处理器却处于空闲状态

    Threads within a process, though, can be bottlenecked on a single processor, while other processors sit idle.


  • 某个代理程序代理程序完成任务时,转为空闲状态

    When an agent or subagent completes its work, it becomes idle.


  • 如下所示,mpstat现在报告逻辑CPU0恢复空闲状态逻辑CPU1逻辑CPU 0接管WPARdef”的进程工作负载

    Mpstat now reports (below) that logical CPU 0 is back to an idle state, while CPU 1 takes over the workload from CPU 0 for WPAR "def" 's processes.


  • 故障分析器启动时,处理mail - in数据库中的任何崩溃然后保持空闲状态直到提交新的崩溃

    When fault analyzer starts up, it processes any new crashes in the mail-in databases, and then remains idle until a new crash is delivered.


  • idle -timeout -minutes元素定义连接关闭中删除之前可以保持空闲状态分钟数。

    The idle-timeout-minutes element defines how many minutes the connection can be idle before it is closed and removed from the pool.


  • 完成辅助操作例如磁盘访问,的同时计算机花费大量时间处于空闲状态

    The computer spent most of its time idle while auxiliary operations such as disk access were completing.


  • 进程绑定CPU 时,如果 CPU处于繁忙状态其他 CPU 却处于空闲状态,则绑定操作实际上降低该进程的性能

    When binding a process to a CPU, you can actually reduce performance for that process if the CPU to which the process will be bound is busy while others are idle.


  • 就意味着手机需要定期切换活跃状态,接收需要数据然后进入空闲状态随着时间的推移,这些细微的操作总共将消耗大量电池网络流量

    So that means the phone has to regularly go active, get the data it needs, then go idle again, and over time all those little transitions add up to a lot of battery life and network traffic.


  • 新的价格计划下,用户必须运行所有应用实例付费,即使某个应用大部分时候处于空闲状态

    Under the new pricing scheme, one would pay for each application instance running even if that application is mostly idle.


  • 当然主要数据中心处于活动状态灾难数据中心硬件其他计算资源不必处于空闲状态

    Of course, the hardware and other computing resources of the disaster data center do not need to be idle while the primary data center is active.


  • 在+5V根线之间连接着一个电阻所以总线空闲状态电平。

    A resistor is connected between each line and + 5v, so the idle state of the bus is high.


  • 当子代理程序处于空闲状态名称db2agntp变为db2agnta

    When a subagent becomes idle, its name changes from db2agntp to db2agnta.


  • 使Tomcat可以处理更多并发连接但需要说明的是,其中大多数连接很多时间处于空闲状态

    This allows for Tomcat to handle many more simultaneous connections, with the caveat that most of those connections are going to be idle much of the time.


  • CPU电源状态(不包括处理器运行C0状态)空闲状态,处理器解锁关闭组件节省电能

    C states, with the exception of the C0 state where the processor is running, are idle states in which the processor will unclock and shut down components to save power.


  • demo启动时,ApplicationTable被处于运行状态(绿灯)的appId0填充当处于空闲状态请求表示器(在旁边图标)的。

    When the demo starts the Application Table is populated with appId 0 in the running state (green light), and idle — the requests slot indicator, the little icon beside the light, is empty.


  • 信号计数器释放之前,其他7 个线程处于空闲状态

    The other seven are held at bay until one of the semaphore counts is released.


  • 所有空闲状态开始这种状态下,没有任何交换

    All streams start in the "idle" state. In this state, no frames have been exchanged.


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