• 你好名字马修·穆伦韦格一个出生成长得克萨斯州休斯顿孩子。我代码散文音乐。我拍过一些照片

    Howdy. My name is Matthew Mullenweg. I'm a kid born and raised in Houston, Texas. I write code, prose, and music. I've taken a few pictures too.


  • 声明穆伦表示一定尊重巴基斯坦主权

    The statement said Mullen also vowed to respect Pakistan's sovereignty.


  • 带有铜类色素飞行展示用,彼得·穆伦博士惠赠

    Wing feather with copper-containing pigment, flight and display, Courtesy Peter Mullen, Ph.D.


  • 带有铜类色素飞行展示用,彼得·穆伦博士惠赠

    Wing feather with copper-containing pigment, flight and display, Courtesy Peter Mullen, Ph. D.


  • 哥本哈根的执教经历之后雷内-穆伦回归曼联执掌技术部门

    Rene Meulensteen is back at United to take up the role of technical skills development coach, after a spell in management.


  • 穆伦公司何超琼进行的合作进行辩护表示的公司所在其他地并没有发现合作问题

    Murren also defended the company's partnership with Ms. Ho and said other jurisdictions where his company operates hadn't found it a problem.


  • 极乐鸟尾羽尖端的圈形结构展示过程中会不断晃动,彼得·穆伦(Peter Mullen)博士惠赠

    Disk tail-feather tip, wobbles during display, Courtesy Peter Mullen, Ph.D.


  • 伯父想你参与进攻卡穆伦了。--罗伊希望如此长官。--伯父:坐下假期吗?--罗伊:很

    UNCLE: You'll be getting back to that push at Cameron I expect. --ROY: I hope so sir. --UNCLE: Sit down. Had a nice leave?--ROY: Wonderful.


  • 弗格森爵士觉得自己提拔迈克费兰作为助理教练,雷内。穆伦汀作为作为一队教练来应对夏天罗斯离开明智的。

    Sir Alex Ferguson feels vindicated in his decision to promote Mike Phelan to assistant manager and Rene Meulensteen to first-team coach in the wake of Carlos Queiroz's departure last summer.


  • 你好名字叫马特·穆伦维格一个出生成长得克萨斯州休斯敦孩子。我写代码散文音乐拍过一些照片

    Howdy. My name is Matthew Mullenweg. I'm a kid born and raised in Houston Texas. I write code prose and music. I've taken a few pictures too.


  • 然而穆伦称,本月早些时候开始包括70000名韩国军人在内的命名为“Hoguk”一系列军事演习,早已经事先预定

    However, the Hoguk series of exercises that began earlier this month in South Korea and include 70,000 South Korean troops, have been long planned, Mullen said.


  • 巴基斯坦国家队米安达这样腕部击球手,埃穆伦·凯恩这样的令人血液凝固的迅速投球手率领,世界第二大欢迎的运动上(仅次于足球)表现杰出。

    Led by wristy batsmen, like Javed Miandad, and blood-curdling fast bowlers, like Imran Khan, Pakistan has often excelled at the world's most popular sport after football.


  • 高梅金殿梦幻首席执行长穆伦Jim Murren)份声明中表示新泽西方面并没有提交证据表明何超琼“曾经任何过错指控有过任何非法活动”。

    MGM Mirage Chief Executive Jim Murren said in a statement that New Jersey didn't submit evidence that Ms. Ho 'has engaged in any wrongdoing or been accused of any illegal activity. ' Mr.


  • 完全知道凯尔做了什么

    I clearly did not know what Glenn Mulcaire was up to.


  • 不过似乎今晚仪式上演员们包括英国女星科林福斯凯瑞里根,已经不好意思接受奢侈的礼物了。

    Yet it seems that actors at tonight's ceremony – who include British stars Helen Mirren, Colin Firth and Carey Mulliganhave been shying away from accepting the lavish giveaways.


  • 相对而言福特现金状况好一些,公司知情人士认为福特能够自身财力侥幸度过这场危机。然而通用总裁艾拉利并非国会山走下过场而已,他也希望请求经济援助。

    Ford’s cash position is strongercompany insiders reckon that it might be able to scrape through on its own resources—but its chief executive, Alan Mulally, was not on Capitol Hill just for the ride.


  • 8那年,安布罗休杂志上看到荷兰超模·照片,便下定决心模特

    She was just 8 years old when she decided she wanted to be a model after seeing a magazine picture of Dutch supermodel Karen Mulder.


  • 巴尔·多尼认为,福特汽车公司(Ford)首席执行官拉里最近之所以会获得成功个关键原因就是员工们敢于发言

    Baldoni says one of the keys to the recent success of Ford (f) CEO Alan Mullally is that he made it safe for his employees to raise their hands.


  • 2006年上任以来,福特公司首席执行官艾·拉利就将“个福特”(OneFord)标榜公司信条着手整合产品研发工作

    Alan Mulally, Ford's CEO, declared "One Ford" as the company's credo after taking over in 2006 and set about harmonizing product development.


  • ·哈桑阿里今年62岁,是一商店老板。2011年8月23日,也就是周二晚些时候反对派占领城镇利比亚加西,赛·哈桑•阿里阿迈尔·卡扎菲时代的国歌之后留下了泪水飞快地摆出了胜利的手势。

    Salem Hasam Ali, 62, a shop owner, cries and flashes v-sign after singing the pre-Moammar Gadhafi Libyan national anthem at the rebel-held town of Benghazi, Libya, late Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2011.


  • 希布居民德·沙拉布提阿巴斯(又名阿布·马赞)演讲是个重要步骤

    Hebron resident Mufid Sharabti said the speech by Abbas, often called Abu Mazen, was an important step.


  • 由于切断了塔—昂的燃料运输线相信颗星球无力抵抗进攻

    Having intercepted their fuel shipments, Ren believed the planet ill-equipped to defend against his attack.


  • 由于绑架是塔—昂贵族托达勋爵女儿,因此他无意中干扰了托达的外部领地·帕的王国之间和谈

    By capturing the daughter of the Tammuz-an noble Lord Toda, Ren unwittingly destabilized peace talks between Toda's Outer Territories and Mon Julpa's kingdom.


  • 巴比王国:美不达米亚的一个古代帝国幼发拉底河流域繁荣拉比尼布甲尼撒二世统治之时,于公元前562年后衰落于539年于波斯人手中。

    Babylonia: an ancient empire of Mesopotamia in the Euphrates river valley. It flourished under hammurabi and Nebuchadnezzar ii but declined after562b. c. and fell to the persians in539.


  • 领导层变动消息一出,波音股价稍有下跌财富》杂志主编·看来,这次换帅实际上预示公司稳定”。

    While Boeing's shares fell slightly on the announcement of the leadership change, Fortune managing editor Alan Murray wrote that the transition actually "signals stability" at the company.


  • 监狱出来的萨姆·偶遇男孩成了忘年交。

    Sam escaped from prison and the occasional boy Muji Gillen became close friends.


  • 结论:《拉比法典》体现古巴比正义观,我们现代的正义观完全相同

    Conclusion: the Code of Hammurabi incarnates the idea of justice of the Old Babylonians, which not quite the same as our modern idea of justice.


  • 兹—昂星球附近太空活动。

    Ren operated in the space around the planet Tammuz-an.


  • 拉利没那么兴奋,领军风范沉稳,福特公司因此而有所收获。

    That is what Ford is reaping the reward for doing now, under the less exciting but steadier leadership of Alan Mulally.


  • 拉利没那么兴奋,领军风范沉稳,福特公司因此而有所收获。

    That is what Ford is reaping the reward for doing now, under the less exciting but steadier leadership of Alan Mulally.


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