• 正如马勒博士指出增进穷人健康缩小卫生结果方面巨大差距进展确实我们本来希望要慢

    As Dr Mahler suggested, progress in improving the health of the poor, in reducing the great gaps in health outcomes, was indeed slower than we would have liked.


  • 这项工作过去年来会员国伙伴进行广泛磋商同时分析促进人民健康尤其是穷人健康方面重大差距结果

    This work is a result of broad consultation with Member States and partners over the past two years and analyzes the critical gaps in improving people's health, in particular that of the poor.


  • 我们需要设法缩小穷人和富人之间健康差距

    We need to try and narrow the health divide between rich and poor.


  • 世界各地穷人人具有最差健康

    The poorest of the poor, around the world, have the worst health.


  • 显然如果我们将增进健康用作一种减贫战略,就必须覆盖穷人而且必须通过适当优质保健来这样

    Obviously, if we want better health to work as a poverty reduction strategy, we must reach the poor. And we must do so with appropriate, high-quality care.


  • 所说如果我们将增进健康用作减贫战略,就必须能覆盖穷人而这正是我们失败之处。

    As I said, if we want better health to work as a poverty reduction strategy, we must reach the poor. Here is where we fail.


  • 博洛格先生他们唱反调精英他们从未忍受过饥饿,现在为了地球健康,提倡穷人不要吃饭

    Mr Borlaug called them naysayers and elitists, who had never known hunger but thought, for the health of the planet, that the poor should go without good food.


  • 你们努力数量众多人们包括许多穷人改善健康方面,本次会议准备文件体现了本区域一些优势

    The documents prepared for this session illustrate some of the region’s strengths as you strive to improve health for very large numbers of people, including many who are poor.


  • 食物价格最近几年猛增穷人造成重大打击饮食健康直接影响

    Food prices have risen sharply in recent years, dealing a major blow to the poor. This has a direct effect on diet and health.


  • 过去二十年期间国际卫生援助资金额翻,而全球穷人健康状况却为何这么糟糕呢?

    Why are health outcomes among the world's poor so dire, even when international health assistance has quadrupled over the past two decades?


  • 最后谈到中东化学战受害者,她描述腐蚀性化学物质当地穷人带来大堆健康问题

    Finally, she talked about the victims of chemical warfare in the Middle East and how the caustic chemicals have caused the poor people a multitude of health problems.


  • 决策者大都避开形而上学空谈,他们通过投入资金以解决儿童贫穷穷人作为健康教育行动目标试图打破这样联系

    And policymakers mostly eschew metaphysics. Instead, they try to break such links by spending to "end child poverty" and by targeting health and education initiatives on the neediest.


  • 汉堡包这样产品——二十世纪供应穷人的不健康食品——以及瓶装如今都已司空见惯的东西了。

    Products such as the hamburger - dismissed as an unwholesome food for the poor at the beginning of the 20th century - and bottled water are now commonplace.


  • 我们欢迎葛兰素史克公司这次做出十分慷慨捐赠这会保护世界上健康

    We welcome this very generous donation by GlaxoSmithKline, which will go to protect the health of the world's poorest people.


  • 然而这个想法意味着德州停止穷人提供医疗健康救助

    The idea, however, is not that Texas would stop providing health care to the poor.


  • 有人说,由于很多穷人为了其他方面短暂的享受他们愚蠢生命去做健康事情

    One argument is that the poorer people are, the more likely they are to do unhealthy things that brighten their otherwise dull lives temporarily.


  • 医疗保健和人力资本也是如此中产阶级穷人健康医生的更频率更多看一次看病的也更多。

    The same sort of thing is happening in health care, another aspect of human capital: middle-class people lead healthier lives than the poor, go to the doctor more often and spend more per visit.


  • 一结果们买不起健康食品商店太远假设相矛盾。

    The findings appear to contradict assumptions that the poor cannot afford healthier foods or are too far away from shops that sell them.


  • 儿童健康保险,从教育经费,从穷人取暖补贴中来,

    It comes from children's health insurance, he said, from education and from heating-oil subsidies for the poor.


  • 如果Nochi博士发明可以制成安全有效产品,对世界上广大民的健康安全一个巨大推动

    If Dr Nochi's finding can be translated into a product that is safe and effective for people, it will be a big boost to the health of the world's poor.


  • 譬如有种解释是说,穷人容易得到健康照护,或是他们接受照护品质较低

    One such explanation, for instance, posits that for the poor, health care may be less easily accessible and of lower quality.


  • 人们更容易得选择健康食物尤其帮助穷人,未教育者以及受肥胖症影响严重的人群

    Making healthy food choices easier could especially help the poor the undereducated, the very populations most affected by the obesity epidemic.


  • 穷人聚集区使用大型焚烧炉代替垃圾随意焚烧一个很简单减少排放方法,可以把排放量很高水平降下来,从而保护了人群健康

    Using incinerators instead of uncontrolled burning of garbage in poor residential areas was one simple way to reduce emissions from very high to moderate levels and protect people.


  • 穷人失败者、失意者、健康人是使用明天这个词次数最多人。

    The poor, the unsuccessful, the unhappy, the unhealthy are the ones who use the word tomorrow the most.


  • 明白为什么一些中产阶层一些穷人居然支持他们变得更损害他们健康子女教育共和党

    What I don't understand is why some middle class and some poor actually support Republican initiatives that make them poorer and hurt their own health and the education of their children.


  • 截至二月,已有超过七百万美国人通过法律交换签署了私人保险,以及超过三百万参加了专穷人设置健康计划医疗补助。

    More than 7m Americans have signed up for private coverage through the law's exchanges and, by the end of February, more than 3m people had enrolled in Medicaid, the health programme for the poor.


  • 截至二月,已有超过七百万美国人通过法律交换签署了私人保险,以及超过三百万参加了专穷人设置健康计划医疗补助。

    More than 7m Americans have signed up for private coverage through the law's exchanges and, by the end of February, more than 3m people had enrolled in Medicaid, the health programme for the poor.


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