• 但是尽管空客公司接受补助金不同波音所得,必要那么气急败坏。

    But although the subsidies that Airbus receives are different from Boeing's, they are not necessarily much worse.


  • 因此空客公司选择更加有限升级方案,来取代全力向前重新设计方案。

    So instead of pressing forward with a radical redesign, Airbus plumped for a more limited upgrade.


  • 这些公司希望空客支付他们填补此差额租用较小波音飞机空客飞机的租金。

    They will want Airbus to pay for the leasing of smaller Boeings or Airbuses to plug that gap.


  • 劳斯莱斯引擎改进也继续影响空客公司完成A3802011年的订单。

    Rolls-Royce’s modifications of similar engines will continue to affect Airbus’s deliveries of A380s in 2011.


  • 监管人员仅仅是要求空客公司注意此类问题,来年进行报告

    Regulators simply asked Airbus to watch the problem and report back in a year.


  • 本周宣布的消息表明萨科齐先生默克尔女士都必然的趋势做出了让步,他们给空客公司一个机会它沿着与波音相同的路径前行

    This week's announcement showed that Mr Sarkozy and Mrs Merkel have bowed to the inevitable and given Airbus a chance to move in the same direction as Boeing has.


  • 几十年市场分别劲敌波音空客公司制造的短途和长途运输客机瓜分

    In recent decades the market has divided between short - and long-haul planes mainly made by two big competitors, Boeing and Airbus.


  • 可是对于空客公司本周唯一关心的还是A380大量订单,它这家欧洲公司旗舰产品,同时也是世界最大客机

    The only thing missing for Airbus this week was a substantial agreement with an airline to buy a batch of A380s, the European company's flagship and the world's biggest passenger plane.


  • 18个月之前空客公司成功完成对GTF引擎的实验

    Airbus conducted a successful trial of the GTF 18 months ago.


  • 然而空客公司表示,并没有任何证据表明这次坠毁事故是由于速度传感器造成的。

    However, Airbus says it's not clear the sensors played any part in the crash.


  • 2009年,飞机坠入大西洋飞机制造商空客公司被控过失杀人,法国一名法官下令此事展开调查

    A judge in France has placed the aircraft manufacturer Airbus under investigation on charges of involuntary manslaughter over the case of a plane which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean in June 2009.


  • 空客公司并不暗示飞机失事与飞行员的过错设计缺陷有关

    Airbus said this did not imply that the doomed pilots did anything wrong or that a design fault was in any way responsible for the crash.


  • 空客公司260架飞机订单涉及A320家族A319, A320以及A321机型

    Airbus said that the order for 260 planes from its A320 "family" of aircraft would include its A319, A320 and A321 models.


  • 波音争夺中国市场空客公司2007年11月赢得了160架飞机,共计170亿美元的订单

    Airbus, which is competing with Boeing for the China market, won a US$17 billion order for 160 planes in November 2007.


  • 直到2009年4月空客公司法航提交了测试报告,报告证明泰勒斯ba皮托管确实更好的应对结冰问题。

    It wasn't until April 2009 that Airbus delivered test results to Air France showing that the BA really did work better in ice.


  • Camus先生在EADS空客公司处理法冲突的管理经验有助于引导阿尔卡特朗讯摆脱类似的困难处境成为严格意义上的国际性公司

    Mr Camus' experience managing the Franco-German rivalries at EADS and Airbus may help him steer Alcatel-Lucent away from its similar difficulties to become a proper global company.


  • 波音空客公司销售粮袋里争食老鼠一样大打出手,借此航空公司能够买到物美价廉的飞机而不是一家独占鳌头。

    Boeing and Airbus fight like rats in a sack for every sale, with the consequence that airlines have been able to buy cheaper and better aircraft than if one firm had been dominant.


  • 公司采用波音模式,让诸如英国GKN等的供应商承担更多业务,而这些业务目前空客公司内部完成

    It will also take a leaf from Boeing's book, by getting suppliers such as Britain's GKN to take over more work now done inside Airbus.


  • 但是庞巴迪公司现在波音宣称空客公司发动机升级计划没有商业意义

    But Bombardier now has Boeing at its side, claiming that Airbus's engine plan does not make financial sense.


  • WTO公开波音公司空客公司长达六年诉讼裁决

    The WTO made public its ruling on Boeing's six-year-old complaint against Airbus.


  • 真正全新设计,这飞机的尺寸规格空客公司的飞机相同,重量上相当于一辆中型汽车因此我们如果没有全面深入地搞清楚的话,绝不会贸然尝试

    This is truly a new design - an airplane the size of an Airbus and the weight of a mid-sized car - so we're not taking risks by not understanding something.


  • 坎塔斯航空公司空客A380引擎爆炸,脱落残骸地面,飞机被迫紧急迫降。事故疑为原油泄漏引起

    An engine failure on a Qantas Airbus A380, possibly caused by an oil leak, sent debris hurtling to the ground and forced an emergency landing.


  • 何时正式推出仍然等待空客公司EADS董事会批准

    The official launch still awaits approval by the board of EADS, the parent company of Airbus.


  • 印度航空公司空客达成笔空前订单,维珍的订单促使这家欧洲飞机制造商在订单数量上一跃超过波音公司,成为2010年的赢家。

    The order is another boost for Airbus, after a record purchase of jets from an Indian airliner, and vaults the European aircraft-maker ahead of Boeing for orders in 2010.


  • 空客公司EADS证实架超大型飞机不能今年明年如期交付

    EADS, Airbus's parent company, confirmed that five super-jumbos would not be ready for delivery as promised this year and next.


  • 但是C919MS - 21面临的挑战空客和波音公司正在运作的动力更新的窄体机。

    What could pose as bigger challenges to the C919 and MS-21, though, are the re-engined narrow-bodies being offered now by Airbus and Boeing.


  • 今后20波音公司空客公司亚洲销量可能达到5500到7200辆飞机

    Boeing and Airbus foresee total sales of 5, 500-7, 200 airliners in Asia in the next 20 years.


  • 2008年波音公司共斩获662架民用飞机的订单(低于空客公司777架民机的净订单),较2007年1,413架的记录相比陡然下滑。

    Boeing recorded 662 net commercial-aircraft orders in 2008 (behind Airbus's 777 net orders), down sharply on the 1, 413 it scored in 2007.


  • 2008年波音公司共斩获662架民用飞机订单(低于空客公司777架民机的净订单),较2007年1,413架的记录相比陡然下滑。

    Boeing recorded 662 net commercial-aircraft orders in 2008 (behind Airbus's 777 net orders), down sharply on the 1,413 it scored in 2007.


  • 空客公司取消订单价值30亿美元波音公司被取消的订单高达50亿美元以上

    The Airbus orders were valued at about 3 billion dollars while the Boeing orders added up to more than 5 billion dollars.


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