• 来自加州大学圣迭戈分校的卡迪克•拉里达兰世界银行万可太实•桑德拉拉印度安德拉邦的300所国立学校试验了这个想法

    Two researchers, Karthik Muralidharan of the University of California at San Diego and Venkatesh Sundararaman of the World Bank, tested that idea in 300 state-run schools in Andhra Pradesh in India.


  • 拉赫控制至为重要瓦济里斯坦地区因此哈基拉.马哈苏人员、资金其它资源方面都将依赖拉赫

    Mr Rehman will run the all-important Waziristan region. So Hakimullah Mehsud will depend on him for men, cash and other resources.


  • 尼亚身上没有指挥能力,还后防线散布不安情绪

    Manuel Almunia has none of the command that Lehmann exuded, and seems to spread unease in the defence.


  • ·杰克逊律师布莱恩·奥克斯表示杰克逊部分亲属被判无意过失杀人感到不满。

    Brian Oxman, Joe Jackson's lawyer, said some family members were disappointed that the doctor was charged only with involuntary manslaughter.


  • 架CH - 53直升机着陆·卡拉前沿作战基地。摄于2010年10月7赫尔省。

    A CH-53 helicopter lands at Forward Operating Base Musa Qala in Helmand province, on Oct. 7, 2010.


  • 当时首相布·拉赫试图扭转一现象,把受害者称为需要保护,需要重新融入社会的女英雄

    The then prime minister, Mujibur Rahman, tried to counter this by calling them heroines who needed protection and reintegration.


  • 印度金奈乌尔都晚报萨尔每日仍靠手写发行。

    But in Chennai of India, the staff of the Urdu language evening paper the Musalman literally write the headlines every day.


  • 阿富汗赫尔萨·卡拉,一年幼男孩街头冰激凌。摄4月9日

    Young Afghan boys eat ice cream in the town of Musa Qala in Helmand province on April 9.


  • 西? 托(Kimanthi Mutua)在肯尼亚经营一家较大微型金融机构,名为K-Rep银行2007年的时候每隔就会接到潜在投资者的电话,然而过去的六个月里,电话也没接到。

    Kimanthi Mutua, who runs K-Rep Bank, a big Kenyan microlender, says that in 2007 he fielded calls from prospective investors every couple of weeks.


  • 去年阿森纳尼亚一次访问中自己队友,“”,最终还是掀翻了一直看不起德国人

    Manuel Almunia, of Arsenal, claimed in an interview last year that Jens Lehmann, his former team-mate, "hates me" after finally taking exception to the German's persistent attempts to belittle him.


  • 转眼间诺内出任尼亚替补西班牙人胸腔感染后,迅速成为一线队焦点

    Suddenly Mannone was the understudy to Manuel Almunia and, before long, he was thrust into the first-team spotlight when the Spaniard picked up a chest infection.


  • 说:“这部系列动画片单单介绍外表可爱的小精灵。”

    "The series wasn't just about sweet-looking elves, " said Mechem.


  • 延斯-告诉努埃尔-尼亚目前担任阿森纳的一号门将

    Jens Lehmann has told Manuel Almunia he does not yet deserve to be first-choice goalkeeper at Arsenal.


  • 儿子告诉苏丹·阿伯德·艾尔·拉我们已经买了多少

    My son told Sultan Moulay Abd Al-Rahman of the quantity of books I had bought.


  • 不要忘了今年对于尼亚来说也是非常困难的,因为一个这样家伙背后盯着你,简直就是绝佳的锻炼,因为家伙不会给你任何喘息的空间。

    Don't forget that for Almunia it was a very difficult year because when you have a guy like Jens Lehmann on your back there is no better school because this guy doesn't give you any room.


  • 不得不应付那种局面因为一些阶段成为替补门将,让尼亚首发,所以竞争我们足球世界一个本性。

    Jens Lehmann had to deal with that situation because at some stage I took him out of the team and played Almunia so competition is part of our world.


  • 阿森纳门将努埃尔·尼亚强调不会这个夏天被迫离开俱乐部

    Arsenal goalkeeper Manuel Almunia insists he will not be forced out of the club this summer.


  • 比赛并不信赖尼亚城的确可以攻破我们防线,我想说的,是非常漂亮”的上半场

    During the City game I was not confident that we could rely on Almunia should City breach our defence, which I must add was very good first half.


  • 阿森纳主教练坚持这么做完全可以理解的,认为尼亚离开之后担任首发门将“会有机会”。

    Quite understandably the Arsenal manager is looking at his options and he agreed that Almunia was "in the frame" to take over as and when Lehmann moves on.


  • 努尔·尼亚很显然享有自己在这个俱乐部最佳赛季杯赛11次上场中均展现了稳定水准,他的位置感有了相当程度的改进

    Manuel Almunia has enjoyed by far his best season with the club playing 11 cup appearances showing a higher level of consistency and has certainly improved his positional awareness.


  • 法比奥·卡佩罗考虑把阿森纳门将努埃尔·尼亚召进英格兰国家队如果后者打算成为英国公民的话

    Fabio Capello will consider picking Arsenal goalkeeper Manuel Almunia for England if he presses ahead with plans to become a British citizen.


  • 荷兰温格信任诺内出战冠,尼亚坐在板凳

    Wenger kept faith with Vito Mannone for the Champions League match in Holland, with Almunia on the bench.


  • 几年已经问及很多次现在面临压力就像之前四次闯进网半决赛的蒂姆·那样热爱网球的英国获得一个冠军

    For years, Murray has been asked about the pressure he faced, like four-time Wimbledon semifinalist Tim Henman before him, to give Britain a champion in a sport it loves.


  • 目前排努埃尔·阿尔尼亚之后,的2008欧洲杯德国头号门将位置岌岌可危。

    Lehmann is behind Manuel Almunia in the Arsenal pecking order and he is far from certain to retain his place as Germany number one for Euro 2008 if he continues to warm the bench.


  • 来自英国蓝精灵收集者俱乐部艾伦-说:“它们生存属于他们自己世界中任何现代生活限制。”

    They exist in their own little universe without any of the trappings of the modern day, " said Alan Mechem from the British Smurf Collectors Club."


  • 例如,根据赫尔德省萨·卡拉高中9个投票站(每个都设在单独教室里)进行的调查显示,投票投诉委员会认为只有4个投票站有作弊行为。

    For example, at the Musa Qala High School in Helmand province, only four out of nine polling-stations (probably set up in individual classrooms) fell foul of the ECC's criteria.


  • 然而阿尔尼亚很清楚眼前的目标是超越现在阿森纳门将延斯•

    However, Almunia knows he must firstly oust current Arsenal number one Jens Lehmann.


  • 然而阿尔尼亚很清楚眼前的目标是超越现在阿森纳门将延斯•

    However, Almunia knows he must firstly oust current Arsenal number one Jens Lehmann.


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